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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Just about all the carp info you will ever need to know at: www.carpanglersgroup.com
  2. It was a long time ago as I don't fish at night anymore...but I have caught pickerel on a jitterbug after dark in the Otonabee while fishing for bass...not many mind ya...
  3. Hey Mike...I can see a ski mistaking a method feeder for a spinner or a buzz bait but what would a spring feeder represent?...Maybe it omits a vibration of sorts...LOL
  4. This was our old dog Riley...just a mutt but...he was our mutt and we loved him dearly...I remember when Maureen and Maribeth met me at the bus stop after they had picked him up at the shelter..."Why didn't you get a real dog?" I asked... He has been gone over five years now but he is still in our hearts... I still get a yo-yo in my throat when I run across a picture of him...
  5. I didn't know shoal carp (muskies) liked corn... Carp fishing with Crappieperchhunter this morning held a big surprise to both of us...a little after 10:00 AM I decided it was time to renew the ground bait on my spring feeder...as I picked up my rod from its holders I thought I was snagged but all of a sudden my snag started to head downstream..."Hey Steve, I think I got a fish but it doesn't feel like a carp" Then all of a sudden I get a drag screaming run..."maybe it is a carp"...I no sooner get the words out of my mouth when a musky makes a gigantic leap out of the water..."Nope it's not a carp" I sez... After a nice battle, with several big runs, (all the while laughing our heads off) we manage to get it into shore and Steve unhooked it without taking it out of the water...about an 8 to 10 pounder we guessed... What a great way to christain my new telescopic 13' carp rod I got last Thursday... We had no sign of any carp until Steve got an eleventh hour one about 20 lbs... Shortly after he left (I stayed on as my wife was going to a quilt show in Haliburton) the carp gods must have taken pity on this old carper as I hooked my personal best...had to go well over 25 lbs and took forever to bring to shore to unhook and release... Too bad we don't carry our cameras with us anymore...but I must have over a hundred pics of him or I with a carp... To celebrate, I bought myself a couple of those chicken ceasar wraps from Timothy Horton's...tasty morsels them...
  6. ...Well...Damn the luck!...How did I miss this until now ?...I got it marked on my calendar...Must be old age creaping up on me... Hope you had a good one old friend...
  7. At last count I think we were at 16 grandchildren (scattered from one end of North America) to the other and 2 great grand-kids but I understand we are soon to become even 3 times greater... Cripes !...no wonder I'm getting greyer and balder...and sleeping with somebody's great-grandmother... By the way bye...Congrats... If we had known that grandchildren were so much fun...We would have had then first...
  8. Nice going Mike for putting the lads onto carp...now you need to give lessons on how to handle a net with a carp in it...I shuddered and was waiting for the loud SNAP !!! Photoz would give me a hit up the side of the head if I used his net like that...
  9. Hey Jack...I don't know nuttin' 'bout no On-Star but congrats to Jackie on her new car... What vehicle did you get her ?... How are you feeling ?
  10. Try using a good pair of hemostats (forcepts)...Crappieperchhunter and I use them to unhook our carp catches and they will clip on your clothes wherever you choose...
  11. I got sick and tired of waiting (4 years) for Bell to bring hi-speed into our area so as soon as I saw that my cable company was offering a hi-speed package I jumped right in... I got to cancel the second Bell phone line that I needed for the computer...and by bundling my tv and computer packages I ended up saving over $35 per month... I went for the medium hi-speed package not the super hi-speed one...at times it slows down but it is usually during automatic windows updates or virus scanes and defination updates...
  12. Do as Roy sez...or you will find yourself sneaking around the neighborhood late at night leaving zucchini on every doorstep...
  13. There is an OFNer that lives on Sturgeon Lake that is a damn good small engine repair mechanic besides being an all round handyman that has saved my ass a few times over the past few years... Just another of the many reasons I call Big Cliff my "FRIEND"
  14. This is what I call "roughing it"...
  15. Way to go on the fish and the canoe... I bet Sue is happy...trouts is her favourite I believe...
  16. I'm looking at the handy-dandy booklet that the Ontario Province sent us...no tax on "Basic Groceries(e.g., Dairy, Meat, Vegetables, Canned Goods)" How bloody gullible do they think we are...if the price of gasoline goes up...the cost of these goods will go up accordingly... The worst for me is still the tax on Funerals...now 13%...Friggen Ghouls...
  17. Hmmmmm...Carp fishing from a boat...interesting concept... Let's see, I could put my bank stix in the oar locks... It would sure make chumming ground bait a cinch...
  18. With a mentor as big and ugly as you Gerritt...nobody better give him a hard time... Just kidding pal...you are big and lovely...tells your mother...
  19. Just started to rain a few moments ago east of Bobcaygeon...hang in there Lew...you're next...
  20. I am giving an empty 2 kilo Kraft peanut butter container a try this season...dumped all my gulp stuff in it...2 sizes of minnows, worms, fish fry, maggotts and leeches... I cut out two circles from a cereal box to fit under the lid and so far so good...lots of room to put your hand in to get sumpin' out...
  21. Terrific report w/pics Joey... Ya gotta love the pic of Spiel and Brook pulling a "Roy" In case no one knows what a "Roy" is...This is a "Roy"
  22. Good opener report Garry... A 7 pound plus largie and Albert didn't try to use you for an anchor !!!
  23. Just terrible thanks...but bloody nice of you to ask !!! (I hate to see a thread go unanswered)
  24. That's OK Spiel...someone still loves ya...
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