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Everything posted by pikeguy

  1. I have decided to buy a humming bird 570 fish finder I looked a CT and found it there for 289$ it has all i was looking for in a new one Then i look at BPS and they had it there but allot cheaper it was only 189$ on sale just wondering if there was a reason for such a difference in price. 100$ seems like allot to mark down Still think i will get it from BPS for that price may take longer to get but worth the wait for sure
  2. my merc did the same thing took it to my guy and he changed the cap with the vent then changed the spark plugs he told me that with my merc and the thunderbolt ignition it can do that after trolling for a long time, Just saying thats happen to me and what he did
  3. i don't know if you can enlarge this pic if you can not pm me and i will sent it to you the red is were my rock is and the green is umbrella island that i know hope this helps you figure this out
  4. congrats on the awesome fish, like most never caught one heard stories and say pics in the paper but thats all i can not imagine the fight, Caught some big musky but i don't think they can compare to that. Again congrats hop you have more great adventures to come and enjoy
  5. Sorry i'm not a scientist that can explain how this works out,but i do know that there was more water at the launch in Laving and at my sisters dock. It can very well be the wind that we had when i went out i do not doubt that, Maybe the west end is on a lower axis the east end and maybe the basin is much shallower then then the east i have know idea but all i did was take the pictures and posted them,They give me hope And hope right know is all we have till the water comes up if it ever does!!
  6. The first pic is the island i fish took it last Sunday May 16 the second was taken today May 24 lets hope it keeps going up
  7. I'm looking to spend 200-300 for a decent fish finder but not sure witch one to get,I currently use an Eagle cuda 168 have had it for 5 years now and don't like it much i can not get the right reading in shallow waters,If there is 3' of water it jumps around to 89'-56'-13' and so on. also unless i turn off the motor i dont get a good reading any help would be welcome. I'm thinking Humming bird 550 or 570 what do you think
  8. My tip is not to go to the island this weekend. The natives are protesting the new HST and according to the news they are planning to shut down the only road to the island. Just a suggestion its up to you if you want to go,may have to sit there for a while before you get true would not want anybody to waste the weekend on account of this and i did not say anything good luck and happy fishing http://www.sudburystar.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2583778
  9. to complicated get a Brita
  10. my logo on the back of the boat and a pic of me and the boat look for these out on the water
  11. Ok you want a report her you go.to launch your boat you may have to drop of the ramp then the back of the boat will start to float, Its a little steep. Then climb down to your boat from the dock i would say 3", a stern drive boat may pass under the dock the back of my boat went under the dock had the motor raised so it stopped it. Oh ya lift your motor before you launch it will get hung up,seen the other guy do it before me (should not have passed me on the hwy) stay away from the shore it is dangerous. The fish are not gonna be were you think there are not many weeds yet and the water is at 59 degrees today. Wear good sun glasses ( polarized) the rock you would never see may be out,But there are some still hiding under the water go slow and keep an eye out. If you go up to hard wood island stay in the middle its the safes place but keep your eyes open. i will be out there Sunday. getting married Friday day after party Saturday then fishing Sunday with my wife. I will be around, If you see a white fiberglass boat 1980 style with a happy face on the back left side beside the motor thats me be careful and have fun
  12. went out this weekend on nipissing and the water temp was 58 degrees
  13. I use theme all the time on nipissing while trolling i hock them on a spinner jig, Personally i prefer the 4" minnow and a green and yellow spinner jig the spinner dont get syuck in the weeds as much
  14. it's a mine cart that we put a steel deck on instead of wood,sitting on top of that is a oxy acetylene rack you can put 2 oxy tanks and four acetylene on it to ship under ground,once down there you can remove the hole assembly from the cart with a fork lift. on the top half there is a swing gate to get them out with ease. there are swing latches on the cart as well for the transporting they lock into the fork tube Inco loved it and placed a big order for them
  15. Ya thats for sure glade i do my repairs my self. I'm a welder by trade lol so i fix my props my self saved me allot of money so far i built this and its my designee
  16. This is my favorite spot to fish in the opening season on nipissing. I usually pull up close to the pin and tie off to it, usually this rock would be under water and you can just see the top around the pin, As you can see i could not do that this year and ther were no fish around this area to be found. I finally cough some walleye after heading out to the Hay narrows. found some pike as well but nothing much not a good opener for me but i think it can only get better. I hope!
  17. So i went out today with my uncle on his boat for a cruise to try out his boat,the water was down 2 1/2'-3' we went to lavigne and then up to oak island and found some stuff we did not know about, The rocks were really out and had to look were we were we went lots of rocks. But on the plus side i found the rock that i have looked for,for the last 3 years it is under water and we miss it lots of walley there so i put a marker on it lol encase the water goes up lol so if you go out be careful and be safe. I will be heading out on Sunday if any are heading out let me know, buddy system can be a good thing lol
  18. I grew up in port weller as kids we would fish of the rocks from the canal lake side that is and we would catch fish from there lol. Kids we were so i dont remember what they were. But there is a boat lunch over there. It was never busy
  19. she is a beauty. welcome to the bored
  20. As i used to be a butcher for 10 year and cut up allot of moose in the north her is a big secret for any that are interested in it,the membrane that separates the meat from the guts if you will, should never be taken from a wild animal that was shot, If the stomach was damaged at any time that membrane kept the acid from entering the meat, it may sower the meat and make you sick. On a other note if you want to cook them This is what i do wit them after i removed the inner membrane i boil the ribs till cooked,in the oven or stove top place on a rack ad coat with sauce home maid or bought place in the oven for 15-20 min at 350 cut and serve enjoy BBQ- Sauce 1/2 large onion,4 cloves garlic,2 cup ketchup,1/3 cup vinegar,1/4 cup Worcester sauce,1/2 cup brown sugar,3/4 cup molasses 1/2 tsp pepper,1/2 tbsp salt, 1/4 cup tomato paste,1/2 tsp Tabasco, and most of all Jack Daniels to taste mix in a pot simmer 30 min let stand 1 hr. Add molasses last to taste to much will over power it. I add 1/4 cup at a time
  21. They have some really good guides out that way if you are not familiar with the area i would suggest to get a guide for a day, they know were the hot spots are and were to stay away from( rocks).Went out to check the water 2 weeks ago and it was very low hoping it comes up so you can have a good fishing trip.
  22. thought i would share this pic that was sent to me. Real or not can you just imagine
  23. when u launch you'r boat and go under the bridge look strait ahead thats oak island. on your way to that look to the Right you will see the bay's the third on is a good place to go. go from the point and aim for the island, do not go behind the island shallow water even more so this year ,The other side of that island to the big patch of weeds is good to. Send me your address i will send you a map for some more places to go and try it will just take less time that way
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