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Everything posted by FISHINGNUT

  1. Been there done that drove down money in hand last January for an Aqua Vue. $150.00 more than the web site price here in Canada Neat place to visit but I dont find the prices good enough to make the trip from Waterloo with gas and ETR costs worth it for me .Plus never found the service very good either
  2. Thanks for all the kind words. It will take a while to adjust .They already are on me today about going out and finding a new puppy.I think its best to give it some time so we dont make any rash decisions.
  3. Yesterday my wife and I had to make the painfull decision of putting our dog of 11yrs down.He had cuching disease in the brain which we had been trying to control with medication for the past few months.He had lost 28lbs in just a short period of time and he just wasnt the same dog anymore,We made a deal that we would do what we could medicaly for him but I refused to allow him to suffer for our benefit. Over the last couple of weeks he ate very little from his dishes but continually chased down and ate many rabbits and squirrels in the back yard which he has never done in the past and had been showing more and more signs of aggresion and would not respond even to me let alone my wife and kids.So for his sake and my wife and kids safety I felt it was time.Its hard to belive he is gone .I used to sometimes get mad that he allways was under foot and would follow me from room to room but today the house just feels so empty and quiet with him gone.
  4. All I have to do is put the batteries and sonar back in and she is ready to go .I was just sitting in it last night debating on wether or not to take it out .I would have liked to hit Dunnville this weekend but I am sure the river is really high and muddier than usual with all this rain and run off.
  5. Thats why I have my own fridge in the workshop BEER and BAIT
  6. I was just about to post the same thing noticed them on the driveway while out for a smoke.My son and I just gathered up about three dozen in 20 min.Iam going to save them for the perch if we ever get the ice back
  7. Still none here in the KW area talked to 5 different places again on Monday .They all told me the same thing it seems 50 cases aloted for the area got lost in transit somehow .I dont plan on getting out in the next week any ways but I have been trying for the last 3 weeks around here to get one.I know I can get one on line but not every one has the internet.Looks like the MNR dropped the ball once again.
  8. icecabinsHere you go Terry a video update www.icecabins.com
  9. Merry Christmas looks like it will be a white one this year
  10. No I havnt checked the compression but it was running decent just last weekend.I made sure the gap was good on the plug .03 and the gap for the coil at .0125 the switch is good and the plug is getting fuel so I would have to assume it is the coil.Thanks for the offer Big Cliff If I cant find some one local I will definatley give you a ring
  11. Well I have been to every small engine place in town and no one has a coil in stock $70.00 and one week delivery hey Gerrit sure my wifes Ford Larriot is more comfy but nothing beats the the style and power of a Dodge HEMI
  12. Tennessee guy beat me I cant type that fast
  13. From what I have been told there is no better way for boat control when following tight structure than back trolling.My dad and uncle always back troll for eyes and using a worm harness.I would also think it has something to do with the transducer for your fish finder.Being mounted on the back of the boat you are steering directly under the transducer without the time delay of the length of your boat passing over before reaching the transducer
  14. Thanks guys I am on my way out for a new switch and coil .Hope this works my wife is counting on it for her sanity while on holidays next week .It seems I can get pretty moody when I cant go fishing
  15. Its good when trolling for walleye .You can achieve slower speeds while back trolling plus with a tiller you get better boat control for following weed lines or breaks
  16. I am getting fuel but no spark
  17. Ok I am not very good with this stuff I assumed it was a selonoid I added a picture it has a green wire conected to the on off switch and the plug wire.It was badly rusted what ever it is? http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j143/JamieJen/DSC01028.jpg http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j143/JamieJen/DSC01026.jpg
  18. We have caught perch and pike there.Later on when the ice is thicker some out fitters put there huts miles out on Simcoe for lakers and white fish but its way to early for that.Let me know in the new year if you want hook up I have a 4 man hut ,power auger ect ect ect .I pass threw Brandford on my way to Dunneville and somtimes have extra room so your welcome to come along sometime.I dont promise LOTS of fish but we always have a good time its dry, warm and FREE
  19. Ok got everything packed and ready to go for my trip Saturday morning filled the auger with gas and figured better start it and make sure its running good before loading it into the truck.Pull pull pull then it fires for about 5 sec and dies. I bought it used in Oct and it ran then .I put a brand new plug in and no spark.I pulled off the cover and cleaned all the conections the selonoind was really badly rusted put everything back together and still no spark.Its an older Eskimo 49cc model and I didnt get an owners manual with.I dont really want to take it to a small engine repair place I probably wont see it for weeks and I am on holidays next week and was really hoping to hit the ice .Any one got any suggestions does a bad selonoid make sense if there is no spark.Oh and by the way YES the on switch is ON
  20. Hey Kenny try these guys .Name Ice cabins Location Gilford Day Hut $35 $45 Phone # 705 456-0000 Website www.icecabins.com
  21. Thanks for all the input .Looks like 80% chance of rain now Saturday
  22. I know they say 4" is generally safe for ice fishing ,But this is the first year I have my own set up a .I have a 4 man clam 6800 aprox 100lbs plus gas auger and gear and there will be three guys in the hut for Saturday .How thick do you think the ice should be before I head out on it?.I called the place we are going and they said they have 7 to 8 " of ice as of today.Even if it warms up by the end of the week I would think thats enough ice?What do you guys think?
  23. We use salties and kernal corn to chum .Then usually a two way spreader right on the bottom with a tip up.I have had good luck replacing the original hooks with a small treble with a pearl added .I dont know why but the whities seem to love that little pearl .I hook one treble with a lively minnow right behind the anus upside down and a cheese egg like you would use for salmon fishing on the other treble. I added a couple of pics of a simple chum can I made with a soup can and wieght .Fill the can 1/2 with chum attach it to your line (heavy action rod) with a snap swivel.Let the can fill with water then let it sick to the bottom.Then at the bottom give your line a quick snap and reel up the can .It dropps the bait exactly where you want it right below you .I find if you just drop bait down the hole any currents can drift your chum quite a far distance from where you are actually are fishing http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j143/JamieJen/DSC01022.jpg http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j143/Jam.../DSC01025-1.jpg http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j143/JamieJen/DSC01023.jpg
  24. I couldnt agree with you more .The lake definatley needs a break .But when it does reopen they should reduce the limits and keep a better eye on what people take out.The only problem I see is its going to put more pressure on other bodies of water that may not be able to rebound with the extra pressure put on them because Valens is closed.
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