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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. I like the twin bass shot... Good fishin bro
  2. There is a Lake Ramsy access point on the road that leads to Laurentian university (not sure the name). Also, if you walk the trails behind Laurentian residences (old ones) there is a nice beach on a lake that has decent bass...and splake apparently too. Don't fish the at the golf course, they WILL kick you out several times. Minnow lake has a few public accesses, but the lake doesnt hold much. If you drive 20 mins north on Hwy 17, you can fish the Vermillion River. I've never had luck there, but lots of people fish at the bridge. Its a nice spot to chill and you can walk some of the shoreline. I'd recommend walking in on the North Side of the river, on the South bound lanes side and follow the small, very small walking trails to some nice rock cuts on the river. It's a good place to chill and it seems to have potential for pike, bass and walleye. Most guys just use pickeral rigs out there.
  3. Nice shots!!! I was hoping for some shallow water Largies today, but the smallies came out to play. Gotta love bucket mouths. Cheers
  4. I'll start off by saying I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend safely with no regrets. For us, the weekend started on thursday afternoon with a last minute plan to find a remote lake to "test" out our new camping gear. The trail leading into the lake was an overgrown mess, so it was a good thing that I brought my trusty and rusty machete. We took it slow and cleared some of the trail on our way. Of course I sent her on-duty a few times. We arrived at the small lake, no more than 60 Hectares in area, and after clearing the overgrown site, we deployed the equipment. I must remark on how easy the new tents are to set up... for $65 I am very happy so far with this model from CT. A $25 queen sized mattress fits neatly into our shelter and we were ready for a bit of relaxing and canoeing. This was basically the entire lake... as I said, it was very small. Supposedly this lake and another nearby lake used to hold trout but they disappeared 15 or 20 years ago after cormorants populated the area... now this was told to me by the owner of the only cottage on the other lake. My guess was that they were stocked a few times and the fish never survived. The max depth in these lakes is only 15 to 20 feet and with no significant inflowing or outflowing rivers. To me, these are not natural trout lakes, but I could be wrong. I caught some nice Jumbos in the spring, but all we caught this time were dinks...and lots of them. It was fun either way and kept us busy. The next day we took down our camp, cleaned up and drove to a productive Brookie river. I caught a few decent fish and we swam at some beautiful waterfalls. Sorry no pics of this adventure. On Saturday, JoeyTier and I fished another small lake as can be seen in his report. http://www.ofncommun...showtopic=55003 Today, I again woke up early and drove to yet another small lake with my little canoe. This time I decided to search for bass. Now I'm definitly not a "bass-guy" but after seeing all those jealousy-inducing bass-opener reports, I got the itch to throw some spinners baits. The trail was once again, pretty rough but my little truck has proven to be quite the workhorse with a canoe on top. On the first cast I missed a big hit and after that, the little guys did their best imitation of a 2lbs smallmouth. I eventually found a pattern that got the big guys moving.... ripping the spinnerbait on top of thick weeds. I wish I had my buzzbait with me today as that's what I was basically doing with the spinner. Five bass entered the boat, several came off early and two of them came home to meet Mr. Castiron. I took a break and caught a few rock bass for some freezer stock. Biggest smallmouth was 15.5 inches. Those rock bass stunk to high heaven when I cleaned them. I mean, I could barely stand it but you should have seen my GF's face. Poor girl, I'm still trying to get her to enjoy eating fish...this was a step back. Now it's time for house cleaning, dinner party and baby visiting duties. I had a great weekend, I hope you did as well!
  5. That's puts him in the 70th percentile The Avs paid a fortune for Valamov and signed Giguere. Now there is an injury prone tandem.
  6. well sure... if you manipulate the stats. He's played ten seasons and averages 62 games/season... sidney crosby is at 68 games/season (two completely different players of course). This is from NHL.com stats. Hopefully he gets 70+ games this year, he could be Kessels assist man.
  7. Out of 820 potential games (10 seasons) he's played 627 with 395pts. His first four years were his healthiest.. Not a good trend, 68 games/42pts last season... He needs to have a better season to be worth over 4.5 mill. He doesn't have the best playoff stats, but neither do the leafs. Hehe.
  8. He's played over 60 games in 7 of the last 11 seasons and four full seasons. Definitly injury prone, but he's not too far gone yet.
  9. Odd that they would use a Herc for searching, no?? It probably just got repaired again and they took it for a test run. Nice pics!
  10. Good sized brookies and you can't beat the flavour!
  11. If Connelly stays healthy for 82gms he'll get the leafs 60-70pts... in 2008-09 he was one of the best players to watch on Buffalo and even during his short seasons he was getting 0.8 pts/game. Good pickup.
  12. Way to go Team 2, I mean Simon.
  13. AWSOME report! You have some very kind hosts and friends there.
  14. No problems Joey, it was nice to company this morning ... For some reason its hard to find someone willing to fish at 4 am. Haha. Breakie looks tasty!
  15. I actually reallly enjoyed the LOB's beer at first but have had a few skunky ones since. The muskoka lineup is good indeed... But... We don't hold a candle to Quebec beer options unfortunately.
  16. The red hooks don't rust, which is nice. I fell for store bought worm harnesses and wire leaders... Then realized I could make them myself for a tenth of the cost.
  17. I'd be more concerned with those who poach rather than those who follow the legal limits, no matter how silly you think the limit laws may be. I only get pissed (read jealous) at those who keep their limit, when I can't catch my own.
  18. Very bad news. It's the same with construction workers...people zoom by as if doing 10 over the speed limit is more important than a life. When someone is out of their vehicles on a highway, drivers must slow down and pay close attention....be it emergency, construction or other.
  19. Quite the bruiser! Well done on your biggest/baddest
  20. Those are some fine fish man! Doesn't get more fish-porny than that.
  21. Can't go wrong with that start. It'll only get better for you.
  22. ya buddy! nice haul for B.O'er. I haven't had the opportunity to try for bass yet... you struck my jealousy nerve with this post.
  23. Beast!!!! I'm hopeing for one of those this year...then again, I'm sure everyone else is too.
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