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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Gaskets are replaceable, but when you blow a seal, it takes a specialist.
  2. WTG Chad !!! Love the scenery and the Pike are awesome. Thanks for sharing Bud!!!
  3. Awesome and inspiring!!!
  4. I had the same problem.the boss asked if i had a drinking problem:dunno: I said i Drink, i get drunk, i fall down......No Problem !!!!
  5. All this humidity is ruining my hair:wallbash:
  6. :clapping: You mean you haven"t been following him on face book ?? Boy are you in for a treat:rofl2: Rabie shots, Kareoke,......Gotta love Randy !!!
  7. Theres a few guys on here with sportspal canoes.I'm sure the will chime in any time.They have presented some great reports out of these sturdy canoes.
  8. i either sit on mine, like i did last weekend, or i scratch the hell outta them, so for me, Rapala polarized glasses at 14 bucks a pair is all i am willing to pay for.Surprisingly comfortable to wear, and do a great job on the glare.
  9. Opinions are a dime a dozen.Fact. It is forbidden to allow a caught fish, fit for human consumption, to rot. It is this law that the OP witnessed being broken, and i am in complete agreement with him. All the other banter in this thread not pertaining to the original subject is irrelevant.
  10. I feel 10yrs younger after reading this post. Looks like a realxing laid back vacation.IO need one of those:good:
  11. Multi tasking is not my brothers thing:w00t: BUT....he ties a great UNI->UNI know!!!!
  12. I know............Joking right? No fish should be left to rot on the bank like that.Not even walleye I bet they didnt even have a license to fish.
  13. Good stuff Buddy !!!!!!!!! Looks like a great day
  14. Beasts i say !!!!!! Great pics and good fishin bud !!!!
  15. Sexy!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Geez Mike !!! That fish makes zack look 6 feet tall !!!! I got shut out too, well almost....We struck walleye I brought my plan B tackle (i know you said dont give up)and we caught a couple jigging of all things
  17. Bob !!!! Thats some huge smile on your face holding Mr.Ed Looks to me like you had a great day out there. Great fishing, great friends, isn't that what its all about .
  18. Good shootin Bro !!!!!!!!!!!!!Yer not the Master-Basster for nuttin dude! Looking forward to next weekend.Try some new water.Do yer homework like a good little brother.
  19. This made me choke in my coffee Your insurance company should be up on all the latest fishing/hunting gear since it is common to have these things stolen.
  20. Great Ski !!! I was looking for that yesterday, found walleye instead....Oh Well...
  21. What kinda dope do bugs like Get them dipsey and they leave you alone???
  22. Good luck out there Larry !!! If you see us, drop over for a nice cold water.Gonna be a scorcher out there. P.S...BASS BOATS RULE!!!!!
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