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Everything posted by limeyangler

  1. LOL…I said seriously because the location is pretty obvious….no in fact I explicitly say where I am in the report and provide great big pictures and videos of the location….read the post and you will know….……"Pier" and "Erieau" are both in the video titles and the main text I wrote….the info is all there if you look.
  2. Definitely the minnow bucket/leeches and crawlers keep my 5 year old amused for hours to my wife's utter disgust and dismay!
  3. Pete needs to just relax a bit, maybe listen to some music……... (The guy at 0:55 looks familiar….maybe someone from the forum has a secret passion….Bruce?)
  4. Welcome to the board cptpronin. I love shore fishing too….look forward to more pics and reports. Tight lines, Simon. (aka Limey)
  5. I'm terrible like that too...usually give in and welcome the day at Lew O'clock too.
  6. Hi all, If you have not been, Ripley's Aquarium in Toronto is well worth a visit.
  7. LOL...'ledgering'.....thats a term a have not heard in years.....thanks....trip down memory lane. I used to stay up all night too, our house backed on to the Thames at Putney. I guy from across the street caught some HUGE ones on cheese or liver, i would just dig up worms in the garden and catch 'bootlace' eels all night. Was never a fan of them, could never get past the look, smell and texture. Tried smoked a few times when I lived in Holland...pretty good.
  8. Hi all, Was good fishing at the pier on holiday at Erieau, but was awesome to get into back to back 27"+ walleye again a bit closer to home. Took an hour to find them yesterday, but non stop action for half an hour or so when i did, all in all a pretty decent 2 hour fishing session by any standard me thinks. As i said, 8th oz jig(brown was the best colour) 26' - 28' FOW, large sucker/dace minnows and the odd jumbo leach.
  9. Thats pretty cool to see. I used to catch those on the Thames in London(England), turn over any rock on the beaches of the Thames and there were at least 2 elvers under there resting from their journey from the Sargasso sea.
  10. LOL...seen our local cruiser coming towards me the other day veering into the other lane, sure enough....on the phone.
  11. LOL....something about leopards and spots springs to mind. That is very true. In fact it was the morning we headed out on the 2 day drive home. I had to wait for the car to come out of crappy tire in Blenheim while they replaced the whole turn signal and wiper switch controls that were shorting out, so why not grab a quick pier session as we were all packed and mum and kid were showering etc...etc... Awesome Craig, thanks for the historical info, I never knew that. My father in law has had a trailer there for decades and some of the other folks there of his age(75) are in their parents trailers. Interesting little town with some cool history, I think i saw a book about them shipping a lancaster bomber on a barge through there. LOL...now there is a business idea for a kid in the summer holidays! Mike and Brian, good observations. I tell ya, I really enjoyed pier fishing again. I used to only fish the piers back in England (ocean) as i had no boat. Piers are a whole little community all to themselves and the folk that fish them give each pier its own little culture. Being the new guy/face on the pier was fun. Lots of nice folk out there. One advantage of fishing in such close proximity to a lot of people is that you get to see what DOES NOT WORK! This is especially valid info when you can actually see there are literally hundreds of giant fish swimming up and down the pier wall. Once I got that you can start to build on what you know and experiment a little too. Another factor is exactly that there are so many people fishing there, the fish were definitely more easily spooked than back home, especially on the calm days as the water was so clear, mind you sight fishing the bass and sheepshead and watching them suck the jig in was fun on a couple of occasions.(very early morning) I have been there 3 times now, and each time i learn a little more. This was the first time I had seen anyone using a jig there, it was the crappie guys, who all were strictly slip bobbers the previous years. As i love fishing jigs I adapted the crappie method out in the deeper water. The large jigs had the fish spooked(except the sheepshead that would hit almost anything), but a micro jig allowed for a more natural almost free line presentation with larger baits which the bass in particular i'm sure were not used to seeing and would readily smash worms, minnows and crawlers presented that way. But after about an hour or so the fish were even wary of that presentation and I would get funky with different plastics, freelining live baits with the occasional split shot added. The live bait definitely worked best, and i soon figured out that the large minnows would get the spooked bass to bite as all the anglers using live bait and having no luck were using small minnows on way too obvious and heavy/complicated rigs. I get the need for heavy rigs as there is an evil current and undertow out there, but it is tidal so you can usually find a spot where it is fishable on light tackle or use a slip bobber and trot the bait through the swim like the steelhead guys....lol. I've got to say the fishing was excellent. Loads of bass (LM and SM), the sheepshead were a blast a cast many days, we got a couple of mother load crappie nights, and there were always bucket loads of bluegill and rock bass to entertain when the bite was slow. Here is the rest of the footage I shot. Got some nice pics too, finally managed to gather the pics and vids together. Another Video
  12. Lake Erie crappies were nuts last night.

