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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. You guys are great. Great sympathy, perspective and advice. I'm cheap and will likely just post on kijiji for a free dog, as I did to get Buddy. Seems a lot of people get huskies in town and then realize they need a lot of space, which I have. Why females MB? I would have thought males would be more protective and less attractive to other animals. He ate raw meat his whole life. I raise and butcher rabbits so he gets lots of treats. Unfortunately he was the WORST hunting dog unless it was a chipmunk or porcupine hahaha.
  2. Yeah, Im sure he got in a few strikes, Huskies are quite the fighters. I've seen him embarass a bull mastiff before! How are the malamutes compared to siberians as far as character? They seem a little calmer but their size might come in handy around here.
  3. Thanks for the kind thoughts. He definitely died trying to protect us/his home. He was a Siberian husky mix; went from sled dog for 4 years to family dog for 2. His name was Buddy. I think ill name the next dog "pal" in his honour
  4. Quite the brutal sight. ugh. Lots of 'what ifs'...we should have tied him up when we heard the brush wolves (coyote/eastern wolf mix) howling. But I had no idea the bit Timberwolves were around, and clearly very hungry. Blood and fur all over my lawn in the morning. They literally ate him to the bone. He's scrapped it out with single wolves and coyotes before and scared them off, but this time they had a clear and hungry agenda. He was one hell of a property dog, tough as nails to other animals and super nice to all people. One of the risks of living in the bush and keeping an outdoor dog, I guess. Later Buddy.
  5. They over-reacted big time. All that over a marker?? ha! I don't have kids that age, so I'm not sure what I would have done in your situation, but my instinct right now would be to laugh at them, pass the marker to them and say... "sorry, but get over yourselves guys, seriously, bye"
  6. Nice sheephead/freshwater drum! I love catching them, they fight like trains.
  7. Pike slime hair gel! I've seen it at farmer's markets...I think
  8. Is natural gas that much cheaper than propane? Or are the prices just less volatile and generally lower?
  9. Let me get this straight Rick... You don't like -30 and blowing winds?
  10. You got a truck!!! wow, has he ever grown since the last time I saw him. "HI FISHY!!!" hahahaha
  11. Lots of Cow's Parsnip on my property. It seems to grow in recently disturbed areas, like where new trails are made. I ate some earlier this this year; the new growth is what is recommended to eat. I did not like the flavor so I won't bother with it again. I got stung by Nettles on the Notty years ago. Christ did that send me for a loop until I researched it.
  12. Propane has been great for me. Heats my furnace, hot water and cooking stove. I spend around $500 per year. Keeping in mind, I heat with wood as well. cost of propane right now is 0.51/L. I just filled my tanks ($250) and I likely do not have to purchase during the winter when the price typically goes up. Can you get NG delivered and stored at home? I thought it was via infrastructure only?? I'm deep in the woods, so no gas lines here.
  13. They called for thunder storms all day yesterday. I worked outside all day and felt three drops of rain. S.Ont really got it bad! Quite the video Brian
  14. If I can, I'm buying a few head of cattle next year and sharing the work/investment. My neighbor has the pasture, the equipment and the know-how. Investing in food/land is the way to go now.
  15. The Montreal River is a highly manipulated waterway and, if I'm not mistaken or have been lied to, has seen it's fair share of contamination from various sources. My guess is, it's not a very productive (and maybe unhealthy) waterway. It certainly sounds beautiful however! The price for the week is great, knowing that the fishing isn't great, you could skip on the boat and basically camp at a lodge for super cheap. I may look into that for the family as tenting isn't very fun with a 1 year old. Check out the Fish Consumption Guide for the lower Montreal (Notch Lake)... They recommend 0 pike from 28 to 30 inches for the general population. Not a good sign of the water quality!
  16. I like that sign haha. My neighbor has one that says "my life is as good as the one you pretend to have on Facebook" your truck is packed like a desperate dump run hahaha
  17. You must have been exhausted after the race and those late night/early mornings of fishing! The only obstacles I'll do are tag alders and rocks hahaha Looks like a blast of weekend; you guys caught a PILE of fish.
  18. Considering the tough conditions, you got some decent fish at Restoule. I've never been there, maybe I'll have to take the little one there sometime...looks like a nice PP. G's favorite station must be classic rock Great report!!
  19. I'll have to probe my sources to get information on this one. If they intentionally ignited the fuel (assuming its fuel), then they would need permission from the MOE for some kind of release to air. I somewhat doubt the MOE would permit this as they rarely (and are not supposed to) manage/give direction at spill sites. In that short of a time frame, it's very unlikely the MOE said "yep, go ahead and burn it". I bet they are mobilizing cleanup crews, vacuum trucks on rail cars and mobile treatment units and many thousands of pounds of absorbents and mitigation equipment as we speak. There are not very many companies that are prepared to properly address/respond to spills of this size in that area of Ontario. If those companies are busy on other jobs it makes it even worse. Let's hope all practicable efforts are taken to protect human and environmental health!
  20. Perfect outings and report! I like that rack on your uncles Kodiak. Great cooking-shelf. 60 specs in one trip is fantastic no matter how you spin it!
  21. Canutec, ministry of environment, ministry of labor, environment Canada, MNR, transport Canada, all agencies that might have info. They may also stay tight-lipped based on my experience will large spills. wasn't there just a law passed stating that the rail companies had to inform the township/municipality when they carry hazardous materials through? Get your council or whatever your local government is, to request and share that information, for now and the future.
  22. Sloppy! I love blasting buzzbaits over slop like that.
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