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Everything posted by moxie

  1. I have yet to see or hear from an Environmentalist ( Insert Favorite Militant Enviro-Con Artist) who doesn't resort to shouting, foot stomping and name calling when anyone disagrees with their point of view of which evidence always seems skewed in favor of their argument. Tree hugger is somewhat of a compliment. No? Media Content has become nothing more than a 24/7 depiction of Train Wrecks and Blood trails. It shows the depths we as a society are sinking to when we keep it locked on the channel the signal emanates from. The Hunter-gatherer-fishers aspect of who we truly are was modified long ago by domestication but it will always be at our core..
  2. Lmao!!! Love what Ford has done and continues to do. Was looking to buy a Ford Pick-m-up Truck when I happened on the Sierra but the price was right so I dove in. After some initial issues I got her dialed in and she has been rather consistent since. Chrysler has its main staples such as Rams, Jeeps and......... SEE!!!! That's it!! Oh ya, almost forgot the FIAT 500. They (GM, Chrysler) had a captive North American public for Petes' sake!! If they wouldn't have insisted on force feeding us junk for three decades I might have a different opinion but they continually rested on their laurels from past triumphs and for those reasons alone they will be a distant fifth or even sixth choice in my choosing a ride for our family. Shame on them, and GM. I just hope more than a whimper is heard the next time they come walking hat in hand for another bailout. I'd be inclined to Drive to a dealership and take a free vehicle of my choice. On second thought I think I'll pass.
  3. General Morons and Crapsler had to do something to slow down the runaway train known as the Import Market and who better to target than Good Ole Numero Uno; Toyota. Sticking gas pedals my eye!! Out of 300,000,000 people theres an ever growing number of them that cant see their feet without a mirror let alone a gas pedal in the drivers bay of a Toyota. How many of these people knew enough to either switch the transmission to neutral or even pull the key out of the ignition. Toyota took full responsibility and instituted measures to rectify the problem and continues to formulate more safety related features because of this. Chrapsler rode the minivan transmission fiasco into the 2000's with nary an admission of guilt or an apology to any of the millions of minivan owners. General Morons rode sensor and relay fiascos for years as well as rack and pinion and front trans axle failures with the same ignorance and lack of admission. I know I'm reaching but who knows how many incidents led to accidents and/or deaths. I drive an 02 Sierra with 260,000k and love it. There are certain vehicles both manufacturers build that do have some merit but when either can build vehicle that will last 8 years, 223,000 kms, where no original parts are replaced other than brakes and a battery I might consider buying one because thats what our 04 Honda Accord has done for us. All In My Humble Opinion of course.
  4. Dodge builds a Truck for Skeeter and GM builds a Vette for Bubba. Do they make anything else worth driving? hehehe.
  5. Concern is understood and appreciated but I have to absolutely say I do not support it.
  6. IMO; I'm so glad to hear that I'm peeing my pants right now!!! Does this mean they can pay back the loan they were given by us to save the skeleton crew(compared to headier times) that operates in Motor City now???? I'm guessin' that the main reason General Morons is second from the top of the food chain is because they're giving their cars away for 84 MONTHS again and if memory serves me correctly they heavily leveraged against the monthly payments then too. As far as the Volt goes, I surely hope that the plant that develops and manufactures them is hit by a Biblically Proportioned Bolt of Lightning(After hours of course), so they can at least recoup some of the hoards of money they have sunk into that $40,000+/ea Battery. In my lifetime (since the 70's) has failed to truly understand the automotive experience as it should be for everyone involved in the process and that is why they are about to Fail once more. Hopefully this time will be the last time. Edited because I my post was venturing into my usual ramblings that make eyes glaze over.
  7. Its a scary proposition to jump ship and start fresh somewhere else at any time let alone in these challenging times we are currently facing. Is seems like its a win win for you, your family and your new employer. "The grass is always greener on the other side" cliche has been beat to death but if we never hop the fence and take a closer look there are many opportunities missed IMHO. Good luck. Oh ya, almost forgot. Happy Birthday.
  8. I picked up a used Shappell Rover 1.5 DLX locally for $120 last season. Not the sturdiest of shelters but it weighs in at 53lbs(Dry), set up is reasonably easy, stores all my gear, bench seat offers enough room for an adult w/child, and I could stuff it into the trunk of a hatchback. I usually get out on the ice maybe a dozen times a season, if I'm lucky and drag it around by hand when I do. There are many factors in determining what type best suits your needs. Make a list of your wants and needs and keep your eyes peeled for a used deal. Huts that sport a Fishy smell are good bets....... or not. Good luck.
  9. I've been down the re-carpeting road as well and would agree its a fairly long process but besides the savings ($150 Total) there is a certain sense of accomplishment in knowing you did the work yourself as well as getting acquainted with all the under deck mechanics of your boat.. With that being said if you decide you don't want to take the task on Lakeview Marine in Manchester (Port Perry) offers upholstery services but I'm not 100% sure if re-carpeting is offered as part of the package. I can tell you that having dealt with" Brandon" and the crew at Lakeview on a number of occasions, customer care is priority one. You can reach them at 905-982-0300. Good luck.