    1. spincast


      that Lake E water does that every time

  13. Awesome haul ernie, must have been a blast! Love the bottle cap idea, not so keen on the big tapeworm just underneath it though
  14. sorry for your loss Drew. Great post as per usual. i would never get bored of panfish like those......i would still be out there fishing....lol.
  15. 10 more days and i'll be fishing crappie on Erieau breakwater!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sandbag


      Make sure you hit The Bayside Tavern for a Long Pond Lager.

    3. spincast


      we will probably pass each other - I'll be fishing Nipigon Enjoy the warm weather!

    4. misfish


      You had all the crappies you needed. Why travel?

      Safe trip Simon.

  16. Awesome Chris, but cant shake this image from my mind.
  17. Lol...unfortunately not . But he did earn his Lac Seul wings that day . He was in the boat non stop for 7 hours, chipper as the moment he got in and upset to tears almost when we finally had to come off the lake....definitely not worried about taking the trip up to the big water with him now....Jube-Jubes, a couple of water guns, some nets in his size, frequent breaks for snacks and drinks andto do what he wants to do and seven hours later we were still good to go! Its 10 minutes from the centre of Dryden, very convenient, loads of pike and perch (kids love the action) and HUGE walleye....if you know where they are. That rod is my absolute favourite, I LOVE IT! Its a Shimano Sojourn, 2 piece, 6' Medium action:fast. It is super light , with plenty of backbone, and very sensitive to lethargic lunkers in 30'FOW. Have caught 32" walleye and BIG pike with that thing. ANOTHER GOOD THING ABOUT IT........$29!
  18. That's amazing Chad, living the dream there bud....living the dream. Beautiful pic of you and the kid on the couch....she's cute as a button.
  19. Whats with the "football is crap because people dive" bandwagon? Not original, not even a fair reflection of a very good game. A game that has been enjoyed as the 'National' sport of many countries all over the world for over a century....all over that world except for North America( until very recently).
  20. This kind of statement needs to be challenged absolutely , directly and immediately whenever it occurs....YES....STEREOTYPING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.....IT HAPPENS BECAUSE PEOPLE HOLD IGNORANT BELIEFS AND ATTITUDES LIKE YOURS TO BE SELF EVIDENT TRUTHS! Are you defending people stereotyping other people? Even if 99% of the people there were 'not born in Canada' ( how the heck you could possibly know that I dont know) Asian and Russian....you sure about that? How do you know? As for garbage left lying around at popular fishing spots....it happens at every popular fishing spot I have ever frequented, suppose those 'Russians and 'Asians' should feel ashamed for that too....What the heck is an 'Asian' anyway? I dont usually get involved in stuff like this cuz it makes me so mad, but I see so much going on recently I cannot stay silent any longer...screw it...the gloves are off! I just wish was more eloquent and articulate in these types of discussions....it does not help that i get really mad! All the best Limeyangler. PS...until you speak to me and know all the cultural influences in my life you can never accurately define who or what I am...and I will always reserve the right to define myself anyway...so stereotype away...but you are wrong! (Born in Toronto to Nigerian+Danish biological parents, adopted by English and Grenadian parents, schooled and lived in in Canada, England, Sweden, Italy and the Netherlands)
  21. Awesome carp there Mike. Someone has got to start selling this to the europeans as a holiday....they'd come...trust me....if they aren't here already that is.
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