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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Naw. I think I've got it nailed down tight. If there is an issue isn't it up to the provincial minister in charge of that portfolio to raise an alarm to his federal counterpart? Are they not entrusted to serve on behalf of our best interest(s)? The economic challenges the world has endured not withstanding but these bozos have done more to turn this once great province upside down in just over a decade than previous governments in Ontarios' history. When teaching anal sex to elementary students and selling beer in grocery stores is front page news it doesn't take a school trustee to do the math. Better yet scratch the school trustee doin math. She and those of her ilk (nothing to do with her sexual orientation) are a big part of everything that is wrong with Ontario right now. Hope this clears the water a bit.
  2. Pick up a used one for half the price or less. Had a local rigging shop crimp some aircraft cable to use as a release. Steering control, especially in a bit of a chop can be quite the challenge so before i mounted it I made sure to add a third notch between the two existing ones allowing the plate to stay at 45 degrees. I can get speeds down to under a mile and hour and steering is greatly improved.
  3. Good for you. At least some of us care enough to yell in the right direction.
  4. Those that lead, lead by example so when the minions do as the crooks, cheats and liars that lead them do I guess its par for the course. Doesn't make it right but ..............
  5. Start E-mailing the Minister and ask that Asshat if he even has a clue about what has been reported here. Probably too busy helping Uncle Kate institute a "ram it down your throat" curriculum, covering up endless scandals or finding another tax in order to separate you from your hard earned money so they can piss it away.......again. And if you dare comment in excuse of his responsibility as the "Minister of Natural Resources" for the province of Ontario, you are indeed as much a fool as he.
  6. Absolutely open. Confirmed by a CO who shall remain nameless until I have to defend myself in court because I was fishing illegally in Whitby Harbour. Was there this past wknd and water temp barely hit 42.
  7. How refreshing to see the massacre on Bay St take place. At least 20 years too late but what the hell. Even more refreshing was hearing Shananigan lay down a plan but the most telling statement of why this charade is probably not going to end anytime soon is when he referred to the leaf fan base as sophisticated. He obviously doesn't know the meaning of the word.....or leaf fans.
  8. Thats a beauty. Very nice work.
  9. Is there anything you can't do? Nice. I'd hang off a hook under one of those.
  10. Ya, should have just said "Great Job Mike". Can't wait to see the finished product.
  11. Its much tougher and dangerous being a cop in America where every citizen could be potentially concealing a weapon. Ten times the population at half the pay I'd say the men and women in the Blue Duds have a pretty nice gig in our neck of the woods This camera could be more a hindrance to police due to the fact that if they choose to think instead of react instinctively it could be the last thought they have. With mounting anti police sentiment and civilian/police incidents this doesn't bode well for any of us.
  12. Coating ply should suffice, save you a buck or two and once dry there should be no chemical reaction issues.
  13. X2 but in an oil inj 2 stroke. Never an issue.
  14. One can only hope the shooters sentence is seeing the face of the man whos life he took and it haunts him till his last breath.
  15. Way to get everyones blood moving Brian.Wish the weather would warm up that quickly.
  16. Duly noted Loadman but that lake hasn't been a secret for a very long time and ya it sucks that our fisheries are going to hell in a hand basket but with proper care taken concerning catch and release practices as well as educating other anglers in the hopes they help in managing whats left what else can we do? The rest of it lies with the powers that govern. I've pissed in their direction on more than a few occasions so my conscience is clear. How about yours? As far as a Crappie spot I'll let you in on it as soon as I find it.
  17. Wore a pink button down shirt as a teenager once cause it was the in style. Just isn't a mans' color. Hate to inform you folks but we all have prejudices and you'll have to accept those that don't jive with your Pink shirt wearing mindset.. Great to bring attention to any cause but isn't Pink a bit over done already?
  18. So blame the guy that helps another guy out. Typical! Anyone ever tell you of a lake or spot on a lake? Give me a break. Instead of taking aim and pissing on me why don't you write your government and ask them why they and other governments have mismanaged your fishery and the moneys collected for decades? Oh I forgot, cause guys like me give away hot spots and that is why the fish are all gone.
  19. Is there good and bad in every race? Most definitely. This is simply about right and wrong and it is wrong to give special dispensation regardless the historical wrongs visited upon them or any other race, colour or creed. The words "Political correctness" suck and those who abide by it simply as an act of conformity suck even more. One man shot and killed another man and got away with it. He shouldn't have. Simple enough?
  20. Different rules apply here. Take it off the Rez and put 2 non-natives in the vehicle, squeeze the trigger and the end result would be much different. Guaranteed.
  21. L/S UPF shirt, pants, buff and shades. Bought 2 worldwide sportsman branded shirts as well as zip off quick dry pants online from the clearance bin at BPS . Absolutely lovd the stain resistant quality of my Colunbia Blood N Guts shirt though. Small price to pay to avoid the undeniable damage the sun will do. Advantageous to wearing too much sunblock which will probably be found to pose its own risks
  22. Tax dollars hard at work. Just think. hiring monkeys would only cost us Bananas. Well at least there wont be a repeat of flooding in other years. We all know how people living in flood prone areas get when they have to deal with flooding.
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