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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Sorry to hear about it. A lot of sensible ideas have been given including the heavy ones. Liens cost you more money you might never see again, careless smoking, dismantling and warranty work reverse the perp-victim dynamic. A one on one meeting alone with no other parties present will produce an outcome whether you get paid or not. Every dog needs to be corrected from time to time i guess. Just my .02. Good luck. Moxie.
  2. I hear ya Taper. This year has been tough just about everywhere . I have a battle plan that might work. I figure I'll spend the first day throwing everything at them. If that fails to produce a pattern I plan on dragging a worm or minnow around for day two and three and take in all that natures bounty can afford to fill my eyes, ears and head with till the next time I can find the time to head out there again. Wish me luck. hehehe. Moxie.
  3. Nice PB's. Great report and pictures. Can hardly wait to get up there this weekend. Hope we fair as well as you both did.
  4. Congrats on the fish. I've dealt with Stacey a few times. Knowledgeable, professional, and helpful.
  5. Thanks for the tips Rich. Need a reason to go back so we plan on fishing our asses off to make it happen, and besides, theres way too much water to hit on just one trip so my better half has already been given fair warning. Thanks again. Moxie.
  6. The responses are greatly appreciated and as I stated in my post I hope to have something to share upon my return. Anyone ever notice how time slows when anticipation is added to the mix? Damn!! Thanks again, Moxie.
  7. I've heard about it, read about it and have seen it in photographs and on an invite from a friend I am finally going to experience it. We plan to leave a week today for a few days and will be staying at Bears Den Lodge which is on the Georgian Bay side of the French. Knowing that there is a wealth of experience on this board I was wondering if any of you had anything to share concerning this expansive stretch of water whether it be stories, pictures, tips or tricks or general advice. I can hardly wait to go and hope to have something to share when I get back. Moxie.
  8. WOW!!! What a great support group. It was about 32 ago when I hauled on my first Cig. At 43 I have half heartedly tried to quit a couple of times with limited success but something that helped while trying to quit was this. The feeling of accomplishment of getting past each day without one was Quasi Euphoric because all the reasons I wanted to quit were what kept me going." I'm doing it for my Family, my health, the extra coin in my pocket", and with falling off the wagon came a feeling of utter failure because all I could think of were those same reasons. Find your reasons and try to honor them. Stay Strong and Good luck.
  9. I'm probably going to be seen as a bit of an ass but here goes. I, as many others, can appreciate how far we've come with health and safety in many aspect of our lives. But really now. When my parents and hoards of immigrants came to Canada in the 50s and 60s they had to Shelter, feed and clothe themselves and their brood and to do that they endured many a storm, hardship and even heartache of many kinds but still managed to get the job done. Because they had to. Danger is Danger and it varies in Degrees whether factual or as a product of convenience whether you stand on the side of the Employer or the Employee. Another matter is how the sentiment has changed towards Employers both Big and Small as well as our "Take care of "#1" view that has become more prevalent over the years. If we choose not to take on a task because of perils that are obvious or otherwise it is our right to do so. But we must remember that an Employer has invested and risked to follow Endeavours and goals of their own and it is also their right to refuse to hire or maintain an individual based on the Dangers and risks associated with them. Its a means to an end for both sides and rather unfortunate that what should have grown into a limited but viable partnership over the last few Decades has degenerated to become a nest of confrontation. Just my 2 cents.
  10. Nice observations but as was said earlier. What expectations could we have had with this lot. My sibling is an employee of MLS&E and she won't even ask me if I'll take her extra tickets anymore since I have refused them many times lately. Sad really. moxie.
  11. Just curious but isn't a Tech Swap partnership between the two? Co- Dependently Manufactured . Very good vehicles none the less.
  12. We couldn't keep them off our hooks all day Sunday. Those aren't Perch though, they're Walleye dressed up as Perch. hehehe. Nice catch!
  13. Sweet Report!! Mixed bag....I like it!
  14. I have fished out of a Nanook as well as a Yukon and I can tell you you will enjoy your Nanook. Good all around hut. You might want to call clam up and ask them to send you a bag of the plastic retainers for the support poles because the tabs have snapped off on yours as there is a good chance yours will and you will have some on hand when needed. I was told their Customer Service is A-1 American style. Cheers.
  15. Flasher. Like an extra set of eyes. Great report. Thanks for sharing. moxie.
  16. A buddy and I were out on Simcoe today. Hit the ice late (bout 9:30). Fished 6-7 inches of ice over 24-27 FOW and at one point had to turn the flasher off cause i couldn't even see my tube jig the screen was so lit up(like a Christmas Tree). There were fish throughout the water column with some hitting a foot or two under the ducer. Ball parking 120+ perch for the day with 8 fish in the 11-13 inch range. Some were caught on Minnows but meal of the day was a small Chartreuse Jig Head tipped with a Dark/Light Green Micro Tube. Tooo busy setting hooks to take pics on the ice (maybe next time) and besides, I found a good home for them on the way back so I wouldn't have to clean them( np Mom, it was my pleasure). hehehe. Back at it next week. Cheers. moxie.
  17. 3 1/2 hours away JB,off the beaten track and when you're on the water ya, Its so quiet sometimes you'd swear you can hear the Fish Gods whisper. moxie.
  18. No sir. For a small lake it is relatively deep. We've sounded its deepest spot at 94 feet . It also has all the classic attributes you could wish for. Weeds, deep and on the flats, a couple of rock shoals topped with grass, rock, rubble and wood piles, humps, islands, overhanging trees, dead falls and undercut banks and a deep main lake basin with a few Springs. Did I leave anything out? Oh ya.... BIG BASS! Just a lil' ole Lake with an unspoiled shoreline that sits in the woods at the end of a dirt road . Species: Rock, Large and Small mouth Bass, Walleye, Lakers, Perch and Pumkinseed. moxie.
  19. WOW! Nice feast. Hope we get "Sum" tomorrow. Well done. moxie.
  20. They all count and that's a nice fish. Well done.
  21. The water was a foot and a half deep. The cast dropped like a 3 pointer, nothing but net . It was one of those , "Thats the spot, right there" feel it in your gut bang-on casts. Luck had nothing to do with it.....at least it didn't in my head. hehehe. Cheers. moxie.
  22. I know theres ice out there but ........ Mid-summer, early morning, a foot and a half of water under the shade of an old Cedar Tree drooped over the shore. The water is like glass as I cast the Pop-R, reel in slack as the ripples fade, one twich and BANG!! Halfway to the boat she dives and obliterates the Med-Heavy Lightning Rod into three pieces. The rest of the battle was fought Mano a Mano. We've seen many and caught a few big fish there but this one is my personal best. Scale read 8 1/2 lbs. I wonder if shes put on any weight since. moxie
  23. It Wasn't Me, I swear.

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