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Everything posted by FISHINGNUT

  1. Just came across this while on the GRCA site not sure if its been posted but here it is.I think its a good idea the lake needs a break for a season Valens Fishery Management Plan - Ice Fishing Closure December 1, 2007 Valens Conservation Area will close its winter fishing season beginning December 1. This will mean ice fishing will no longer be permitted, with the exception of a catch-and-release ice fishing derby to be held in February 2008. The fishery will open for summer anglers from the last Saturday in June until the last Saturday in November. Valens has been designated a Provincial Fish Sanctuary in the spring for more than 30 years. In 2008, this status will be removed. However, to continue to protect breeding pike and bass, the reservoir will remain closed for fishing in the spring. The spring closure also allows panfish a chance to repopulate. Panfish are not only important on their own as game fish to anglers, but a viable panfish population is important to the ecology of the lake and the success of the bass and pike populations. Fishing in the Valens Lake has always been a strong attraction for visitors. The fishery has consisted of a summer fishery for bass, pike and panfish from the end of June until the end of November and ice fishing for pike and panfish from December 1 to March 31 (as ice conditions allowed). Ice fishing grew in popularity very quickly at Valens since it began in 2000. Initially anglers had tremendous success, but staff noticed a quick decline in the abundance and size of fish being caught during the winter. For example, during last year’s ice fishing derby a total of just more than 100 Bluegill were caught by more than 100 anglers. In previous years this could have been the number caught by just one angler in a day. The closure of the winter and spring fishing seasons at Valens will help to relieve fishing pressures on the fish community and to allow the reservoir to maintain a self-sustaining fishery. The status of the fish stocks will be measured as time passes to determine three things: how and when the winter fishery can be reopened; whether the spring fishery can be opened; and the success of the catch and release program. HCA staff expect that with a reduction of the fishing pressure, fish populations in the lake should be able to rebound in a short time. HCA will also educate and encourage anglers to practice catch and release fishing during the open season. Future Voluntary Trial Harvest Limits will also be posted for the different fish species to ensure healthy fish stocks. For additional information on the Valens fishery plan, please contact Gordon R. Costie, Superintendent, Valens Conservation Area at 905-525-2183, ext. 22 or email [email protected].
  2. Thanks for all the kind words and advice. BTW Doug your correct I should have mentioned I am a cnc programmer specializing in costom tooling
  3. Yes I think we could .But its just such a bad time of year to get anything rolling most people are shutting down or slowing down for the holidays. I have a bit of money saved to go a few weeks without a pay check but it will be tight .I dont know If I have the funds or time to get things going soon enough .I think my best bet is to try and get any job for now to keep some money comming in to give me the TIME to possibly persue something on my own
  4. Tried that offer he refuses it seems its a better tax write off if he puts it under .which means He started a new Buisiness under a different name for zero start up costs in a new city .Totaly unethical and dirty but totaly legal.The company in KW is incorperated so they cant touch him personally. spend spend spend then go bankrupt here and continue on cashing checks in Burlington in the new shop His brother is now running
  5. If you think your boss is an try this one .I work in a small 2 man tool shopVERY PROFITABLE he profitted $120000 off 2 guys this year alone .I stepped down a couple years ago from a very large but stressful shop after my current employer aproached me with a job offer and promise promise .I figured it was alot less money and security but I thought it would be less stress and more time with my family, so I made the move . Four weeks ago My boss bought a house on the water in T.O ,Matching his and her Escalades for him and the wife then procedes to hand us lay off notices today 12 days before Christmas.It seems him and his brother started another shop in Burlington and has been deverting funds and product to get that one going now he is closing shop here and starting new there . Sorry for the rant .Iam not looking for any sympathy I just had to get it off my chest.I am sure I can get a job but with the holidays on the way most people wont be thinking of hiring until the new year.
  6. Congrats Guys
  7. Are you thinking of Fishcrisp? I know they have different flavours
  8. My dad and I have a pair of these boots and love them but I have to agree they are a litttle tight in the calf area.Fished with about 4" of slush on the ice last year we were the only ones with dry feet in the group.Im not sure how long they last I have only had mine for one season but for $35. how can you go wrong.
  9. I just picked up this from buckster tonight http://www.clamcorp.com/clam_6800.html its huge I cant wait Picked up a power auger, a vexilar , couple heaters and some new rods and tackle a couple weeks ago all I need now is some ice I got over a $grand$ invested already in the last two weeks and were not even close to ice fishing yet
  10. Fished the lake for 15 years never caught or seen a walley.Pike or crappies would be your best bet this time of year and there are some really big pike in there .Try weed edges that are close to drop offs .Look for smallies suspending off the steep rock faces try jigging spoons.Crappies can be supended any where We usually use a flasher to locate them,then use a small jig and minnow.And as so many others pointed out watch the rocks.The only time I go full out on the lake is on my sled in the winter
  11. It was a great day I will be back next year.
  12. I cant stand EATEM UP CHRONZY (based on personally meeting him on several occasions over the years)He talks more about shore lunch than any thing else on his show between the words shore lunch , and paradise it doesnt leave much time for any thing else .I dont agree with the way he handles fish by just chucking them back.IF you cant bend over because of your waste line to properly to release a fish maybe you should reconsider that next beer and shore lunch Chucking em back is better than the fryingpan which so many end up in on his show.I know someones going to say its his right he is allowed to keep his limit thats fine but dont talk about it all show.I think back in the day when he started out that was OK but with todays angler its not as acceptable I guess he has enough of a following for sponsors to keep him employed.I dont watch him any more I dont think he deserves the ratings but thats just my opinion.Im sure there are guys here that love him and thats your right to but just remember there are people who watch Gettin out With Courtney and Shelly and thats there right to its just not for me.
