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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Congrats !!! Of course ya know, its gonna be a long long long long month of March. I bought mine in January, and i've been nutzo ever since. I also pick mine up in April. Paul
  2. -10 and sunny here in Que. There is a stiff breeze blowing according to windfinder,30 clics.I see alot of lake effect snow and squals in your areas on the weather network though. I guess thats why Skeeter stayed home today
  3. Kinda fishin related....sorta
  4. mine works fine Albert Did ya pay your pixel taxes on time
  5. He's too busy peering through holes in the ice looking for his glasses
  6. He's a step up for sure. He brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique style to the job.
  7. One thing for sure Wayne. We will all be with you in spirit.Thats a promise.
  8. Something just doesnt sound right here.I cant figure out why the cop would have just talked down to you without cause. I'm sure this is not the first time you have seen him on duty.Has he always been this way Randy ? You said he was a school buddy. Was he this way back then too?Maybe someone pee'd in his cornflakes that morning Ya didnt mess with his girl back in the good ole days did ya?
  9. JUST TELL HIM BUBBA SENT YA.He made then an offer they could'nt refuse
  10. Jon.....you sly you.I think i remember that nite.....I think so anyways
  11. did you forget to put your clocks back last fall Bob
  12. Personally Randy, i think this will all blow over with time. Considering you said he was an old highschool friend and you know all of his coworkers, it sounds like a situation of hurt male ego. Give it a couple of weeks, then talk to him and let him know how you feel,heart to heart.He surely knows better than to ruin his carreer over something so petty. Paul
  13. sure beats the crap out of american idol and Jeopardy.Reality shows are just that R E A L I T Y. Real people living real life situations. What do you call entertainment
  14. Wow......this should be interesting. the guy should be commended for chosing not to fight a girl.Its how he was raised.Men dont hit women......EVER.
  15. Nice Wheels bud !!! Nothing will hold you back now
  16. I thought that cop was gonna go peepee when that bird stood up and looked around. too funny !!!!!
  17. easy for you to say smarty pants
  18. I'm sitting here on hold with LG canada. I just need a part number for a wash pump assy, and they put me on hold for over 20 minutes
  19. BOB Its back to basics living. Troys son shows a wonderful respect and love for his dad that you dont see often in this fast paced world.It warms my heart to see that father and son bond.One that i miss daily.
  20. Not sure if this is off topic, but i deal with people on a daily basis.I find that over the last 6-8 months, people are becoming extremely aggressive and distrusful.I like to treat my csutomers the same way i want to be treated when i go into a store, but lately i'm starting to feel like the soup nazi on Seinfeld. I just want to tell all the obnoxious ones NO PARTS FOR YOU TODAY !!!!! GET OUT !!!
  21. Mornin guys and gals. God i hate gettin up early in the winter
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