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Everything posted by FISHINGNUT

  1. Awesome!
  2. Nice fish but dont they read the OFC that fish is way to big to be heald vertically like that LOL
  3. Quote from your website "In a generation of 'Green' it is unthinkable that it would be acceptable to commercialize this RURAL area and change forever what we have respected and loved our entire lives." I thought you didnt have a problem with the development just the disregard for the buffer zone? ?? You had me till I read your website IMO its more about how this will affect YOU and your NIEGHBOURS peace and quiet than the lake. Great way to play the GREEN CARD ,that seems to pull at everyones heartstrings latley and get you heard.What better place to sell your sad story but to a bunch of sportsman who are always willing to save there sport Sorry I may be way off track but it just doesnt sound like we are getting the whole story
  4. My first boat was a tiller great on nice days.Now I have the full windshield and foul weather top wouldnt buy another boat without it.Early and late in the season is really when you notice the biggest difference ,been fishing many a time up at the cottage when my buddies have headed in with there boats way before us just to get out of the elements, I just put the top up and keep fishing.Plus I do 99% of my fishing with someone else in the boat so that was a consderation too when I bought it.Mine is 17.5 ft and have plenty of room even with the top on
  5. totally agree with ecmilley pretty much the same thing I do ,I was starting to wonder my self if it was just me or actually the line I was having a problem with ,I really dont like P-line but thats just my opinion.
  6. I think I will wait for a calmer day too. Great to know that North winds is what to watch fore for a calmer day on the water.First time out I dont want to be sunk just for a fish
  7. Thank you
  8. thanks Dave but what I was wondering approx how many miles would I have to go out to hit deeper water
  9. I was thinking of trying for some walleyes and bows this weekend if I can get out .I was going to launch out of Port Maitland I have downriggers for my boat ( never used ) I was wondering how far off shore would I have to run to get deep enough ? .I have never really fished Erie before but heard it has a real gradual slope to it.I have a 17.5 ft bow rider with a 50 hp and know it can be a very dangerous lake .Not sure if I should wate a few weeks till they start moving closer to the mouth of the Grand ? Thanks Winds are supposed to be out of the South is that bad ? what the best wind direction other than zero
  10. My uncle has one with a 25hp 4 stroke and loves it easy to tow easy to store very wide and deep boat for the length .
  11. wacky I almost always fish them that way.Ya you have my number Evan boat and I are always ready to go
  12. Well last week I posted a question about bright coloured senkos .This is what a bright PINK senko got me on Sunday ]
  13. Any one use bright coloured senkos chartruese, lime green,orange ect,ect ? I usually stick to the natural colours in clear water and darker colours in stained water black ,blue maybe a little chartrues on the tail but never the entire bait.I think the brightest colour I would have would be pink and that works clear or stained water.I was just wondering if any one finds BRIGHT COLOURED baits effective . Jamie
  14. I was there on the long weekend the fishing was very tough probably had alot to do with the savage boat traffic.Stick to the marked channels full out and you will be fine .Take it easy outa the channels alot of schoals are marked but not all .there is alot of pike in the area we did good along weed edges near deep water look for narrows between the islands pike and smallies on the outside eges leading in and out and lrg mouth in between good luck PS WHITE SPINNER BAITS and SMOKE TUBES but shhh dont tell anyone
  15. Thats how I do it never had a problem
  16. Wow its about time.Havnt been there in at least a year same old same old every time I checked it out but its nice to see they finally updated it
  17. I have 3 in the boat and they have never let me down and at the time they were cheaper than any one else they are on there third season still good
  18. I was there last summer for a week and a weekend in the winter with the new owners .Very nice owners camp is still neat and clean but its just not the same without Frank IMO If I am not mistaken they also uped the rates this year
  19. I will be there blue Spectrum grey dodge quadcab se ya there
  20. I am already packed just not sure on the boat dont think I will have time to getter ready maybe see you there.
  21. From what I know you cant purposley target a specific species if you are at your current possesion limit
  22. I dont want to turn this into a EATEM UP CHRONZEY debate and have the thread locked out but I have heard him mention keeping fish and using extra rods based on the licensed camera man in the boat .There is no mention of him fishing since he is working the camera yet they have his allowed 2 rods out while trolling Lake Ontario for example and account for his allowed daily limit
  23. So would this apply to a boat? I only have one livewell in my boat and what if myself and 2 other fisherman are fishing for walleyes for example ,I can only keep my fish in the livewell and my buddies have to use there own indavidual stringer or pail?
  24. I have an o6 sport 4x4 with the hemi and I am lucky if I get 15mpg ,The motor has an annoying tick already its failed to start 3 times this winter (dealer cant figure out why) the tranny shifts hard ,the front end has been replaced twice and is loose again it just doesnt seem to have the same punch any more and it only has 42k on it.When I first picked it out it was all about the styling and the hemi ,but I find the ford and chev are way more comfortable,It does pull the boat like its not even there but so did my super crew Larriot that was way better on fuel and more comfortable.I have to admit that the new 09 are looking sweet but so do the new fords and chevs ,If you are concerned with fuel mileage than you shouldt even be looking at trucks ,It comes down to personnel choice they all have there pros and cons.My dodge goes back to the dealer in 2 weeks I am not saying I wouldnt buy another dodge just not the one I have right now .By the way the truck was in every 5000k for oil change all the regular service was done to it ,Its never plowed snow or been off road or abused so there is no reason for the problems I have had
  25. ooooooooooooooooooh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I need to get out BAD
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