  13. Boats loaded with tackle and rods and on the truck already to go 4;00am Im outa here see you there.
  14. Well couldnt sleep last night and was surfing ebay around 2am came across a 3hp 8" eskimo power auger.Decided to throw a $2.oo higher bid then the last guy .Woke up this morning I now own a power auger . http://s79.photobucket.com/albums/j143/Jam...rent=b9e6_1.jpg
  15. Thanks for all the input guys .By the sounds of it I can get away with the tent but it can be a pain.I am not a patient person and I want to be mobile so I think a hut would be better for me.I would rather spend my time fishing not farting around with setting up a tent.I have been watching E bay and maybe I can get a good deal on a used auger and hut for what I would pay new for just one
  16. Has any one here used a tent for a ice hut? I have an old tent I was thinkig of cutting a few holes in the floor and I was wondering the pros and cons over buying an actual ice hut.I would like to get into ice fishing a little more seriosly this season.I have all the tackle and rods I also purchased a vexilar in the spring on sale and have a hand auger and a portable heater. I dont like to stand out on the ice and I dont like the lack of mobility of renting a hut from an operator.So I have been shopping around for huts and a gas auger but it is a lot of money to spend especially with the lack of ice over the last couple of seasons.Also what would be a good size gas auger to buy.Is 6" sufficiant for pike walleye and white fish? Last year I hooked into a pike and couldnt get it threw the hole,I know thats an Isolated case but whats a good all round size? Thanks
  17. Saturday my son 6 and daughter 12 decided they wanted do some fishing.They wanted to take the boat out but I wasnt sure of the weather and at 11am I wasnt in the mood to drag my boat to a lake and fight the crowds at the boat launch . We decided to try the Conastoga river .It was perfect overcast conditions my daughter started with a tube and I started with a chugger.My son is a senko fanatic I got him hooked on them the last 2 summers at the cottage.I now they work well in the lake but I have never used them in the river.I never tell them what to use they have all there own tackle so they decide what to use .So he goes to his fav colour rootbeer with black fleck,my first cast with the chugger swirl and a miss so my son casts his senko right behind the swirl and bang his PB smallie just over 19" and topped the digital scale at 4.8 lbs not bad for a river smallie and a 6 yr old .My daughter caught a couple smaller ones on her tube then decided to sit and read her book.I managed to pick up 6 using my chugger all small and my son picked up 18 bass in an hour and a half using rootbeer ,and of all colours black and yellow senkos his smallest bass was 14",I would have never thought to use a senko in a current situation but it sure paid off for my son.Wish I had taken my camera but I didnt expect such a good outing.Might head out today with him for a while on the grand before the family shows up for turkey.He already refilled the senkos in his tackle box because he lost a few yesterday and I put a few in my river tackle bag just in case too.
  18. The average size bow we saw was easily in the 10-12lbs range .We saw alot of guys down at the dam in Caledonia I assume they were fishing rainbows there as well
  19. Was in the water by 7:00am casted around the dam for a while saw alot of rainbows jumping .Hooked in to a pike on a jig ,cut the line no leader :roll: trolled down to the ESSO sign one small lrg mouth ,and a small EYE trolled some more with worm harness got a few more hits but they were just taking the worms couldn't get the hooks into anything.By now the sun was fully up and no cloud cover so we decided to fish the marina and shoreline docks for bass.Threw every colour senko at them with out a sniff tried tubes too without any luck.Decided to head home early and beat the traffic.It was a slow morning but the weather was great,saw alot of big bows and watched 8 deer drinking from the river all in all it was a great day out just the fishing was a little slow.
  20. Dunnville Friday for walleye,Saturday / Sunday local (on the Grand) for smallies and hope to visit my Bro in Niagara Falls and try the river for whatever is in the mood
  21. I use red PP and havnt noticed any difference good or bad over the green, but when walley fishing I always use a floro leader.
  22. I have been using the KO MAN CHI baits this year and the( watermelon chart lam )and (black blue swril )have been on fire for me ,the only time I have had an issue with shelf life is with the gulp baits the bag has to be totaly air tight .
  23. I do charge them seperately I do not have a charger in the boat for the troling motor
  24. I have a 24 volt bow mount trolling motor.I have noticed when I charge the batteries one is always alot lower than the other usually 70% and 30% the batteries are the same make size and age is this normal. Shouldnt the draw be the same on both batteries.From the motor I run positive to one battery and negetive to the other battery then run a battery cable to the other pos and neg to complete the circiut .
  25. I have a son and a boat so I would be interested depending on the date and location
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