  10. Theres a gentleman out in Durham that builds and repairs rods(Rovic CustomRods). Friends and I have dealt with him before and have found him to be honest and provides "Good as new" quality. http://www.gofishont.com/smf/support_your_local_business/rovic_custom_rods_1595.0.html
  11. Bang on!!! And cleaner burning than they've ever been. The rest of the modernized world has been driving Diesels for the last 50yrs!!! GM Volt??? Just another reason we should have let them go teats up along with Chrysler. Shame we'll never see the money that was thrown down those money pits.
  12. Big fan of Bacon as well but as far as I'm concerned its always been the dirtiest as compared to chicken and beef . As for the food shortage? Theres still plenty of wildlife to sustain us for a little while. I wonder who'll be adhering to limits once it hits the fan? hehehe.
  13. My daughter has just started her first season of hockey two seasons removed from my sons' last playing season. Amature hockey of all stripes I have time for. NHL hockey on the other hand..... and especially that special Toronto Maple Leaf brand of inconsequential so-called hockey........WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe.
  14. Yup. More rules. More incessant finger wagging from those who might just lack the cerebral capacity to leave well enough alone.
  15. Fished Canal a few times but never been a fan. Pretty wide open as well. Mitchell Lake is small enough to cover in a day and shouldn't whip up too bad. Good luck.
  16. Slammers, Gulp Minnow and leech . Veritas, President xt, 10lb Crystal uni-ed to a Vanish lead and fish it at any angle at just about any depth.
  17. TAXES, or better yer OVER-TAXATION is the root of all evil and in these ever shrinking monetary times the increasingly popular cousin of TAXATION, THE USER FEE. Leave more money in peoples pockets and let them decide how they choose to spend the money they sweat and bleed for. Who knows, if they have more dough in their pockets at the end of every week they might be inclined to sacrifice a lil more to keep the work right here at home. Attitudes are changing but is it enough and is it too late?
  18. Too funny!!!! Because I live in southern Ontario I'll be driving up to and spending time on Kennebec Lake this weekend and I might or might not test out my silly and absurd practice but that all depends on my mental state. Heck I might even borrow a friends firearm and bag some wild game while I'm out there, with the outboard in the water to boot, or from my moving truck. If you must call the MNR they can reach me at 905-NICE-TRY. Way too funny folks. Austerity is already here. I sure hope there is this much fight in you when there is no one to watch stocks. Wide brush stroke but I guess if we want fish we can always stand shoulder to shoulder with the Natives and they can show us a trick or two cause nothing seems to be illegal in that camp. Regardless, A safe and fun filled Labor Day Weekend to all.
  19. Really Sinclair? At least I won't endanger anyone's life if went through with my proposal. Let me ask Y'all out there how many times Y'all have wet a line and run into a hot day of fishing? 30, 50, 80 fish days. as soon as you reach your limit do you and head home or do you target another species, or cull your catch? If you practice catch and release how many fish do you take the chance in injuring and/or exposing to other predators? Give me a break and stop lying to yourselves. You guys would rather fight me on this issue than stare the truth right in the eye and take a real stand against the system that just imposes more rules, costs and a litany of excuses. Goin Walleye fishing Saturday. Betcha we don't get skunked......
  20. Wow!! She is truly something special. Best wishes to her and your family.
  21. I guess I can excuse you for focusing on what you like because I am guilty of it as well at times. When I refer to lightweights I am referring to Politicians and the underling "Yes" men, and women who couldn't give a damn about our resource or are just to comfy in their position to question anything except pilfer away the hoards of cash we send them that has been promised time and time again to be used in the scope of our resource. And yes, they are grossly overpaid and compensated when compared to the same private sector positions. They are not perfect but shouldn't they strive to attain it instead of making excuses or writing more rules? As far as possession limits. I have never(not yet anyway) kept more than my legal limits, but you probably conveniently skipped past that as well just like they have to letter after letter that I've sent with them with my concerns only to be answered with the usual computer generated hokey pokey bull "We have received your letter and have acknowledged your concerns blah blah blah.... which really makes me feel like an important part of this deal. I have decided, like an ever growing number of citizens that I will pick and choose my spots until the puppet masters stop playing fast and loose with my dough and my family's future. Answer me this. Is it right that natives can do what they please at the fisheries expense ? Last time I checked my birth certificate I was still a native of this country as well. Thats just one of my issues but as my posts demonstrate its not the only one. My proposal would be this: I've been fishing for years and have caught and released many limits and although it would be illegal I will choose to release the odd fish from my banked limits. Sound like a fair proposal? I think so. Stay tuned.
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