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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. I set up a game camera on a gut pile from a deer I shot.I was very surprised to see what got most of the goodies. http://s957.photobuc...r%20Gut%20Pile/ Best watched as a slideshow. Joe
  2. Sorry to hear that Wayne.I hope for the best for you.I was in the ER at 3:30 this AM so I may be a bit pissy my self...That and Vicodin and a computer may not be the best idea. Joe
  3. I wasn't gonna be the one who said it Wayne.I have been on the other side of that equation.Just cause someone else loses their income it suddenly becomes my problem.Then when they land on their feet,I am not made whole.Seems unfair to me that everyone should have a right to be forgiven all of their debts and start over again no matter who else get screwed in the process.You have to remember that just because someone has a business it does not mean they are rich or the enemy.They are not a faceless organization without family or bills of their own.There used to be a stigma that came with going bankrupt and for good reason.Guess those days are long gone. Joe
  4. Thanx guys and girls.It was a very nice peaceful birthday. Joe
  5. I think he was born in 1997 or 1998.Many goats dont see their 10th birtday but he comes from sturdy lines.His Mom is still with us.
  6. Thanx Roy,one more month untill Rockets birthday!
  7. I just missed that sweet leap year birthday deal.I would be 12.75 years old if my Mom had planned stuff out better.
  8. Great job!Thanx for taking the time to put it together.One of my favorite songs. Joe
  9. Very nice pics Joey,Thanx.Hard to recognize lots of y'all with all yer clothes on. Joe
  10. It seems I remember something about an email going somewhere to someone it shouldn't have.Splains the rum and crispies,good to see you around again....You too douG. Joe
  11. I could watch those things run all day.I'm gonna have to build me one of those one of these days. Joe
  12. . John Prine...Lake Marie.Awwww Baby..We got to go!Joe
  13. Last I heard Casa Blanca was up for sale.I'm curious now about what is going on up there.I fished there for years before switching over to lakair. Joe
  14. For you other NASCAR junkies we have an OFC fantasy pool at Yahoo set up by Danc.The group number is 8039 and the password is OFC.BTW I think Bernie has hit the nail on the head for JR.I like the way he handles himself on interviews and stuff but he seems very tentative when he drives. Joe
  15. Heres another one
  16. Home owners permit.We have them here and there is a time and place for them.How much does a permit cost?By the time this guy gets the permits and materials he is not leaving much for his labor.
  17. Thats a bargoon if the guy knows what he is doing.Dedicated circuit,wire and breaker plus labor=deal.I suspect he is working on the side and using his bosses materials.Take it and run,its not a very complicated job.Wont be no permit pulled on it for that price. Joe
  18. No need for a t fitting for either.Just get a dual stop cut off valve.The hot should be 1/2 by 3/8 by 3/8.The cold will need a 1/2 by 3/8 by 1/4 for the ice maker.Look here for details.http://www.brasscraft.com/Products.aspx?Id=204 You should be able to use the old large compression nut so you just have to unscrew the old and screw in the new. Good luck, Joe
  19. I finally admitted to an affair I wasn't having because it was way too implausable of a story that I was gonna drive 14 hrs one way to hang out for a few days with a bunch of guys I met on line.I'm just sayin'. Joe
  20. I have fished with a bunch and met even more.Some are still around some life got in the way.The only one I knew before I joined here was Aplumma,my brother.Good thread. Joe
  21. I'm in.Jr will not be a factor..again!
  22. The way my Caps have been playing you should enjoy the game this Saturday night. Joe
  23. Good to see you back on the puter again...next step is to get you back on the water. Joe
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