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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. i give up. i cant find it. where is the link? i know ive seen it but i am getting old and the memory is???????? questionable---LOL
  3. when your done with royal distributing, check this site out . any questions you have will get answered there. royal is about the best place to buy from. i studded my sled and they told me how to,how many to use and what to use. http://www.dootalk.com/forums/index.php?&a...543b044ead03c17
  4. thats was funny they did a good job on that thanks for posting it
  5. you got me Roy i went back to check----LOL
  6. i know some one was asking about rear drag reels. found this add on kijiji----new reels http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-sp...QAdIdZ153554493
  7. nice fish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. hey--- if you take a used condom and cut stips on the end of it it would look like a squid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but please dont tell us who gets to put the tube jig hook into it......... LOL---just figured i would get my 3 cents worth in before everyone else...LOL
  9. hey honey, im going fishing this weekend. can you stop by the drug store and pick me up a box of condoms ? try and explain that to your wifes lawyer !!!!!!!
  10. thats gives a whole new meaning to " PLAY SAFE "
  11. here it is from the 2010 regs zone 17---sunfish, open all year, S300,only 30 may be greater then 18cm (7.1in) c-15 fish
  12. thats great news mike and like what weeds said, give him a couple more hugs.......
  13. nice catch how long did the ear to ear grins last? frozen teeth dont feel to good--LOL
  14. here is why im asking this question. if the answer was yes it is illegal then that would be the end of it. if the answer was no it is not illegal then it opens up some more questions.. like going to a local bait shop here and asking them where they get there minnows from. the first bait shop i went to didnt understand the question cause his english was no good---3 times asking then i left........ the 2nd bait shop said there minnows come from simcoe and showed me the invoice from his supplier. and NO i didnt tell them where i wanted to use them..... now i know where i can get SIMCOE MINNOWS from, should i decide to buy some... but since no one has come up with the proper answer, i have called the ministry to get the proper answer.... i would hope that anyone else that wants minnows would ask where they are from before they buy.. and i also hope that this clears the air as to why i asked... thanks for the replies. dann
  15. is your cooking really that bad?????
  16. thats about the best price you will find. theres also the big buddy which puts out 4000-9000-18,000 bps $159.99
  17. the only thing i can find in the regs is, Anglers are asked not to move bait voluntarily outside the VHS management zone. pg 13
  18. get the best jacket ever... you can buy it right here... its the OFC jacket.. i like yellow the best
  19. are we allowed to buy bait before we get to simcoe? most bait dealers are sold out now. checked the regs and cant find anything.. Dann
  20. thats funny. i stopped by the rapala booth on saturday at the show to ask them about it and the guy working the booth said, " there not discountinued, thats one of the top sellers. look its listed in our new cataloge" but then again he's not the only booth attendent at the show that didnt know what he was talking about !!!! thats another story that is way to funny. but i dont think i should post it .---maybe i should, i know there would be a lot of laughs over it...
  21. are these also called deep tail dancers????
  22. slow but cool nice craftmenship
  23. douG gave you the best advise. he hit the nail right on the head. you might find it hard to believe it right now, but you will see. cherish these moments. i have 2 girls, 26 and 20 and a son 15 i couldnt have asked for anything better dann
  24. WELL YOU ASKED FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. i knew i would get some postings about that--LOL i read about moonshine lures. i wanted to find out where they sell them. they sell them at jb fishing depot. so i google jb fishing depot. when the internet page comes up for jb, right under it is a link to OFC click on it and dust flies out of the computer...lol so i figure lets post something and see what is said TA DA it worked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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