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Everything posted by Beans

  1. One thing for sure...it wasn't the "Tin of Beans" out there...
  2. Good fishin' Ernie...one more week and we can fish in our own backyards...
  3. OMG !...it's your birthday and I damn near missed it...all the best my friend...
  4. I can remember the Monday after opening last year was miseable, cold, wet from rain and sleet but was the best crappie day we had...nothing but slab after slab...a small one was a rarity...never saw a day like it before...
  5. Don't know the nswer to the bass bite question (they seem to bite anytime warm or cold) Scugogs is part of the Kawarthas and opens for panfish 4th Saturday of April...25th this year...can't hardly wait... BTW...don't fish off the causeway...fish sanctuary till 2nd Saturday of May
  6. He just doesn't want to admit that nothing beats a "Tony Special"...
  7. 2008 prices were $40.64 for a conservation type or $24.78 for an eight day conservation fishing license for non-residents according to page 7 in the regs...
  8. [quote name='Mike The Bass Fisher' even lot's of decent sized pesky rock bass. Mike Pesky Rock Bass !!! What kind of talk is this for The World's Greatest Sportfish...for shame !!!
  9. Eight years ago when I retired my co-workers chipped in and my boss purchased a $300 gift certificate for Trombly's in Orillia as he lived in Stroud and knew I liked to fish the Perch Festival in Orillia... I priced everthing I purchased at Trombly's in the Le Baron catalouge and could have spent only about $200 for the same items...unfortunately I had no choice but to spend it all at Trombly's...
  10. I have been tempted to order a pair of those over your glasses frames I saw advertised on TV for $29.95 plus S&H...You get a bonus clip to hang them on your sun visor...and a second pair for night driving... It would cost me more than the price in gas to drive to BPS... Unfortunately I didn't get the phone number...anyone ?
  11. Hey Rizzo...them are whistling trout...bugle mouthed bass are carp...
  12. It should be dock launching time soon methinks...
  13. Maybe I'm just old fashioned or like to keep things simple but I've found that a bamboo pole (the kind you use for tomato plants), some line slightly longer, a small bobber, a number six long shank hook with a bit of worm and a split shot above it is all they need at first fishing off a dock or from a boat... With this they have no problem setting the hook and catching lots of panfish...no having to know how to cast or reel... I remember a couple with a little girl about three stopped to see what we were catching at Nonquong creek one spring...they picked up a combo outfit at CTC in Port Perry and returned...I still can see the father hollering at the kid for not casting it right and not being able to reel it in to his satisfaction...not only did they not catch any fish but they had the kid in tears...I was wishing I had one of our old outfits with us to give to her to use...the reel was too big for her little hands and the rod was too long for her to manage...Probably put the kid off fishing for life...it is susposed to be fun ! If they do take an interest in fishing then buy the outfits...I didn't get my first rod and reel until I was twelve...but caught lots of fish with a bamboo or makeshift pole cut from whatever was handy along the shoreline... I keep one of those long Wonderpoles in the "Tin of Beans" to play with every once in a while just for the fun of it...
  14. G'Day Fudd... I hear that the National Sport in Australia is horseracing and the National Pastime is drinkinking beer... Must be a lovely place to live...
  15. Sound would have me running to the washroom too often... Maribeth and I honymooned in Niagara Falls... Cripes!...They never shut that off !!!
  16. Like Lew sez... Hang on for the journey of your life !!!...Sons are great but daughters are sumpin' else again...
  17. We had anywhere from 3 to 4 feet of snow on our front and back yards most of the winter... The most deer we had walk accross was 12...mostly 2 or three...nice to watch!
  18. WTG Victor... Did you use your carp equipment ? I can see where a bait runner and an alarm would come in handy fishing for those kitties...
  19. must be time for my bed...
  20. My bro-in-law is a panfish fanatic and if memory serves me WGSF (rock bass) are a bit stronger flavor than bluegill, sunfish, crappie and perch but still good fare to eat...He does a fine job of filleting any of them (CPH does them better-but we won't tell him)
  21. Back in my younger days (forty years ago) we used to jig for whitefish with a williams wabler tipped with a minnow on a drop line in about 5 feet of water below the ice... We would lie face down with a jacket or tarp over our heads and peer down at the bottom...the trick was, when the fish appeared, you watched your minnow not the fish...when your minnow disappeared, you lifted up...Fun Times !!!
  22. Yep...If we had known Grandchildren were so much fun...we would have had them first... Looks good on you Brian...
  23. And what Big Cliff missed, I found... Maybe we can start a new F*F* Club for Fat Farts...
  24. Remember guys...there is a daily limit of 30 crappies on a sport licence in zone 16...COs are checking at Bradford so I heard...(10 only on a conservation)
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