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Everything posted by moxie

  1. A crew of PROspectors? Good luck.
  2. I almost had as much fun watching. Congrats and thanks for sharing.
  3. Censorship? I'm frankly shocked and...... wait for it............Offended!! But I guess I can understand, well kind of, maybe?
  4. Welcome to our world L.A.D. Congrats to Mom and Dad.
  5. Short windows that yield rewards. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Long long ago we used to keep the smaller panfish and layer them in a pail with the odd layer of salt and use them to chum our hut in the winter but never with minnows.
  7. Nice!!!! Can't follow the rules if I can't get a hold of a play book. It isn't up to us to seek information when we have paid dearly to have that taken care of that for us. MPs and MPPs don't listen to anyone but their masters for whom they tow party lines. Lip service seems to be the little we get in return for our dime, action must be a higher priced option.
  8. You like that one? Heres another one. Dave KnowsLess. His Legacy? " Just because you turn a soiled pair of underwear inside out doesn't make them clean." I crack me up!!!!!! Note to self ; I'd best refrain from anymore responses to this thread for fear disgruntled Leaf Fans converging on my front lawn brandishing pitch forks while chanting feverishly for my head. At least it will give them something meaningful to chant for.
  9. This is just another example of how absolute a joke the whole organization is. Round and round it goes and where the bottom is no one really knows. Have fun Leaf fans. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Can he really do that? I doubt it . You're a better man than me. I would have asked him to help me get to my gear out to my spot.
  11. Nice goin!!! Its a Crapload of fun when you find them isn't it???
  12. How about they use some of that "Do-Re-Mi" collected from hunting and fishing licencing fees and throw a little gravel here and there to make a few parking spots. Wait a minute, I forgot, they steal that cash to fund other asinine projects and/or line pockets of sorts.
  13. hehehe. Change and the pains associated with it. Keep up the good work.
  14. It has been said the English language is in the top ten of the most difficult languages to master.
  15. The adventure, experience gained, memories and a few fish to boot? Always worth it.
  16. Nicely done. Can't wait to get after some Trout be they Lakers, Specks or otherwise. Thanks for sharing.
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