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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. Looks healthy, and if it stays that way it has a long life ahead of it. White Ash's can get quite big. I wouldn't cut that on my own unless I really hated the property owner. haha. Pro all the way if you choose to cut.
  2. Your Uncle would be proud! OFC is behind you all the way Mike
  3. The bobcat completely fumbled it. He took 15 minutes to move 5 feet, then lunged at one of the fawns facing it. The first deer ran off immediately so the bobcat paused while the second deer looked at the feeling first fawn. The bobcat realized the second one was staying still, but he double clutched it and the second one eventually got wise and ran off. After the two deer escaped, ol' bobby plunged into the forest after them and that was the last I saw. Haha
  4. Here is a bobcat I captured on Cam this summer. I live near North Bay Last fall, while in a tree stand I saw one (I like to think the same one) stalk and attack two fawns. It was incredible and hilarious. Bobcats are smaller and darker in colour than a Lynx
  5. You really got on a good streak later in the season. Great report
  6. ha! Then we'll need a helicopter to air lift the frozen-solid-to-the-lake snow blower.
  7. Livinfishin: 'new activities", what else you got planned this winter? I have my best supply of firewood yet, so I consider myself 'ready'. The track on my tundra needs replacement, so 'not ready' I bought a riding mower with a snow blower attachment, but I don't know if it'll work well, so 'not ready' I hear it'll be a milder winter that last year, so 'ready!!'
  8. Camping on Nipigon! Some day, some day... Great report as usual. Inspiring as always
  9. Blame the sleigh, not the sled Behind the mask: Jeremy84
  10. Or the house is infested with bugs. Cool pic
  11. Nice joepa. Chimey needs a clean here too. Do you use a tractor or an atv or something else to harvest ?
  12. Wow that's in amazing shape. My brothers is in tatters by comparison
  13. Good thing that's not a wood stock gun....it would be warped in no time. Funny stuff. The boy looks like future trouble haha.
  14. Your listening to more country/folk/twang lately. Yep, great neighbor
  15. Do they work well in rough trails and up hills? Agreed. Let's start a business importing hardwood to the far north
  16. Lew: The picture with your Dad & Brother & Axe is great! He must have done a lot of work on that property, imagine the previous generation who probably cleared it/worked it by horse. Rick: My caption for the first photo "Ok G, if we use these worms properly we can turn them into fish burgers"
  17. fishndevil, That sled of yours makes me smile as well.
  18. Not sure I would do the 'bite test' hahaha. Get yourself a mushroom field guide and do the spore color test.... although someone here might have an idea what kind this one is.
  19. Silly thread topic. Here are my recent ones
  20. Black spruce is considered junk here
  21. He is not wincing, he's just pie-eyed
  22. If I had to purchase my firewood, I'd seriously look into getting a pellet stove as my main ( or 'secondary') heat source. Firewood is free at my place, so it's worth the time and effort. This is my large shed, approx. 15 single cords here. Also have a few bags of splintered cedar. This is my small shed near the house, approx. 8 cords here. I found a cool piece of yellow birch and put linseed oil on it to preserve it. The other 7 are in piles in the bush waiting to be moved. It's getting cold out there!!
  23. Propane is my primary source. ... a whole $500 a year heats the house and hot water and cooking stove A splitter would be nice, but only if I had all the logs hauled to one landing. Most of the time I'm cutting trees in the middle of the bush and splitting by hand on location. My forest is thick and terrain is rough
  24. 30 singles! Not bush cords! I couldn't imagine doing 90 singles in a year. Most of what I cut and pulled was dead fall/wind fall or standing dead, mostly yellow birch and red maple. Dutch Elm Disease wiped out most of my Elm trees, so I tried harvesting that as well. 5 months drying and still no chance of me splitting it. That stuff is the worst to split. I'll take a twisted yellow birch any day.
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