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Everything posted by mercman

  1. You Mods are workin too hard in here. Ya really gotta get out fishin more often.
  2. Art !!! Ya gotta get out more often
  3. Oh ya, forgot about this. Last summer fishing between 2 islands in the St Lawerence.Hauled up a huge bundle of cables(electrical or connunications ) using 80lb Power pro.It musta been 5 inches in diameter, and was still conected somewhere so i cut my line and it sank back outta site. I dont fish there anymore
  4. Caught a loon once on White lake.Came out of the water and into the air right beside the boat.Scared the crap right out of me and my Dad.Had a heck of a time unhooking it,but it was unhurt i assure you.
  5. I switched to bait casting last year.It has a learning curve all of its own, but i love it today.Distance was easy to get, accuracy was a lot harder.For ME, holding the rod in both hands while casting took care of the problem. I took the advice of many here, and spent alot of time fishing for my dogs in the back yard(without hooks of course )Start with the brake set to max, then as you get better, loosen it up.I dont use the brake any longer after lots of practice. Paul
  6. Now thats gonna look good on my Big screen with 7.1 surround. I own Blue Planet and Planet Earth. This wil make a good addition to the collection Thanks Shaun!!
  7. All kinds of weird lookin critters in our lakes. Very cool looking catch
  8. I second you on that Mike.I live 5 minutes from Sail in Brossard Que, and i drive all the way to Montreal for Le Baron.Sail has the bare basics, lots of designer outdoors wear and camping stuff, but the fishing dept lacks choice for sure.
  9. that musta been back before poiltical correctness
  10. Legally, if the reel is less than a year old, they either have to replace it or repair it free of charge.If it means sending it to Orillia, then thats what you have to do. Its a pain in the keister for sure, but cheaper than replaceing it yourself.
  11. Wonderful news big guy !!! You must be just BEAMING right about now. He will make you feel young all over again.
  12. Glad to se ya back home !!! Do they sell that stuff in 6 packs
  13. Must be a guy thing.I'm choking over here, the wifes just shaking her head in horror
  14. Wow !! I haven't seen some of those rapalas since i was a kid.Great site.Thanks
  15. Its up to us. I mean if you have a leaky car, you KNOW you have a leaky car. Up to you to choose not to park on the ice.Even on land near water, the RESPONSIBLE thing to do is drop cardboard under your vehicule, and take it with you for disposal when you leave. Makes sense...no
  16. Gotta love new tools!!!! PSSSST...........be careful around SRT8 he has a reel bad case of newboatitis.No cure available till April.
  17. I know there are lots of idiots out there who would not think twice about leaving crap all over the ice, but i like to believe that anyone who loves fishing enough to invest the 1000's of dollars necessary to pursue the sport, would take the time to leave as little traces as possible behind them in the environment. Where parking is part of guided ice fishing or organized events, the organisers should be responsible for any cleanups required due to leakage of any kind. As far as outboards, i think most of us keep our machines finely tuned enough, and would try and clean up any spils as much as possible. But then again......maybe i'm just naive
  18. Good morning Gentlemen. Glad i didnt sleep in too late
  19. Welcome to the waiting game If i can help you make it till april, just let me know.....24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Together we will make it
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