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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Edit.... DOH what he just said....^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ read this after I typed my reply I just got the BB bold 9000 3g from rogers last week. It has wifi. Let me say that no matter what phone you do get make sure it has wifi. If you plan to surf the net a lot and are near any wireless connection you can access its free and doesnt cost you cell time to browse the net. I dont see any difference between my internet access on my laptop and my cell phone speed wise when im on wifi. when on the cell time it seems a tad slower. Had a Iphone b4 what junk. Im a home renovator and the Iphone wasnt intended for me thats for sure. The touch screen had issues almost in the first week. there thats my 2 cents. Good luckand happy hunting. Oh and one more note. if you plan on typing at all go with the full QWERTY keyboard. again touch screen isint somthing you want for typing either.Again just my 2 cents guys take from it what you will.....
  2. the canoe has the right of way. Take a video camera and tape them. Go to the police station and show them the video..They will be stopped ASAP
  3. lol Good Ol Hamilton boys! Must be in thier water..LOL
  4. Like I said..these freaks never heard of skype? video conference from all around the world. The best part is its FREE!
  5. that was cool. I cant belive the cash we have to spend just cause its "our turn" these people never heard of Skype...lol
  6. I was thinking the same thing and this is what I read. Benefits would be delivered to eligible Ontario tax filers aged 18 and over in each of June 2010, December 2010 and June 2011, totalling a maximum of $300 for single people and $1,000 for single parents and couples.
  7. go to the drug store and ask for a 100 cc syringe without the needle. also ask for the tubing to attach to the bottom. I use this method to remove break fluid from the resivors. Works wonderfully. All for the price of about 5 bucks. Lasts forever too. The syringe and tubing are used for tube feeding children and adults. Good luck and have fun!
  8. My condolences Fisherman. Mothers are sure special. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in mind.
  9. When at the lodge go into the bar and ask to see the "Jackdeer" im not to sure if its real or fake but its a large jack rabbit with small antlers. Cool lookin none the less. If he still makes them ask for his homemade spinners the pike crush them in that lake.The guy knows his stuff and has been making them for as long as I can remember..Good luck and enjoy!
  10. goo gone works well but goof off works best. Gasline antifreeze works well too.wd 40 does ok too
  11. try elephant lake lodge in Bancroft. They have a nice rustic setup with docks avaiable.They would be happy to accomidate you im sure
  12. Hey Friends, Please, please sign this petition and send it to everyone you know. Now is not the time to be complacent. If we all get behind this and do our part we can affect change and send a very powerful message to the Premier of Ontario. They've raised the roof out in B.C.and for the life of me I can't understand why they aren't reacting here. Blows my mind. At least B.C isn't adding the HST to gas. You know, the sad thing about this whole situation is that the folks in Ontario won't react until they see the price at the pump jump by 8% on July 1st, as well as their heating bill, hydro bill, water, etc and perhaps **** will hit the fan then, when it's too late. Let's just hope it picks up speed so we're able to sign up 10% so we can hold a referendum. We only have less than 4 weeks until this bill becomes law so you and everyone you know has to sign this petition now and keep it going. Your support is appreciated -sign the petition and pass it on TODAY! HST Petition - FYI and action if you choose. We need signatures of 10% of Ontario 's population to call a referendum, please show your opposition to HST. British Columbia is protesting every day to stop the HST in their province. Why aren't we? This is not a "done deal" as they'd love for us to believe. Please sign the petition and circulate widely! And forward to your contacts!!! http://www.hstpetition.com/petition/sign.php please sign as soon as you can !!!
  13. Awesome Limey! I have ben there and done that with the mud..its so much fun when your feet stick in the mud. Good job and the rewards out weigh the work! go figure eh!
  14. Hey thats awesome! I must admit I love listing to the stories for the seinors.I am a home renovator and wotk with the elderly a TON! Im doing a bathroom reno for and old english couple in thier 80's. Some of the stories they tell are amazing! Stories of war and the way it was when they were kids.Love it. Thanks for sharing indeed!!
  15. Funny the river is low now but still murky here. Mind you I dont ever recall it being "clear"
  16. The Grand is high and muddy here in Brantford..
  17. Irish with all due respect, I have see it so many times now. These sort of injuries almost always come back with a vengeance later in life. The reason i suggested he get to work on a lawsuit is he may need it later in life. Seen it happen so many time now. Back and neck pain are nothing to mess around with. In this case the good ol Canadian way is only going to screw himself.
  18. Yikes that muck for an antique lure? WOW
  19. Did the police arrest him? This is insane. Its idiots like this that have no respect for others. I hope they throw the book at him. Take it to his insurance company as hard as you can.sounds like a couple weeks off work may be in order to recover. This stuff makes me sick. Im glad your ok..Take it easy on the neck and back.It can get worse if you dont
  20. Thats what I figured...Where do i find them.Id love to give them a try
  21. Went to crappy tire to get some bucktail jigs and they had no idea what I was talking about..I didnt see any either. I have read about them on here so i figured I would ask who knows what they look like. Thanks in advance, Ron
  22. Sad to read about this yet again..sorry for your loss.
  23. Cool and mighty nice of you Dan.. Now thats class!
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