thanks GBW.
how longs it normally take u guys to get out there?----
from scarborough its 1.5 hour drive.
if you mean from the boat launch at fishmasters----32.5 seconds
your rods will work , you just wont have as much fun with them-LOL
GO FOR IT !!!!!!!!!!!!
All i can say is , make sure you have a good rod, the first one i got was over 20LBS.
we used down rigging rods and the cats made them look like pretzels.
thanks roy.
good thing i warned pete what would happen if i hooked into
so that he wouldnt jump in the water.
i dont recall him asking if i had a fish on
I went out to dunnville yesterday with fisherpete to see if we could get any big cats .
started the day off with finding that the bow roller on his trailer decided it didn't want to go with us, and left some where along the way.
launched the boat only to find out he lost the key some where along the way as well.
luckily he had a spare.
now were off and running.
Pete gets the first one in
i missed my first one~~~damn
then bam i got a hit
34.5 inches
I never realized just how much power these fish have.
the rest of the day did not disappoint either.
the last one of the day
it was an awesome time.
thanks Pete for taking me out.
ps: the lost key was found at the end of the day~~
NO you cannot put it in your live well.
they must be released immediately.
but you can take a picture of it with a tape measure behind it......
"biggest fish wins"!!!!!
game on.
well Fisherpete,
the next time you go out to get some cats, i hope that one of them gets a vulcan lip lock on your cling on peepee hole and sucks you right out of your space boots....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MNR OFFICERS do not need a search warrant to search.
they can enter your place at any time with probable cause.
Big Cliff, I am very happy to hear they got caught, now lets hope they get nailed to the wall by the justice system.
thanks for the advise but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
why are you making me wait, dam tease
thats like watching a really good movie and then seeing the " to be continued"
the paper flyer i got in the mail yesterday DID NOT have the waders or the rods listed in it.
no there was not any pages missing in it.
but the online flyer that finally came thru today has them listed in it.
does anyone own a pair of these?
and how do you like them?
WHY are you guys trying to beat a dead horse??????????
he asked for your advise and you gave it.
he doesn't want to hear anything you have to say negative.
so here ya go----------
it is perfectly fine for you to fish the way you want.
go get them tiger !!!!!!!
and as for all you naysayers , stop and think for a minute.
the more funds the MNR get, the more MNR officers they can hire !!!!!
i can see more funds coming there way in the near future