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Everything posted by mercman

  1. What is a Mother Worth? by Anonymous I humbly appraise my mother's worth, It began with pain to give me birth, Which triggered off a love so strong, Blossoming into a life-long bond. When needed, she was always there, Someone I realized would always care. And the older I got the more I knew, A mother's love sincere and true. Now as I watch my mother age in years, I'm happy to help and ease her fears. Privileged now to play my part, As she did for me from the very start
  2. Spent the day with Mom and siblings in Ottawa today.It was her mothersday surprise. Mothers hugs always feel so good, no matter how old we get
  3. Ok here is the equipment Rods Quantum PT 6'6" medium fast Quantum PT 7' medium Xfast Compre 6'8" MH fast Compre 7' H fast St Croix 6'6" MF fast St Croix 8'6" XH fast Reels Citica 200d Curado 300e Corvalus CVL300 Okuma Convector CV30D (Musky) Daiwa Accudepth 27LC (Walleye) Abu Ambassadeur 5000 (I want to try it for jigging or fishing plastics) Right now i have the Citica on the 7 Ft Quantum. The Curado is on the 7FT Compre.The Okuma is on the 8.8 St Croix. The Corvalus is on the 6 8 Compre.The Ambassadeur is on the St Croix 6.5 The Daiwa shares the 7ft Compre. I have s spare Quantum 6.5
  4. Steak ya Substitute the rabbit food for BEANS and bologne. Of ya, marshmallows for nightime entertainment and roasting.
  5. Happy birthday Art Take it easy on the Sake tonite.That stuff will make ya frisky.
  6. NIce Great looking bunchh a young'ens ya got Buddy
  7. Other than Roy and Pete, WTH are you guys doing up in the wee hours of the AM ? I appreciate your views. I was playng Rod Roulette this week, changeing reels and trying to find the perfect combinations with the equipment i own. For now you have helped me enormously, but i can see at least one more rod and reel in my future.Wish me luck wit da wife on that. Now off to spend the day with Mom in Ottawa.
  8. Just a quick one, then i am off to bed and will check in, in the morning. I have an 8ft XH fast action St Croix Musky rod and a 7ft H fast action Compre. Which of the 2 should i rig as a trolling rod, and which as a casting rod? I have heard longer is better for casting Musky, and i have heard that longer is better for trolling Musky. I will expect an answer by morning...Nite everyone
  9. Stories like this warm my heart and restore my faith in mankind. You must be beside yourself with pride Bruce. The strength and success of our children is proprtional to the love and respect we instil in them. Thanks for sharing this story of success with us Bruce. Paul
  10. Dang............. Sad news indeed Randy. RIP Carroll
  11. Boiler is nice Bernie, but the boat is SPECTACULAR !!!!
  12. I have been thinking about this since yesterday.As long as the company is good, i like any kind of fishing there is.Not too fond of ice fishing though. When alone, i like to drift fish along the many islands on the river close to my home. When trolling, i like the Run and Gun precision trolling,approach that Mike and i do when we fish together.You cover alot of water, and it gives you time to socialize as you fish.
  13. That Musky is probably why you only caught 4 Bass
  14. Add to list, generator and Saeco Espresso machine.
  15. Dog is God, spelled backwards Made me all teary.
  16. Make sure you keep metalic objects like fish net frames,uncovered metal leaders etc,away from the terminals. You should be fine.You can also buy battery terminal protectors at CT for really cheap.
  17. Man !! Am i a fart smeller or what. This is great info.I am really excited to get mine wet, and try some of the ideas in this thread.
  18. Nice I'm guessing you fish them the same way?They would be killer just at the surface.
  19. I'm trying hard to integrate my special personality into the forum
  20. People seem to lose those big ones alot. I fished up 2 or 3 on the river here last year. Black and orange with black blades seem to be the easiest to lose.
  21. Thanks DH I have been looking at buying some kits from LureMaking.com. These beetle spinners everyone is talking about.Are they what we used to call June Bug Spinners?A 6''long s/s rigid wire with a June Bug like spinner and a few red beads on it? I remember them as being deadly on Bass and Pike.
  22. Gig-a-Loo. Like the name, Love the product.
  23. I have a mind to sell all my other lures,and buy more SB, and have fun experimenting with them.I bet with the right presentation,you could catch anything that swims, on a SB.
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