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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Tres cool Jacques. Those little guys may well come back next year to meet grand-papa Jacques and have their own little wings.
  2. A great day for sure, one you will both remember for a long time with fond memories. good on ya I suspect you will get asked the same question tonight?
  3. how long is the warranty on those tires - 90 days?
  4. "Fish must be caught in waters of the the Province of Ontario (all of a body of water that lies at least partially within the boundaries of Ontario is considered Ontario waters; ie. all of Lake Erie is eligible). In the case of out of province members, fish must be caught in their home state or province or the waters previously outlined. Exceptions... no bass from California or Florida may be entered." interpretation is of course why courts and lawyers exist but to me that says, nope to Trouty's fish?
  5. actually Paul - you can't - we're just leading you on. At the end of the season, all your fish get split between the other teams (assuming you catch one bigger than that PB we saw anyway ). - but seriously - its in the rules dude. Gotta be caught in Ontario. A few exceptions for you permanent out of province anglers.
  6. sorry - but I gotta ask- was there a couple olives on the napkin before you used it for sketching? and you were gonna dig the hole and the trench by hand in 40 degree weather? after this I know we all want to see the end result, please? just pullin' your leg..
  7. interesting idea - may have to try that next time out. I'm used to setting it so that a salmon or bow will be able to drag it and still set the hook. Could make hooking a 'bow up a lot more challenging? But hey - worth a try, thanks
  8. Good point, kinda overloooked that little limitation-- oh well, can't blame a guy for tryin. dont suppose there's lake with some a few ks away is there?
  9. Looks like a good summer you got going there - and a nice slcie of heaven at the cottage - sweet looking place (BTW - any of those lakers gonna make Team 7's NGL Trout????)
  10. yeah, pretty good description Chad - at least three times I thought to myself "could this be a fish? Give me something to say you're a fish" Absolutley nothing till he came to the top, and then a couple hearted head shakes. When he hit ( assuming those twitches were hits) he didnt even change the angle of the rod - I watched it as I almost yanked the rod out of the holder on the twitches. Can almost imagine him swimming along whistling " and talking like Homer -" hmmmm perch snack." If a 27 inch bow or salmon that fat had hit that the rod would have been a-rockin and the drag a-clickin.
  11. Looks like a great day guys - Kudos to all who volunteered their time and energies to make this happen. G and I hope to make it next year. So Frank - who won the biggest fish $20 this year - you or Juli? (edit - ) forgot to say - this is a GREAT photo
  12. nice fish. there Merc. Looks like you might want to troll for some big muskie where bro caught the pike?
  13. X2 - did it trying to set up a cheater about a month ago - into the meat of my thumb.
  14. that first bass is a bruiser - looks like a great place to kick back and relax
  15. great outing on a beauty day. Congrats.
  16. Couldnt make the Fish a thon today due to the usual commitments - but they were over by 11:00 so decided, after the let down of Friday's weather cancelling the scheduled meet-limey-and-show-him-Lake-O- fishing day I was in serious fishin' withdrawal. The web showed a short window of low wave action off Lake E this afternoon so decided to go for it., Haven't hit P Burwell all year. 1:00 by the time we're in 58FOW - best time of day for fishin walleyes as we all know an hour and half into it and we have 2 knock offs, and G has a sheepie. the winds start to pick up from the west and with them, the reports of fish being bagged on the radio About 15 minutes before we pull up and I notice the dispey rod twitch - twice - then nothing, The winds were starting to pick up so I put it down to boat bounce When I go to pull in the dispey I whip it to make the dispey release. Weight. I pull again. Weight. Thinking - well, its a new dispey, maybe I tightened the release screw too much and now have to fight the dispey the whole 250 ft in? I felt for headhakes, just in case - but nothing. So, I start the pull, raise, reel; pulll, raise , reel routine. you can do that a lot with 250 foot out. About 30 foot from the boat, all of a sudden a flash of gold behind the dispey - "G GET THE NET!" Then a walleye gob opened wide broaches the surface The poor thing was too tired to be revived. Normally I would never bring one this big home. measured 27 inches and was FAT. Chris - I will send the team 7 passport photo through shortly.
  17. Be there tomorrow - give the lake a day to recover and the west winds a chance to get some cooler water back to our side of the lake. http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/res/glcfs/glcfs.php?lake=o&ext=wv&type=F&hr=18 the above link is pretty cool as well - click through the hours across the top to see wave heights over the next couple days.
  18. so -- who's on their mobile at the fish a thon with an update? what a perfect day weatherwise
  19. LSPP is my hands down favourite. Bon Echo has tons of interesting hikes and the rock face and history surrounding the park is very cool - but the fishin' part may be a little more work. Always found Mazinaw tough, altho the smaller lakes had bass and pike. Restoule is a good combo, but not near as many trails and different places to go if you're there for 9 days.
  20. coincidence that the lake has 4 - 6 foot waves today and this post shows up? Just kidding Fishmaster - some nice outings there. Hear on the radio you had been having some good days - That'd make the customers smile for sure.
  21. sorry to hear that Mike. Its tough to watch as age takes its toll. You're a good man for taking the time to be with him.
  22. 1000ft? you should be good with out any backing? I only run mine 250 - 350 back at the most knot to the swivel? My link
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