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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. Hopefully I'll have it ready to hit the water in a couple of weeks. thats what i said when i started on my 14'~~~~~LOL a quick paint job and off i go...ya right. im at BPS and saw these real nice padded seats that would be cool 3 of them. hey the pick up truck wheel well box i have will be great for storage in the back, for the battery, safety kit ect.... oh ya i got those rod holders in the shed, need something to hold the rods right! then Tracker says, ya know its kinda tricky standing in the front of the boat cause of the V hull...... in goes a floor, now he has lots of usable floor space up front and its safer. it stays tied up to the dock all summer, so in goes the automotic bilge pump. the new season is upon us so im thinking "live well" and finishing off the rest of the floor!!!!! hey Tracker what cha doing the 2nd&3rd weekend in may?~~~LOL Dunner--it never ends , just make sure its water ready and you will have the rest of the summer to fine tune it. dont forget lights too....
  2. 12 LB cats are all muscle so ya i believe it was that heavy. i find it funny that a beaver is smart enough to build a damn that takes either a bulldozer or dynamite to remove it, but are dumber then a fence post when it comes to selecting a tree that they cant move after spending all that time to knaw it down.
  3. Kinda sounds like it was Balsam on Friday morning- if so that was me that spoke with you on the ramp. I was not lying ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
  4. well you got to tour downtown hamilton learned something new with the gps met someone from the OFC and caught fish. what more could anyone ask for? nice report joey.
  5. nice post did you really feel the need to look under water to see the fish? how many did you spot while you were down for the count?
  6. irishfield, i found my spare plug. what time you picking me up? nice to here you slammed the crappy!!!!! i was out icefishing awhile back. 578 feet straight out from the 3rd dock at goreski's in 8.3' of water i had a tip up set with 3 minnows and i slammed the largest crappy i have ever seen. but the guy i was fishing with said they were out of season so i released it. i think its probably still there so im going out with irishfield as soon as he picks me up. watch out ol'gus im coming back.......
  7. im confused. how does a new member post 100-200 posts if they can not read any posts? they cant ask any questions cause they cant read the replies. they cant answer any posts cause they cant read them. this is why there are administrators & moderators. if they see a problem they deal with it right then. if they dont see the problem (PM) you need to let them know. BTW Dr. Salvelinus, keep those posts coming, 6000+ enjoy them.
  8. nice pictues thats what its all about when you have kids.. roy wants to know if theres an age limit?~LOL
  9. Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is this 28 or 29?
  10. YAHOO~~~~~~~`` I finally get to tell big cliff something. in answer to your question, YES i have changed the plugs in one of those darn things. i had a 1992 Plymouth grand voyager 3.3 L. here's the secret: remove the alternator and the alternator "BRACKET". that's what was in your way. they are both easy to remove, and make the job way easier... trust me i found out the hard way too~~~LOL then i bought the Chilton's manual for it. although i no longer have that van because of a red light runner i still have the manual for it.
  11. thanks matt.....
  12. looks like i might be planning a camping trip this summer with my son ! where are the camp sites? pike, muskie & walleye how is the fishing there? cause it sucks in chemong.
  13. that is great advise for all boat owners... thanks for posting.
  14. nice catch !!!!! wait till all the kawartha ice fishers read this post---LOL they were hunting for them all season long and you go out with 2 kids and slam them... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  15. i think we should PIN this post to the top , so glenn gets to read this when he signs back on. who's with me on this? come on guys, throw your names up here !!!!!!!!!!
  16. is it just me or is there something wrong with that picture? first theres ice still out there second - hes in a boat motoring right beside the ice third - he is not wearing a life jacket, with the water temps one would think he might want to atleast have a slim chance if he hits the ice and rolls the boat over. just my opinion of course...
  17. gondy with the windy... was up at chemong today and its the same as pigeon.. is it time yet? is it time yet? lol
  18. thanks for the laugh. i liked it. must be a newlywed and hasnt learned yet!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. cheaper solution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 put smaller tires on it. like the 4.80 size....
  20. what about disconnecting the battery for a couple minutes to see if it resets the computer? just a thought..
  21. the milky white stuff is water that has gotten into the lower end. as for the water spout, take the hose off on the back of the spout and blow into it. could just be dirt in the line some where , if the air goes threw it easily then put the hose back onto the spout and take the hose off near the engine, so you can blow air threw the spout. if air comes out both ends and it still is not squirting water out the spout , then you probably need to replace the impeller.
  22. Glen is sarcastic sometimes but thats his sense of humor. and if you ever met him you would probably like him. i met him at 1 of the OFC g2g and liked him right from the start. he will help anyone that needs help, thats the kind of guy he is. --------------------- -------------------------
  23. if your looking for a 12-14 footer check on line at kijiji. i bought mine from a guy on there and it was a great deal.
  24. IRISHFIELD IS WRONG?????????????? Whats up wit dat??? lol im marking this one on the calender actually i had the deer in the headlight look when i read that to. i am in belief that the last number is the inches it should move the boat. make sure you check the clearance of the new prop when you put it on .
  25. Nice boat. dont forget to put your license numbers on the boat before it hits the water......
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