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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. If you're in Niagara Falls you should try Mick & Angelo's on Lundys Lane a little west of the falls. Best wings, skins & finger foods I've ever tasted. Awesome servers, nice furnishings & very casual. I've recommended this bar to many friends who have visited the falls & every one really liked it. Sit in the bar area, they have a large barrel of peanuts in the shell. Throw your shells on the floor! Awesome!
  2. Looking good Dave! I love reading & viewing the pix of your progress.
  3. I think UV clothing like fishing lures is a scam. They advertise it & people buy it. I wear regular clothing - long sleeved cotton shirt, long pants, & paint my face,nose & ears with 70 SPF sunscreen, also a wide brimmed Tilley hat. Maybe I'm lucky, but, no skin problems yet.
  4. Milania is just a sex toy! Trump is a bozo! Actually they are both bozos! I can't believe he has gone this far. What a joke!
  5. Nice report Nick. Your photos are awesome! I love those Stanley boats!
  6. Awesome photo of your catch. Most of mine were the eater size 16" - 19". I did manage a couple @ 22 &23" but the bigger ones were released. Strange how socializing & beer drinking is part of a fishing trip!!
  7. I have photo bucket on my lap top but cant get it on my IPhone. Phone is where all my pix are. I'm wanting to show you guys my walleye from Monday. 27", 6.3 lbs. First 1 this year on Erie.
  8. Thanx for all the replies. I used fleecy dryer sheets, wet them with water, light rubbing & the bugs came right off! I'm impressed!
  9. Awesome place to visit & fish! I'd go back for sure. I live close to Lake Erie, catching hog walleye, but the scenery & gold colored walleye up north does not compare for beauty.
  10. Got it fixed! Thanx guys. Tools, internet options, browsing history - delete temp files, saved passwords etc., etc. I unchecked the little box - it's all good now.
  11. Thanx aplumma - I cleared my history 5 or 6 days ago but still have to sign in every time if I wish to post on this site. I'll check my settings.
  12. Thanx for your report. Lac Seul is an awesome fishery. You have some beautiful colored walleye there. I just returned from Ear Falls, I travelled north on hwy 105 from Vermillion Bay. Is Goose Bay Camp along the 105? It looks like a nice camp.
  13. yup I did that.
  14. Lately I have to sign in every time I visit OFC. In the past I was always signed in. Has the site policy changed or is it my lap top has a mind of it's own??
  15. Nick it was by far the best fishing trip I've ever been on. The catching was incredible. Too bad it's such a long road trip. Post some pix of your kayak adventure.
  16. Hey Nick that sounds like an awesome adventure! Unfortunately my paddling, portaging days are long gone. Good luck finding a partner. Please post a report when you return. I can say Nick is definitely not as psychopath - at least the last time I met him!! LOL! His pills must be working! HA HA!
  17. I washed my truck after returning from my trip to Ear Falls. There is still some residue left from the bugs. Today I'll attack them with dryer sheets. See how well it works. After it's clean I want to apply a good quality wax. I've been using Lucas spray mist wax, it does a good job, easy to apply, with nice shiny results. What brand of wax do you guys use?
  18. Put a 9.9 hp on your 12', You'll be very happy. An electric as your main motor will wear down a battery sooner than you would like.
  19. Spincast - What camp did you stay at? I was at Little Canada Camp right near the dam on the English River. Collin & his son Cole were very friendly & helpful. I would definitely stay at their camp again. I fished mostly around the dam but others in the camp were heading downstream somewhere & returning with very nice catches of fish. I tried the quote feature but it didn't work.
  20. I only use Seaguar fluoro for leaders or harnesses. 8 lb for tying my go getters for the smaller walleye in the north country & 20 lb for my worm harnesses for the hogs we get on Lake Erie.
  21. Nice rig Bernie. I still remember the old cedar strips on Nipissing back in the 60s. My father would rent one in Callandar when up there on vacation.
  22. Looking good! Keep the reports coming! I love your reports almost as much as fishing reports! LOL!
  23. Any walleye to be found?
  24. Thanx for all the replies. Some good suggestions here! I'm definitely going to try the fabric softener sheets. If that doesn't do the job I'll try the turtle wax bug remover. Ironmaker - I thought of spraying a thin coat of oil on the front but that is also going to cause dust to collect on the front of my truck. Worth a try for sure then wash it right away. I'm heading out on Erie today near Port Colborne. I'll let you know about tomorrow.
  25. I'm a believer in the old original rapalas, gold/black & the silver/black. After this recent trip you can bet I'll be using them more often. I'm heading out on Erie today. Gonna give the Rapalas a try. I've always used harnesses on Erie & sometimes a Live Target smelt, jointed with great success. Chris - I'm not sure of the Aurora trout pic.
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