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Everything posted by pikeguy

  1. The power of the human heart Is not measured on a meter But by the passion it has The power of the human heart Can't be seen by the naked eye But by the effect it has The power of the human heart Is not powered by a machine But by the will it has The power of the human heart Can't have a negative effect But by the strenth it has A power so great A power so full The visions it can create The visions intact You can't put on an act
  2. my guess would be and old style tiger torch !?
  3. looks good u'r doing a great job. Did my boat last year at this time. my boat is fiberglass , it took me 2 weeks of after work and weekends and my father-inn-law and my friend that works in fiberglass.
  4. I would suggest that you take a season and go out hunting as a guest not a hunter to see if you will actually like to hunt. I live in the north were hunting is big and every year is see the same thing. Guy's take the course by a new guy get it all set up by all there gear they get into the 1000's with all this stuff. Go out for the hunt and realize that its not for them. I'm not trying to discourage you at all and if you believe that you will enjoy this sport then go for it and have fun and be safe I'm just putting it out there
  5. I'm home as well injured my hand at work and the cold is very painful on the most injured finger. So in the heat i stay as much as i can Wish i had not done this to my hand gonna kill my ice fishing for this year.
  6. Welcome to the board solo'sgirl. Looking forward to your post and reading your tails And i'm certain that you will be able to teach your Dad to fish be patient with him it may take time but he will get it. Looking forward to your stories to tell Happy fishing and be safe out there Good luck pikeguy
  7. not a problem always willing to help out on the west arm. I'm a spinner bait lover for pike and do very well with them on nipp, have done well with the purple/white red/white, and on covered days i use the green/yellow, green/bright green and on all of them i will use a 4" gulp minnow or smelt they work well for me and in other threads i have some pics from that spot. Grab a map and you can check out the canoe pass. There are lots of rocks i will not lie but for the most part they have bean marked some that i did not know about and some that i did stay to the water that you know and you will be safe. From the tip of oak to the narrows is a safe trip and you can find Musky in that area as well good luck and happy fishing
  8. JimC do not give up on nipp don't know were you are staying but go and try over at the hay narrows around the target there are some realy good spots to go around there went out there and caught some nice one under the slot i do not by fish of any kind but if thats what you have to do go for it ,
  9. if your dad shouts at the bear with a 410 he had better be able to run, It may sting the bear but will piss him off and may charge at him.There are .410 slugs that he can get and be safer with that but the bear has to be pretty close for that size gun . But if your Dad,s bear is not near the dump there are guy's around there that will take him down there are some avid bear hunters in that area,and i'm one of them i will be going there this weekend to help out on tracking a bear. Is your dad's bear about 300 lbs with a brown streak on his head thats the one im gonna go find
  10. Done, The beast of luck to her
  11. around here(Sudbury) they bring it to the dump, then the recycling center takes it. When i was in high school we had a body shop and somebody gave us a boat to work on for practice
  12. There are lots of places to fish out there. One of my beast spots this year is at the hay narrow its were the west arm meets nippissing it takes me about 15 min to get to lakair in my boat 50 hp. An over cast day would be the better choice, that i have found out there. i do allot of trolling and thats how i catch pike go around the islands out there and you should do well caught my limit out there in a few hours still head out there and find lots more. good luck and happy fishing
  13. I have a plastic tank that does not have a vent on it, The first time i had a problem with it was a Lakair the motor would not run properly and stall out. I loosened off the cap and it was fine so i guess im only half way behind the times lol
  14. So i went to this web site www.thefishingline.com/marine.htm and they say there is a difference in the way they are built and they say that car battery's wont last in a boat lol. guess they never tried it i have had one in my boat for the last 3 years. And never had a problem with it.
  15. good turn out,good fishing, and great planers The kids must of had a blast. Hope you took pointer on how to catch fish buddy. jj
  16. from there web site It’s tow time. With a standard Class III hitch receiver* on your properly equipped Ranger, you’re ready to pull a utility trailer, a bass boat, or any load up to 2,620 kg (5,780 lbs.) See your Ford of Canada Dealer for a copy of the Trailer Towing Guide.
  17. Go to a welding supply store and ask them for mig plier holster there great and durable. I use them at work and for fishing they very 3-15$ depends one the one you want
  18. lake nipissing is is a good spot to go lots of lodges all around it and cell phone works and medical is not to far away worst case they have choppers to get to you.
  19. i did my boat 16 foot fiberglass with a 50 hp on it i used 1/2" (Douglas fur) its good for this use doubled up screwed with resin between the 2 layers then coated the outer sides with resin to seal it up. good luck
  20. I'm a norther boy. I say get a p/u there is no end to what u can pull. personally i drive a GM and never had a problem pull my boat or anything els you can also haul the stuff you need if you got a project to build (wood,stones,and the bigger stuff)
  21. . Careful though the 25 cent cap might cause you to have to skip a few meals to pay for it. Art Canada 32cents(hst) lol
  22. I think would invest in a bullet proof vest if i worked around there. lol And maybe get a tank to drive to work let see them car jack that. lol Sorry to make humor about this but i live in sudbury and the biggest thing that happen most recent around here is some kids that spray painted the bus stops But i do feel for you be safe
  23. http://www.camplaplage.com/ This is another place on the west arm it a nice place off the main road and secluded. lots of fishing around there as well and the owner can help you out. They have a launch there,Quiet and peaceful,fishing is good and its closer to some great hot spots,i have never stayed there but it looks real nice not to for from town ether just another place to look into if you want to be more secluded
  24. Hi there! You will be in my back yard when you go there. At one time it was my aunt and uncle that owned that. The fishing is hit or miss this year iv had good days and real bad ones but there is lots of fish to be had up here. I camp out on the other side of the lake second bay. when you get there stop at the store and grab a map there 5$ you don't need the big one There is allot of spots to hit depending on the time you have. What i will do is grab my map and tell you some of the hot spots i do not have it with me but i will post them before you come up, and if you tell me when you are coming maybe we can meet up and i will show you some spots to fish and were not trek (low water) i could tell you the places as locals know them but there not on the map that way so when i get the map you can find them as well i have yet to be skunked out there this year not always great but i do find them. There is a post i put up if you go and look ,It shows the pike i caught out around there about 15- 20 min down the lake i will get my map and let you know
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