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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. Awesome! I really enjoyed your video. That little guy is growing fast. Pretty soon Jack will be helping you across the creek! LOL!
  2. Terrible what has occurred! The reports on CBC news are horrific! I have some former coworkers there who have been evacuated. From what I know all my acquaintenances are safe. Their condos I'm not sure. My 1 friend has had off & on cell service. Some cell towers have been damaged. God bless the residents of Fort Mac.
  3. Nice day! Question - What is a jack?
  4. At least you didn't report a dead battery! LOL! You must have read the instructions I gave you about charging batteries BEFORE heading out fishing!
  5. It's a terrible situation! I did work out there for 3 years. A few of the problems the residents are facing is highway 63 is the only route in or out of the city. North of the city there is absolute desolation with the exception of the oil plants & the camps that house the workers. Going south out of Fort McMurray it's a 5 hour drive to Edmonton! If the local gas stations run out of gas how are the residents going to evacuate? Evacuees are running out of gas as they attempt to drive south to Edmonton. Those residents that choose to head north to the work camps may find them filled to capacity, possibly running out of food & water. How will these camps get much needed supplies in? I just saw on the news that Beacon Hill (a subdivision of Ft. Mac) has lost 80% of their homes! Very sad. Workers are attempting to get to the airport at the south end of the city, but, being turned back due to the fires. The fire chief of the city stated there are 80 firefighters attempting to bring the wild fires under control. That sounds like a rather low number to me. I don't understand why other firefighters & equipment are not deployed to the area considering the size of these fires & the devastation they could cause. My former supervisor was able to fly home yesterday morning. Another co worker evacuated to a company shop north of the city. Unfortunately there are no stores in that area to get supplies. My thoughts & prayers to the residents/workers of Fort McMUrray.
  6. Good on ya Dan! You obviously did something right!
  7. Good luck in your new home!
  8. The trunk was full! So he had to transport his catch somehow! LOL!
  9. Your harnesses look great! Try some perch colored harnesses. They work very well on Erie.
  10. Awesome post! Keep the reports coming!
  11. Wow, sad story Cliff. I attempt to do most of my own work. The only job I can't do any more is climb my roof to do trough maintenance. I'm fortunate to have a young neighbor who comes over in the fall & offers to clean my troughs. I ask him how much? He says 20 bux! I'm in! He even took my hose to flush out the downspouts. I gave him $30.00. He did a great job.
  12. wallyboss - I did that procedure but it did not leak onto my drive way. My concrete drive was bone dry at the time. I applied the star brite epoxy, allowed it to cure for over 24 hours, then fished the Orillia perch festival for 2 full days with my boat in the water for more than 30 hours continuously. My boat was dry, so I'm happy with the epoxy.
  13. Good going! Looks like an awesome day.
  14. Thanx for the pic Dutch. My seam looks exactly like that. I used the Star Brite as stated earlier - my concern is that it is not flexible so it may crack again. If it leaks after todays trip on the water I'll go to plan B. The gflex as you suggested.
  15. Thanx for the info guys. I've applied the epoxy, going to sand it to make a little prettier. Going to launch it again tomorrow at Orillia for the perch festival. I'll let you know the result.
  16. Thanx Ironmaker, but my transom is all aluminum. The leak is right along the seam/joint where the horizontal sheet of aluminum of the hull overlaps the vertical piece of the transom. There is a tiny opening which would require the sealant to be pushed in with a putty knife or similar tool. Dutch the gflex looks like it would work in my situation. Thanx
  17. I have a minor water leak in my 14' Lund right where the transom meets the hull. Saturday I fished Erie, noticed a small amount of water seeping in at the floor. Saturday evening I dried it out untill it was bone dry. Sunday morning I'm back on the water watching very carefully where the water is coming in. So Monday I'm at CTC, purchased an epoxy/aluminum putty stick called Starbrite. You break off a small piece, knead it in your hands & I pushed the product into the small crevices from outside of the transom. I found out later that this epoxy dries rock hard. With some vibration of my boat hitting waves & vibration from the motor I feel the starbrite is going to crack. I feel I'm going to need a rubberized pliable sealer. I looked at the 3M sealers they have but the instructions stated not to be used below the water line?? Or are they referring to a situation where the boat is in the water 24/7? I also looked at the marine Goop. I've used Goop for other repairs & found it to be quite good. What are your suggestions guys? Have you ever used the Starbrite epoxy stick?
  18. Thanx guys. Lottsa good info here. John Bacon's post is a real eye opener - how they calculate the towing capacity. Very interesting they could calculate the towing capacity using light tires, no radio! WOW!
  19. Good news, thanx for filling us in. Amazing what the doctors are able to due. No excuse now for tying poor knots!
  20. Good point for shopping at Habitat for Humanity. I viewed a 36" bathroom vanity for $120.00 complete with countertop & sink. Taps are 90- 100 bux.
  21. I use #1 dipseys to get down 100' for Erie walleye. In line planer boards have also helped me to improve my hook ups. Get your bait out 50 or 60' from the boat is the trick.
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