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Everything posted by FISHINGNUT

  1. Just wondering if any one knows if its open water yet? Was thinking of taking the boat out Saturday .Also is there any public launches that would be open this time of year? .I cant seem to reach any one at the Conservation office. Thanks Jamie
  2. Did my part
  3. I know just how you feel they do become an important part of the family its always a tuff decision to make
  4. After hitting the Canadian tire sale last night I took all my new goodies down to the FISHING ROOM to put it away .Well theres no place to put it every tackle box and case is already over flowing ,I have boxes of tackle not even open some I didnt even remember buying or having .I keep adding more shelves and storage bins for my stuff I have more tackle than I could ever need or use but I still BUY and BUY. I actually cancled my Pay pal account so I would stop buying off of Ebay,It seemed every second day a parcel would show up at the house or my office .I think one of my problems is I feel I have to have every fishing senario covered for any body of water I fish .For example If I know green , blue ,and orange spoons work well on lake O for rainbows I need a tackle box full just for that lake and if purple ,white and yellow are the colours of choice on Erie I need a box of those for that lake I have tackle boxes that are lake specific for cripes sake I spend countless hours when not fishing just organizing a reorganizing my tackle sharpening hooks and tinkering with my stuff.I am already spooled and tied for the Pike walleye and even bass opener .I can tell you today where I am going to fish for bass opener and what the first lure of the open season I am going to throw.I am sure alot of you guys think I probably need to be medicated but I guess there could be alot worse addictions out there other than fishing
  5. I just got back didnt notice any huts so dont know if they have any, saw a couple manual augers. But I did manage to drop $150 on more ice tackle I really dont need but who can resist 1/2 price The Waterloo store had a lot of lures and rods but all the combos were already gone I got the last windless tip up and HT rod case wish they had more of those ,Now to find a place for all these new lures till next season
  6. Ice fishing sale!!! 50% off, Spend or not to spend Dont worry remember its Canadian tire they wont have anything in stock thanks for the heads up
  7. My heart goes out to ya ,NO really it does
  8. Happy Birthday
  9. Is this what you mean? A Erie dearie Visit My Website
  10. Darn I was planning on visiting Bass pro and the truck dealer today oh well back to dreamin
  11. I agree
  12. ???? I cant figure it out either I figured I would pass it on and maybe as a collective effort we might be able to escape
  13. This should keep you busy till open water season. Similar one last year I think but the room has changed ,Visit My Website
  14. I agree
  15. Wasnt worth the gas to get there one decent deal for me.Spider line braid 50% off
  16. Its 100% garbage with all the fisherman out there that would give there left jewel to have there own fishing show and this guy gets sponsors and air time I dont get it ???????????
  17. I am dressed and ready to go 1hr 10 min till they open
  18. My wife and I have a rule I dont ask what she spends on Scrap booking and she doesnt ask me how much I spend on fishing
  19. Just a heads up got this weeks Canadian tire flyer today 50-75% off selected fishing items
  20. Very cool I want one!!!
  21. Just wondering what you guys use to tow your toys around and what your hauling. The time is near my lease is almost up on my truck. I have been looking and cant believe how trucks have been comming down in price .I have owned a pick up for the last 21 years but with the gas prices as volitile as they are I am not sure if thats the way I want to go any more .Granted I only work 16 km round trip from home but its when I want to tow the boat any where or go on a trip I feel the gas prices.I have 2 kids so a 4 door is need I tow my 17.5 aluminum bow rider on average 15 times a season and in the winter a snow mobile trailer.I currently am driving an 06 hemi 4x4 quad cab which I have been VERY happy with .It tows my boat like there is nothing even on the back but I really think its over kill for my needs.I have been looking at a used SUV Pontiac Torrent,Ford Escape ,Chev trailbazer something along those lines.These newer 6 cylinders seem to pull just fine and I am sure I will get better than 9.6 mpg Thanks for your input.
  22. I hope those are really short deers
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