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Everything posted by mercman

  1. censor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! censor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh, the porcupine......sorry
  2. skeets !!!! ur alive !!!! when i saw the truck, i was worried it was you. I thought the chili must have disagreed with you, and caused an anal infarction
  3. cute little sucker aint he. To bad ya have to blast him !!!
  4. Prayers sent on my behalf.Condolences to familly and friends Paul
  5. some words maybe, but not this one i think.
  6. AYE CARUMBA...... The word has existed for many years.i have an Auntie Norman, who uses it on a regular basis, and i call 'her' that all the time, and 'she' loves it !!!! 'she' is one of the coolest 'guys' i know. I just got off the phone with 'her', and 'she' said that 99.9% of gays use the term as an endearment amongst themselves.So CRTC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!whats the big deal ?????
  7. its laughable for sure. do they think that this will have a positive affect on anything ? the silly twits go ahead........make my day, silly
  8. But Bob !!! You told me you were so happy and gay,that people were drawn to you like butterfies to nectar
  9. Money for nothin and my chicks for free !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess they have sumfin against free chickens
  10. weird.... Call Billy the Exterminator.....
  11. hey Skeets who domestimicated you !! All ya need is a little pink frilly apron Did ya try a little Cow Boyz in the chili. Add 2 tbs to it next time.
  12. Do ya have kids ? If so, this would be a wonderful lagacy to leave them when the time comes. I like it alot, what a great idea. It takes devotion to take the time to write everything down like that. Hats off to you Bud !!! Paul
  13. SIGH........ What a pity, Can't imagine what it would be like to put my life on the line everyday. i guess love of your fellow man plays a big part in the decission.My condolances to the familly and his entourage of courageous brothers on the force. Paul
  14. SAME THING OVER HERE !!! she could catch fish with a hanna montanna rod !!! and be happy as heck !!!
  15. wow !!!!!!!!!!!! great fish, but the bass and the pike are HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!!! both my favorite fish. Thanks for sharing them ! Paul
  17. I have 2 setups that work for me a 7' m/h compre and curado 300 i use for muskie/pike amd a 6.5' quantum PT with a citica i use for everything else. Feels good to me
  18. there he is again !!!! the guy in the spiderman panties.Squeeelllllllllllllll !!!!! Too funny. Who is that ayways
  19. i think someone beat ya to it http://www.stopabductions.com/
  20. Great report, great show !!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks man Paul
  21. arrrrr i once had a parrot but he died of VD...Rotted his poor wee legs off.
  22. arrrr, come up to me chambers and i'll show you the captains log
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