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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Very nice..It seems I will be slappin' fish out of Arts hands all week.Thanx. Joe
  2. The online one.I know that they have to add people when there is enough for each team to have one person added at the same time.Art may be interested also. The Crayola ....I'm in!I think it may be my year,had a few top 5 finishes but the trophy has escaped me for some reason. Joe
  3. Headed up to Lakair this week. Joe
  4. Congrats Wayne.Fetching lass there,gets it from her mum no doubt. Joe
  5. You have goats??!!Love my goats.Welcome aboard. Joe
  6. That is very cool.Could have been injured ,either the antler or a tramatic injury to another part of him(maybe hit by a car) that diverted the resouces that would build the antler to the injured area. Joe
  7. A few trail cams would be nice,Make sure they dont flash though.I hate a thief worse than anything,maybe rig a shotgun with a door trigger.I know it prolly would shoot the wrong person but I reaaly hate thieves. Joe
  8. Thanx for the wishes for Pops,We had a few people over for a party Saturday night.He will miss Lakair this year but sends his best wishes for fishes. Joe
  9. Very nice Connie,guess there is no catch and release on that one. Joe
  10. Has douG cofirmed with anyone? Joe
  11. Ding ding ding!Best answer yet.I have RA,not a good one to get.Some of the meds are no fun at all,the other ones eat your liver up and the next one is steroids.I have to take all three kinds for now.The "living with it" eats your joints and disfigures them and you.Rheumatoid is a bit different than Osteo,Its nasty and does not care if you are young or if you take care of yourself.It just sucks.Rheumatologists often treat stuff they dont understand,chasing ghosts thru a series of symptoms.There are offshoots of this autoimune disease that dont have names yet.The bottom line is that your body is attacking your joints.This is my second round with this crap,been in remission for 9 years.The meds are rough at times but the alternative is much worse.Celebrex saved me last time,there are many newer and better drugs now.If what you are taking does not work talk to your doctor.PM me if you want more info,mind you RA is a different creature tha Osteo joint pain. Joe
  12. Funny you mention that Roy,I've aboot lost me Canadian accent ,eh? Joe
  13. Tell the kids to cut the grass on thier property,using a dozer or big rubber tired loader,make sure of the property lines.Hope there is nothing hiding in the grass....like a house or something. Joe
  14. Art is the ugly smart one,I am the handsome dumb one.You may want to ask Art about this one. Joe
  15. My asain buddies steam it up like a sauna at the gym.It has been here longer than my 50 years here for sure. Joe
  16. Who are you zoomin'?You cant even get yer fatass boat thru without snippin the tops of yer rods off. Joe We do have a spot on the boat if ya come down though.
  17. Like this Dan? Catch and release..into a steamer.
  18. We are working on a skeet launcher that will fling the fish in the ar so we can hit it with some double ought buck.So far only the soft ray fish like minnows,chubs, and trout get a good enough launch to miss the motor on the boat.Small fish rock! Joe
  19. Exellent point Cliff,plays hell on the lawn equipment,chainsaws and motorcycles around here.Seafoam,correct me if I am wrong has some stabilizing virtues.We buy it by the 1\2 gallon here. Joe
  20. Those connectors look nothing like what they use down here.We dont see pex here much after the qest fiasco.No plumber will install that stuff for fear of the lawsuits.I hope the pex holds up better.The sharbite stuff is great,but I have reservations about putting it behind a wall.You also have to have the correct shark bit configuration.FIP to sharbite with a MIP faucet would be ideal.Make sure you follow the manufactorers instructions and use the insert for plastic pipe.If you get stuck post some pics,Ron or Art or I can get you thru it. Joe
  21. You will need to replace it.Cut the pex loose and pull the faucet out.You may need to solder a barb fitting into the faucet and re-pex it back.This takes a special ring and crimpers,do not try to use a hose clamp.If the burst area is accessable and not split badly ,I have seen homeowners hose clamp a piece of rubber over the split with mixed results.Good luck. Joe
  22. Leash the dog to you and act like nothing is going on.It will take a clue from you.
  23. Thanx for the imbed Roy,I just today heard this on my Ipod.Good stuff. Joe
  24. Cant get it to imbed tonite
  25. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object> Here ya go Bubba!
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