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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Geeeeze...glad you got time to do some fishing between photo takes... Great report girl...!
  2. Nice fish...Hope it didn't put too much of a strain on your back... Remember to take it easy...I speak from experience...
  3. Just make sure you got the grits and eggs ready for when he gets there Dawg...
  4. I just knew it would happen...only a matter of time... What's next ?...Catch one bigger than Cliff's PB ?
  5. Hey fatherof3...great report...thanks for posting and sharing your son's excitement with us...
  6. Why is Roy making like Napoleon ??? Hiding a beer is my guess...
  7. You gonna build a workshop next to the boathouse to store all this "stuff" ?
  8. Garry...down below where you type text there is an area for attachments...click on "choose"...choose the pic you want...then "upload" once your attachment appears above the "choose" area click there and click on the green sheet...this will put the pic in your post (in thumbnail form for folks to click om to enlarge)
  9. To all who go...take lots of pics...we love to see pics of kids catching fish...
  10. I will probably be one bay (Tait's Bay) over (east) from Nogies on Friday and Saturday...going to be a bit windy according to the forecast so I am a bit limited from venturing too far with a 14 ft tinnie with only a 4 HP Mercury... Look for this old fart if you get over this way... Saturday night Maribeth and I have a bit of a social affair to attend over at the Buckhorn Community Hall so won't be able to join you guys as far as I know...
  11. Hey Cliff...When 007 hooks up with a muskie the adrenalin rush will kill any pains he has... Works for me with big carp !!!
  12. I've been using Irfanview ever since Roy recommended it many moons ago...the price is right FREE !!!
  13. Welcome back Garry and remember, we like pictures, lots of pictures !
  14. Nelly...you have been around this board for quite a while and should know that you can't please all the people all the time...I for one was not offended and it seems to me I have seen many muskie heads mounted in my travels over the years...I'm guessing it was a matter of economics and the flesh was eaten and the head mounted as taxidermy does not come cheap... So keep on posting your pics and don't let the nervous nellies (pun intended) scare you away
  15. Dang...Dang...Dang !!! You guys are amazing...you must be running out of species to target... Looks good on ya !
  16. All the Best... Here's hoping you catch a big 'un...! I'll try to catch you a carp or maybe some crappie tonight...
  17. Well done Cliff... I hope Bly gets a turn soon... It poured rain all night so that should really get them moving in...
  18. I hear it is all smooth sailing after 30 years... Congrats to you both...
  19. Hey Dawg...You're beginning to sound like Sis talking to Gerritt...
  20. Nobody mentioned the "Crazy Crawler"...used to be a great topwater also... Come to think of it...I haven't seen one in years...
  21. WE BELIEVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a great way to start my day...Thanks Rob...( now if the carp will do as their told and stay away from the zebra mussel encrusted rocks!)
  22. A bunch of Brits paying sumpin' like $1300 a week plus airfare to come over here just to catch carp... That's who... A lot of people don't appreciate how good we got it in this country (carp fishing wise) until you talk to others...
  23. I filled up at $0.95.7 this morning... I guess they nail you on Monday on the way back home...
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