I must be a professional flosser then with the amount of fish I catch in the Niagara on beads, it's a small flow... very easy to target fish in the many shallow runs....
Stay away from Rapala's they tend to wear out fairly quickly and if you're looking for repairs they don't even sell parts to repair techs so unless you deal with them directly you're out of luck.
Fished out of crystal beach Sunday 55ft using harnesses off riggers and dipseys. Riggers 5 & 10 ft off bottom and smaller dipseys on a 3 setting 150 & 200 back. Went 13/19 on eyes and had a bonus 4 silvers and one big ol sheepie by 11am. Bigger harnesses with double Colorado blades.
spins easily, but in every one ive felt there a definite "knock" in it as it turns which looks like its from poor manufacturing if you watch the center you'll see a wobble. or at least thats what ive experienced
most shops will take a $20 shipping fee and hand you a new rod over the counter if they have it in stock, if not they can usually send it out. As for a $25 charge to put an eye on thats fairly steep i believe most places offer that service for less
yeah no need to open that up. the point of the derby is just to keep it fun and have something guys can enter in when they plan on fishing a weekend rather than spending over $100 on a single ticket. as of the past few days i've heard theres been some big ones kicking around so this weekend will hopefully produce some of those bigger fish
bradley's are awesome because you dont have to babysit them. program how long to smoke and how long to cook at whatever temperature you want. as for flavor from their briquettes i've definatly enjoyed everything i've tried but i havn't tried them all(just what my boss has used). personally if i was going to get a smoker i'd pick up a bradley because its simple and doesn't require babysitting.