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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I guess when you get your stuff for free you can be a little less attentive.i woulda dived in after it.
  2. Wait for it..............................
  3. I Know !!!! I've been noticing some more strange an intrigueing canine behaviour. I just have to corellate my findings before presentation
  4. Here is a really good article that may help you discover the source, or control the problem. http://www.fcs.uga.edu/pubs/current/B924.html Paul
  5. Ya gotta admit though, its britened up the place a bit.And its not caused any ear infections either. And now....back to your regularly scheduled programing. I will let this fade into the archives.Thanks to all for tolerating this silly little thread
  6. Hey !!!! Thats my Auntie Norman you're laffin at man !!!!
  7. You read the post !! Do i sound like a guy who takes offense None at all taken my friend.
  8. Hell no !!! This is facinating stuff !!! Mine absolutely love it !!! I mean ya have to use yer head and dont shove yer finger right in to the knuckle dude !!Sheesh.
  9. i did that and the girl at the reception said all of the reporters had just left for vacation . Talk about coincidence eh !
  10. Cripes NO..i should have mention that !!! Same reaction as cats. Dang....sorry man
  11. Then my efforts have not been in vain!!! and I bet you anything, you are gonna try it on your dog if you have one, or on someone elses. It doesnt work on cats though. It just gets them pissed
  12. Actually, my little buddy, I quit 23 years ago. Shoulda seen me then....I was a real basket case
  13. Gotta start wearing my glasses in here. I was something other than popcorn.
  14. ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS another one bites the dust
  15. DANG !!!!!!!! I GOTTA GET HOME REAL QUICK !!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Now thats what I'm talkin about !!! Well done dude !!!
  17. I was really happy to see that Le barons is cheaper for almost everything i compared with BPS. They had a huge booth at the montreal show.I bought a few lures and paid 3 bucks less each, than i paid for the same thing at BPS.
  18. Looks like im not the only one suffering from post traumatic fish syndrome in here
  19. Most newer homes are, as you said, better insulated and more hermetically sealed, that is why they have or should have air exchangers. Does yours have one ? If not, i suggest you get 1 installed. Is this the first winter you have had this problem?
  20. Thanks Dave !!! I started my collection of them yesterday and i KNOW they will work big time.
  21. Thats it !!!! exactly how it feels !!!
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