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Everything posted by moxie

  1. X2. I run a a 70Lb Pd MK now but over the last 5 seasons they've run both 12 and 24 volt motors and having to add water to one cell once in those 5 years is the only hiccup.
  2. Love it!! Looks great so far.
  3. Keep doin this . Won't turn that thing they call a team around but this might help the bulb come on bright enough to realize "It" ain't worth following?
  4. They'll phase them out eventually but I really hope the E-Tec sticks around. Hehehe. You tell m Ed!!1 And as far as brands go, as long as it isn't black and labelled Merc you're good to go.
  5. Yup. Part of the food chain and as far as all legal parameters are met why not.
  6. X2 but if you dont want to take the task on theres a guy in Brooklin I've used on many an occasion. Works out of his home, is knowledgeable and very reasonable. Let me know and I'll pm you his contact info.
  7. Must have been cool to watch. Rodent control at its finest.
  8. Same here. My boat has Swivel-eze 238 bases and since I haven't grown in over 20 yrs I purchased a fixed pedestal and not an issue since. Good luck.
  9. Another winner from the champions of lunacy, your provincial gummyment. I think its a great idea!!!! Nobody drives, nobody gets hurt . And just imagine the prospect of added revenue, that is where traffic makes it to 40k.
  10. A Town Bylaw Office was shamed into standing down on an issue with some public pressure. My 77 yr old Dad who lives in the neighbour hood was pleased the rink stayed and proud to see people rally to save it. Anyone see the power of the people and how easy it is to turn bureaucrats into pussies? Another example that illustrates to me the sorry bunch we are when we fail to affect change to more important issues than whether frozen water should have a border of specific height.
  11. Write MPPs? Wow!! Amazing what gets some of us fired up. We do care and situations like these are a real shame but if its gonna cost me more than is already extorted from me and wasted im afraid i'd have to say find the dough somewhere else or look in another bucket.
  12. That the best you have? Nord Bay educational district dropped the ball eons ago i see.
  13. Lmao.... my parents own a home in that subdivision. The houses are big, too close together and the streets are so narrow its a wonder emerg responders can navigate safely if need be. Those places barely topped out at $280k when first built are now being sold in the $700k range. There are more than a few busy body nosy prick like humans there who feel their dung smells like roses because the market has over valued their shacks in what used to be a corn field and those are the thorns that dont understand to leave well enough alone and let the kids have fun.
  14. They're easy and very expensive targets who have the collective power to change education in Ontario instead of failing to educate our children while continuing to ask for more money at every turn for absolutely any reason. Then when they are lied to by those that they voted for they punish us and our kids . Thats why. I got more if you want it.
  15. It is a crap shoot. Good to hear you're ok. X3 on the trip to the Doc just to check the wiring.
  16. Does this province turn out any politicians that don't come out of teachers college? " I gots the tar nice n hot Thelma so you best be pluckin dem chickens sos I can introduce this Mauro character to a smidgen of the pain we in Ontarioz been feelin since him and his lots got in power" . Optional? What a "DICK" move to even suggest this to those who have already blazed trails and paid their far share.
  17. Lucky boy! Nothing like fresh air to cure what ails him instead of trading snot with the rest of the daycare bunch.Thanks for sharing.
  18. 100% in agreement but as long as the legislation applies to everyone regardless of creed or culture I can accept it. The less government is in my face the better.
  19. Already in the hockey thread but I couldn't resist sharing it with those that don't follow that paper bag covering head and face excuse for a hockey team they call The leafs.
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