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Everything posted by skeeter

  1. damn i never heard about this........... now i can find those lures i lost. and i can walk the lake and mark all the weed lines with my gps !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. AIR IS FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the means in which you aquire the air might not be, but the air is FREE..... the cost depends on you. 12 volt air compressors that plug into a cigarette lighter are cheap, and work great. you can get them for around $10. there compact and can sit in your trunk for years. my 2002 montana has a built in compressor for the air ride suspension and it has a long hose with a gauge to fill tires and anything else i might need it for. ( i love that thing) i also carry a ctc $10 special in the back aswell. along with a lot of other just incase stuff. TRACKER use laugh at all the stuff i carry, but he is finding out why !!!LOL like a new tube that fits my trailer tires- remember that road side repair tracker--lol the no glue tire plugs that work GREAT when a nail tags along... and the list continues............................................
  3. there is a lot easier way. buy a trailer in a resort. if you need to leave for any reason , hook it up and go.
  4. why is it that when you loose your wallet, or wash it, with ALL your ID in it and you try to replace everything the morons always tell you that you have to show them ID to get anything replaced? scan both sides of EVERY DOCUMENT you have, print it off and save it in a safe place!
  5. that is great. wonder how much it would cost?
  6. lew with that size of motor you should be able to jump across the ice back to open water.
  7. the beer tastes skunky?????????????? what did you expect after keeping it for 7 years......
  8. you now have 3 signatures
  9. 1378 votes in the lead. mines in there..............
  10. does this mean i might be able to catch a few walleye this summer? i will sure give it a try and i will post either way. thanks for the tips dan----from dann
  11. i agree with photo bucket too. if i can learn it ANYONE can... well except Tracker, he can't figure out where you insert the film.
  12. i remember those days! with all 3 of my kids. now they wont do it. BUT and there is a BUT now i have a 5 year old grandson thanks for the memory post
  13. you can !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are going again this friday........
  14. man have they ever come down in price it is definitely worth getting it. dont forget to buy a good antenna too.
  15. yes dunner you are correct. i also posted the why's in another post RING WOOD HATCHERY we went there right after the fish lift
  16. after we did the fish lift we were invited back to the hatchery, to see what happens after they take the eggs out. they start with fertilizing the eggs and then they are put into the incubating trays then put into these huge tanks to grow thousands of them these are the coho's these are the chinook's there food has to be carefully measured to the exact grams for each tank and size of fingerlings the food is then put into 2 fully automatic feeders for each tank once they reach the right size which is about a year old, they then get released into lake ontario in several different locations. they release 750,000 chinook and 50,000 coho's every year. daniel & I would like to thank everyone from ring wood for showing us what kind of work goes into restocking our lakes. it was an experience that was so good we are going back again easter friday to do it all over again.
  17. i decided to take my son daniel to a fish lift today. we have never been to one before and wanted to see what it is that they do there. this is the milne dam where they get the fish from setting up the scale the cage where the fish are brought up from the lake the first rainbow first they get weighed - andy with the red jacket over see's the operation, jermey in the back ground is showing daniel what to do and daniel is handling all the fish. after the weighing they go over to measured, eggs carefully removed,an electronic chip put into the fish and then one fin clipped then back into the lake they go, alive
  18. you think tracker is twisted by his posts?????????? you should try fishing with him................
  19. one can only imagine her thought. you go out fishing with the guys and come home with no pants on
  20. i think he was saying that he was one of those guys with a problem. and trying to save someone else the grief he endured.
  21. ALL required SAFETY equipment as well. life jackets must be proper size for each person and no rips. bailing bucket,whistle,throw rope,"working" flashlight,and paddles. and cell phone to call for help, just incase.
  22. hey where's the ketchup? he really pissed off that dog----
  23. oh boy. slow poke you are going to get your kicked now.... hey joey--please wait till lakeair to do it. i will be selling tickets for that one and you guys thought the UFC was good.. LOL
  24. is this on regular tv or cash grab? if its on regular tv what time ?
  25. WHAT... you mean its not about hats?
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