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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Hey Jed. member to keep yer socks on. Ya dont wanna be gettin the toe burculosos or the Knee monia
  2. Oh boys....its a tree shaker
  3. The waiting game is a cruel frustrating thing to live through Wayne.Doctors seem to forget about that. We,your friends, are with you now and through all that the future holds. Be strong in the eyes of your familly Wayne, but take time to address your emotions as well.You ARE NOT alone.
  4. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Ti-Mike is still trying to impress his pappy
  5. never thought a boat would make me drool......... This one does. Those motors look like Mercs in Tux's. Real Purdy ta look at.
  6. i gotta see the new one.....total insanity.
  7. You always know exactly what to say Doc !!!
  8. I will be in mourning for months.I may not recover either.
  9. I can just hear the chatter of little squirel keyboards all accross the nation.Topic: how to reduce the affects of human encroachment on our little nut farms.Kill em all !!! Not only have i never heard the wordP3TA before i joined this group, but i have no freakin idea what you are trying to say in the above post Not that it really matters because this thread is slowly losing interest for the participants.
  10. Bummer Jed !!!if ya want to have some fun, put apple juice in the specimen cup next time they need a sample. Take it from me, that will get the buz goin at the nurses station Get will soon !!!!
  11. ROY ACTUALLY TOLD YOU ABOUT HIS DOLLY ? Wow !!!He must really like you
  12. My Point was this. With all the talk about invasive species and such, we are forgeting that in the big picture, we are also an invasive species. The cormorant problem is of our own doing. 40 years ago, they were almost extinct.Then we decided to fix the huge mess we made of this planet, by cleaning up the polution and poisons we put into out lakes and streams.Thus providing the remaining cormorant population with an ideal habitat to begin to reestablish its populations.We SHOULD have forseen the problems this would cause, but we didnt.And now we are stuck with them.Nothing we could do at this point would have an effect for years.We are responsible for cormorants, gobies,zebra mussels, earwigs,spruce bud worm, dutch elm disease,asian carp,snakehead,killer bees, etc etc etc.
  13. thats just about the funniest rebuttal i have ever read. I rest my case.
  14. just suck it outa your shirt before the alcohol evaporates.
  15. yeeeeeeeeeee hawwwww Grab a gun We is gonna get us some kermerent critters. Urban encroachment. I see it every day. We want to build some new condos, what do we do. Invade the dwindling woodlots around our overcrowded cities, denude the landscape of trees, grass marsh, and yes, even shrubberies.Force the indigenus creatures out of their homes and feeding areas, kill the food suply of seeds, small mamals and insects. Wouldnt that make US an INVASIVE SPECIES. The critters are patient though. They know that nature will take its course. Like all invasive species, we will have our day of declineing numbers. We may be the most inteligent of all animals, but that dont make us the smartest. Sounds a bit extreme eh......No more than what i`ve seen in this thread so far.
  16. Is it an older fridge Dave.If so, not a heck of alot goes wrong with them.They are a solid appliance that i know inside out.Probably just too cold in the cold storage. Raise the thermostat slowly until the compressor starts and check it in 24 hours.Becareful though,it may get cold enough to freeze the fresh food section too,because of the outside temp. Paul
  17. exactly...i just got a curado 300e and a compre MH 7 foot rod. 7.5 to 8 foot is probably better if you are trolling
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