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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. I am sorry to hear this.Jack will be missed by many,including myself. Joe
  2. Very funny Art.I cant believe I had to call Spiel to get me unbanned.You may want to let TJ and Roy off of mod Q. Joe
  3. Our little furry friend is growing older but not up!Have a great day. Joe
  4. I remember Mahovolich,Howe and Delviccio when they played for Detroit when I was a youngster.The production line. Joe
  5. Brain fart was meaning Bobby Orr.Good choice.
  6. Bobby Orr?The man!
  7. I have got to give it up for the number 9.The Rocket,Gordie and Bobby Hull.Next favorite(favourite) the number 25.Franceschetti,and Chimera on the Caps. Joe
  8. Good one Joey
  9. That West Va stuff is a whole 9 miles up the road from here.Hope it stops at the border. Joe
  10. Feel free to imbed if you know how. Joe
  11. Guess I'll get to see these Leafs in my house tomorrow nite playing my Caps. Joe
  12. Shes no lightweight.90 lbs of fuzzy dog here.
  13. Fine lookin pup you have there.Mine is the most intuitive trainable dog I have ever had.
  14. It was all good..Tanx Joe
  15. Feel free to imbed if you can. Joe
  16. Now if they could only come up with a field test for the pot heads.Then they could legalize it and tax the crap out of it.It would get the 45 mph guy groovin in the fast lane off the road. Joe
  17. I know you already know this Wayne.When I was in the military,snipers had to run lead thru their guns,Seabees had to drink,pilots had to log hours,you know the drill.Doesn't cost any more to fly over a bunch of rednex driving in circles than it does to fly over cactus.Might be different up there though. Joe
  18. I was researching fishing spots in the French river area and landed here a long time ago.I have met many of Cnandas finest at the gtg's and consider more than a few of y'all to be friends. Joe
  19. Ding Ding Ding!!!Winner.You hit the nail on the head. Joe
  20. Had a lot of noise from the right front on my 1965 Ford.Quieted right down when I kicked her out of the truck,worked for me..maybe not for you. Joe
  22. Good job Jason!Have you had any livestock losses to yotes yet? Joe
  23. Good stuff,trips like this will make a difference in you sons life.Thanx for taking the time to post. Joe
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