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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Yep...the wind is the deciding factor most trips... -10*C can be quite balmy with lots of sun and no wind...
  2. I usually use frozen cod or haddock in my version of ''fisherman's pie''... about 1 lb of any white fish cut in cubes a bit of salt and pepper couple of large handfuls of peas 1/2 tin Campbell's cream of mushroom (or celery) soup (as is from tin)... 6 medium potatoes boiled then mashed with butter, milk. salt and pepper place on top of above ingredients in a casserole dish Sprinkle some Grated cheddar cheese on top... bake in a 400*f oven for 20-25 minutes if fish is thawed...30 minutes if fish is frozen...Enjoy I have on occasion added some cleaned raw shrimp and/or scallops with the fish...
  3. When I was a kid, all we used was a hatchet...With all the sub-zero temps of late that might be a chore chopping a new hole but it would come in handy to open up a fairly new abandoned hole... One trip we forgot the auger at home and had a hut operator cut us a couple of holes for $5...
  4. I find it hard to believe anybody would bad mouth our good-natured, fun-lovin Dawg !!!
  5. Before Mr. Purdy got permission (200 some odd years ago) to build a dam for his mill and flood the land it was mostly a swamp (bog) with a small river flowing through it... The area that was called Purdy's Mill is now known as Lindsay, Ontario...
  6. Try fishing off the piers...My bro-in-law and I picked up a couple of medium/heavy rod and reel combos at Wal Mart along with some pyramid sinkers (various sizes depending on the strength of the tides), some sinker sliders, salt water hooks, fluoresent leader material and some swivels... We saved about $6 a trip by having our own tackle and not having to rent from the shop on the pier...just paid admission and cost of some frozen shrimp...(watch out the birds don't steal them)...No fishing license required...you never know what you will catch...sea trout, whiting, catfish, black and red drum (redfish)...there are usually a couple of circular nets on long ropes if you hook sumpin' big...
  7. Try tipping a tiny tear drop jig or a smallest size Swedish Pimple with your wax worms...
  8. Nice report Bill...Thanks for posting...'twas a fun day !!!
  9. Sure wish I had a camera way back when...unfortunately the only pics I have are in my mind's eye...(tough to scan)
  10. If I get just a "bump" while carp fishing I usually use British Steve's "C'mon take it...take it" and rub my fingers together... During the first big run it's usually "WHOA...Easy does it there Charlie Brown" or "Hey...this one's got shoulders"...
  11. Make that Beans, Cliff, CPH and b2kptbo and you got it right...(three outa four ain't bad)... Anyhow, we were introduced to a gem of a little lake about 20 kms north of Havelock, Ontario and a first rate operation run by the owners of Leisure Cottages... This lake is semi private (no public access) except from their property (for a price)... Huts were $30 per person per day plus $5 doz. for minnows...pretty good if you compare to Simcoe or BOQ... Mid week and/or weekend packages are available... That's enough spam for now... Here is the motley crew from OFC... From left to right...b2kptbo, Big Cliff, CPH and your truly, Beans The two pickerel (2 1/2 and 3 pounds) were caught by one member and the perch by another...let's just say it wasn't Cliff nor I... And a good time was had by all !!!
  12. Hey...Watch it Raf...I resemble that remark !!!
  13. Priceless reply...never heard that one before...LMAO ! Great report, pics and videos...
  14. I was an only child but always wished I'd had a brother... Your's sounds like the kind I'd liked to have had...
  15. The one thing I do believe in is the power of prayer...You got mine !
  16. Joey caught a bugle-mouth bass through the ice on simcoe...
  17. We do have the OFC Fishing for Tyler event coming up on the 14 Feb 2009 at Innisfil Beach Park... Motv8tr sure could use your help with that...
  18. Like ccmt, both Maribeth and I were fighting a cold all day long so by 10:00 PM our stay at the Legion was shortened...enjoyed what we heard of the band...and srangely, ended up at a table with two other couples from Alpine Village where we live... By midnite it was back to the usual... Getting too old I guess...OH well we gave it a shot... Happy New Year !!!
  19. Usually it's this for Maribeth and I... But this New Years Eve a friend and his band is playing at the local Legion so we are partaking of the celebratioms there... What are you doin' ???
  20. Happy New Year to you too kid and the rest of the OFC family... Don't work too hard...
  21. I am suprized Joey hasn't replied here extolling the virtues of the pepperettes up at Noelville... If you ever make it to Lakair, give 'em a try !!!
  22. I was with him and Jesse and Meely on one of those bad days but a lot of fun...Meely met a new friend...
  23. Like Motv8tr said we didn't starve...My bbq is on my screened-in back porch and a trick I learned by being the camp cook for a pack of cubs (jr. boy scouts) was how to make a foil wrapped dinner...I just buttered the inside (shiney side of the foil) and placed a bunch of mixed veggies (carrots, cauliflower, broccoli,celery, etc.)...after seasoning and sprinkeling a bit of lemon juice I wrapped the foil around the whole lot...did the same to a package of cod and placed all on a cookie sheet and put on the pre-heated bbq...veggies were a little over done but still tasted good...after dinner we listened to the Leaf game on our battery powered radio by oil lamp and candles... Was a bit cool in here when I got up (58*F) but there were enough hot coals in the stove to get a bit of kindling going so it warmed up real quick... Our power went off at 09:30 AM yesterday and came on at 09:00 AM this morning...wouldn't want to do this every day but once in a while is a change of pace...
  24. I don't have the heart to fire him as he enjoys stacking it so much... Besides, he may start making me clean my own fish and you know how well he does it (nary a bone to be found)... Not sure why but the wholefront row fell forwards then some of the row next to the house followed suit...maybe the wet snow fell down inbetween and the wind gave it an extra push It took Maribeth and I less than an hour to re-stack it...not as neat but that's OK...
  25. Cliff just likes to challenge his 4 X 4 ... Nice offer though... Still got about a foot of snow on the roof...probably stopped the wind from blowing my shingles off... Gotta go out back and restack the woodpile that the wind blew over...
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