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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Nice going Bob !!! We got into them today too.Took us a while to find them, but we did. Caught about 20 dinks, then found some of the bigger ones.Caught a 24" pike swimming through the school, then the bite died.We were out for about 4 hours, now off to the licence bureau to renew my drivers licence. Goo going Bobby !!! Paul
  2. I have noticed the exact same thing here in the St Lawerence. Lite almost faded colors on the perch and 2 OSS bass i caught the other day. Even the crappie are faded gark grey with black spots. Interested in hearing the possible explanations too.
  3. Good read Dan. CO's are just guys doing a job that hopefuly helps protect the resources that we all appreciate.Like the rest of us, they have good and bad days, but in general, they are great good people just like us.
  4. I had completely forgotten that when i bought my new boat, i would be recieving a promotional thank you package from PrinceCraft, and the great people from Thomas Marine. When i opened the box, the wife said jokingly, "Must be fishing stuff" Then i started to unpack the box And the hats match my boat color !!!! Bonus !!!!! I like it when Christmas comes in June Paul
  5. This place is chock full of generous, good hearted,helpful, people who i am honored to know. I have received help, and helped out, and i will always do what i can for anyone in here.We are brothers and sisters, from different mothers and fathers
  6. Happy anniversary my good friend !!! Mrs slayer looks like she will be some heavy competition in the near future. Think maybe she will replace that combo as a gift ?
  7. Your little guy is adorable !!! You are going to have some fantastic memories to share with him as he gets older. What a legacy you are providing for him. I admire fathers like you who are so proud of thier famillies, and not afraid to show it. Good on you my friend !!! Paul
  8. Now that paints a vivid image in my mind
  9. man them is some ugly fish. Nice size though. I bet there is 2 lbs of dirt on it though
  10. Classic Bob !! Give that little guy an honorary man card
  11. Nice fish Rob. I have a day like that every year with my brother too. Bass opener in White Lake.Sometimes we do well, others not, but we always have a great day.
  12. I think you need one too Simon. Mine is hands down the best reel i have ever owned.
  13. Is it winter again I'm afraid to look out the window now
  14. I am assuming you mean, as in Happy,
  15. I feel warm all over. Thanks Moosebunk.my Dad was my Mentor also.He was rock solid and dedicated to his familly.He loved fishing too, and taught us kids the ropes. I miss him every day.
  16. we arent called Team 1 for nothin.We are just waiting till you guys get lazy, then The Screamin Reels are gonna clean up your acts Classic Tortose and the Hare scenario
  17. you my friend, are one sick puppy Thats probably why we get along so well
  18. Confidence goes a long way in catching fish.I guess he has been fishing these waters longer than me, so he is confident that he will catch. He shared his wealth of knowledge, i shared my good fortune.Its nice to see a young fellow so passionate about something.
  19. She comes from a hardy gene pool Wayne, and she is gonna pass through this with flying colors. I admire you for your strength and commitment to fighting this step by step with Jen, and for sharing the fight with us.After following these updates since last year, little problems dont get to me any more, and i find myself more drateful for the goodness in my life. Thank you, and keep being strong.There will be time to relax later on.
  20. Last summer while out fishing wit the wife, we met a young fellow out fishing in a beat up old tinnie, with an old 15hp evinrude on it.He had customized the little boat so that he could troll while fishing off a small casting deck in the center of the boat. He was full of enthusiasm, as he told us where he was catching some big pike, and what he was using as bait.He proudly showed us some beat up Rapala DT series lures that were so badly scraped up you could hardly tell what color they were. We saw him 5 or 6 times last year and he always came over to see us in his little boat. This year we were docking the boat, and there was a beat up little tinnie there, and sure enough, our little buddy was again.He recognized us, and was awed by my new boat. Last year we had the 14ft fisherman. We talked for about half an hour and we started talking lures and stuff.I showed him my Koppers live target collection and his eyes got huge. 'Man you must be rich he said, I could never afford those lures, but i have seen them.' I was embarassed by that and said heck no, far from it. He helped me trailer the boat, and left.We sat there on the dock for about an hour, and i heard a yell from out in the river. He was jumping up and down in his boat yelling WALLEYE !!! WALLEYE!!! Holding up what looked like a 24-30in walley for me to see. Signaling that i was impressed, be bent down and put it back in the water. I was out to Sail on Saturday, and was looking at the Live Target lures, and i couldnt help but pick up a nice 5in perch one and put it in the boat. Tonite, sure enough, he was on the water. I signaled him to come over to my boat, and through him the lure, brand new in the box.He looked and said" WOW, really nice."He was about to throw it back over when i said, Its yours, keep it. His jaw dropped, and i dont know how many times he said thank you.He promised to keep the first walleye he caught with it for me, and went about his fishing, leaving me feeling very satisfied inside.
  21. Well considering 90% of my customers send thier payments to me by mail, this is extremely bad news. A slow economy has been haveing negative effects on small bussinesses as it is. This only makes it harder to remain in bussiness
  22. Man !!! Who needs Bass when you have Perch that size !!! Very nicely done
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