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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Show us a picture. I bet one of us can come up with a solution
  2. Welcome to the community Puncho !!! Born in Pembroke, Lived in Kingston, Pte Gatineau, Ottawa, Gagetown and now in Montreal.We get arround Looking forward to your reports Paul
  3. Welcome to the board DM !!! Samething happened to me a few years ago, with a Large Mouth Bass. Soon as it was in my hands, i knew i loved the sport. Now i fish a bit of everything
  4. You live in heaven Simon T thanks for the pics and vid. Paul
  5. Nice morcels John. Season opens here next weekend. Sure hope i can rustle me up some too.
  6. Awesome day Jacques.Nice specks. Never got into trout fishing,not saying i wouldnt try it someday, just not right now
  7. A little while back, i posted asking for info on where i could get some sort of step, that i could use to get out of the boat, after trailering it alone at the boat ramp. I really didnt want to risk breaking an ankle jumping from the boat to the uneven ground of my local ramp. The other day, a member who will remain anonymous, sent me a PM, showing me what he had just purchased at Princess Auto. Simon said it had cost him 24.99 plus tax. I replied that, that was exactly what i was looking for, and could he pick one up for me . He replied that he already had picked up a second one for me . I cant believe the goodness of the members in this Community. I received it on wednesday by puro, and here is what it looks like. It adjusts to 5 different heights and is very solid. Thanks a million anonymous member You are a great friend and a good man. Another idea i had. A tool pouch from CT. held to the console with a brass drawer handle keeps all your fishing tools at hand. They do not fall out while traveling.I have driven hundreds of miles and have never had a tool come out of its place.
  8. And that is the reason for your long success in the bussiness Bernie. My Customers who are really busy, are honest,expert repairmen. The ones who complain about how slow they are, are usually the ones who have screwed everyone in thier area at least once.
  9. I deal with service men in my bussiness also. Appliance repair.For every 1 dirtbag there are 10 honest, knowledgeable technicians.Unfortunately the dirtbags ruin it for everyone. Service men and mechanics have the hardest job around.They are selling a service which thier customers can not see or touch.It never the less has a value and a cost.
  10. Ever choke on chocolate pudding
  11. ZING !!!!!!!!!!!!! Not just any Toyota..............a Tundra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I can see doing that to go fishing, but to just cruise around I dont know....
  13. Cattle Boyz BBQ sauce and nothing else.
  15. Didnt see the video, but by the sound of the comments, Congrats are in order!!! You know what they say, if it looks like a hook set, then thats what it is!!!
  16. X3 Since these units are ''relatively'' fragile, as most electronics are these days,after sales service is or should be your number 1 concern. Lowrances terrible service, not returning calls or emails, is real.I lived it, and now i own Birds. Had a small issue with my GPS/card reader last fall.Contacted them, they sent me a Puro tag, replaced the card reader, touchpad and display, and had it back to me in 7 days zero cost to me. Now thats what you need to think about above all else.
  17. Saeco makes coffee machines that make coffee. Only coffee, not books or music or sangwiches.If saeco ever makes espresso/sangwich/ereader/boombox combinations, i will switch to another brand, cause the coffee will taste like dung. As for the original topic, i noticed last night that there is a disclaimer even on swamp people,and Sons of Guns tells you not to play with guns at home
  18. I love the smell of Napalm in the morning. Bruce, you havent experienced the out doors, until you hear the hiss of 15 bar steam transforming lightly chilled milk into a frenzied froth, and savoured the aroma of strong coffee being forced through tiny strainer holes into a gently warmed Cappucino mug, all the while, hearing the humm of a 3000 watt gas generator in the background. Its a piece of rugged outdoor heaven.
  19. Cant be worse than the jump seats in the back of my Ranger
  20. Nice job !!!! Good to know that great customer service is still alive and well.
  21. One can never spend too much on excellent coffee paraphenalia.
  22. A man with class. I salute you fellow saeco owner Start my day with 2, seven days a week.
  23. I love hearing stuff like this.We always hear about the bad service, lets hear more about the excellence in customer service that happens to all of us. Thanks for posting this Dave.
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