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Everything posted by Beans

  1. I caught my first crappie 60 some odd years ago in Grenadier Pond...someone told us it was a calicoe bass...so that is what we called them for years until I read in a magazine what the correct name was... I recall we used to stand on a log that extended out into the water on the west side...using a willow switch, a bit of line and a hook and worm... Nice to hear they are still in there...
  2. Thanks for the dedication Mike...Glad to see you boys did well... I was out early this morning chumming Carp Point on Sturgeon Lake...Will do the same tomorrow and then probably wet a line on Friday... I read it is best to just chum for a couple of days so the carp feel safe eating in the area but needless to say that is not necessary where you boys were on Monday...rarely a day goes by that someone doesn't chum the area... BTW...how cum I wasn't invited ?... Geeeze...the nerve of some people's children...just kidding...
  3. Guess I had a senior moment...every day is the weekend when you are retired! Monday it was...
  4. So...Where's the reports?... Keeping mum eh?... That's OK...I heard all about how you were throwing ground bait balls and kernels of corn at the carp... We are keeping an eye on youse guys...
  5. In P'boro over the weekend...any success?...or did the skunk that attacked me today bite you too?... Actually I did catch sumpin' but seagulls don't count...right after that a chap up at the point tied into a duck and landed it...too bad they are not in season...mmmm...barbequed duck...especially Chinese style...
  6. Cute little sucker...Congrats !!!
  7. Columnaris is in all the waters of the Kawarthas and has been for ages but it only attacks weakened or wounded fish and has no favorites...
  8. Yep...but we don't usually mention the other one except to close friends...LOL (more of an anniversary)
  9. They claim they didn't put anything into the water...SURE !!! Evidently the meeting became quite heated... Too bad I can't attend the next meeting in Bobcaygeon next Wednesday at 07:00 pm...(wife's birthday)
  10. At the meeting held in Little Britain on Wednesday the MNR spokesman said that the bacterium flavobacterium columnare causes columnaris which in turn killed off the carp... What a load of crap!...if this was the cause why didn't it kill off other species? Are we to believe that the bacteria mutated into a form that became carp specific? I think not but that's their story and we are stuck with it...
  11. I'm glad you like the painting Lew (now there's an understatement...LOL) Terrific job Pam and thanks to Joey etc. for helping us all be a part of making it happen...
  12. Up at 07:00 am, just going to read my mail, check the weather...next thing I know it's 10:00 am...Damn 'puter...but I'd sure miss the internet if it shut down...
  13. Another possibility would be Couchiching Beach Park in Orilla... There is a fishing pier right near the Harbour Masters Building, lots of playground equipment for the little ones and a beach for swimming, lots of picnic tables...
  14. Cory and Heather !!!...Gawd its been ages...if you're lurking...You've been missed... Had the same sort of thing happen at Rice Lake Phil...First run after positioning our marker some yo-yo anchors right beside it...we pulled up close to retreive it when the guy asks..."do you boys catch much around here?"...I replied "we do when some sum na B*TCH doesn't park near our marker...I'm about ready to give him a hit up the side of the head with our paddle when my son yells "DAD...NO!!!"...They took off like they were on a jet ski...LOL
  15. You're welcome Rene...Glad I could help... You did better than me...not a touch yesterday...Brit Steve landed three carp, the other Steve lost three and Rodpody didn't fish but joined us anyways...
  16. AWesome report MJL...feels like I was right there with you... Gerritt...if you get the chance to do some carp fishing do so...nothing like 20 lbs of angry carp pulling on your string...especially that first 100 ft plus run with your drag screaming...sure gets the old adreneline flowing...
  17. I'll have a look if and when we get together next week Cliff... My net (with handle fully extended) is 68 inches from top of net to bottom of handle and that is about the drop from the top of the bank to the shoreline...I like the rubber net as it protects the slime on the fish and is virtuosly snag proof but damn they are heavy... I love the nets the carp fishermen use but they are pricey...maybe Santa...??? LOL
  18. Great report...gotta love it when the kids are involved...looks like you got some lifetime fishing partners now... Enjoy...it lasts a long time...I'm looking forward to spending some fishing time with a couple of my sons this weekend...one is in his fifties and the other late forties...
  19. Geeeeeze Thanks Boss...I never thought of that... Do the stores that handle muskie tackle carry long gaffs??? :whistling:
  20. I'm getting too long in the tooth to be scrambling down the rocks at Carp Point !!! Finally got a carp there this morning (all of 20 lbs)...first caught since July long weekend after many hours and much chumming by Crappieperchhunter and myself... As I was alone this morning I took my Lucky Strike rubber net with me but it was too small and cumbersome to get the carp into it by myself...CPH usually does the unhooking chore at the shoreline and that was what I had to do...thankfully the carp lay still while I used my foreceps to remove the hook We have landed carp in this net before but that was with two of us working together and before the Parks Dept dumped the pile of rocks making it difficult to get down to the shoreline...Thanks (NOT) guys !!! Only stayed for a couple of hours as the wind and the waves were setting off the bite alarm and when I stood up my chair would get blown away...
  21. Our "swim " at Carp Point on Sturgeon has been slow to come back but this is always a slow time of year and hopefully will pick up by the end of the month... I threw a half bucket of corn out this morning but did not fish...gotta get them coming around and feeling safe... Will do the same tomorrow and will wet a line to see if there are any around... We did see a few jumping but notakers since before July 01... Doesn't seem to have affected the other species...my neighbour caught a couple of nice pickerel and a few bass two days ago...Too hot out there for me...nicer to sit in the shade of the trees shore fishing...
  22. Trolling the weed edges in late fall !!! An old friend had a 30+ lbr. mounted many years ago... Some may remember him...Leo Blastorough of Leo's Boat Livery at Harwood Ont. The boathouse is gone now...not sure about Leo !
  23. Any muskie steaks ??? Or smoked carp ???
  24. Yep...like misfish sez...the secret is putting the bottom end of the line back through the eye of the hook before adding your weight causing the hook to stand out and up if tied correctly...try google for descriptions and illustrations...
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