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Everything posted by FishAbout

  1. Couple from this winter
  2. Change the prop to a 3 blade. Well be faster. Boat is not heavy so you dont need a 4 blade. In most cases the more blades less top end.
  3. Should of seen the size of him 16 months ago.
  4. Mobynick charters is also on the south shore in spring. Wepoundem with ryan is good also. I would go with either one of them. If you go with 5 people you need to look for a bigger charter boat, which ryan and nick have.
  5. How many people are going? I would look at mobynick charters. He is also out of port credit. He is one of the best on lake ontario. I fish against him in salmon tournaments. Last year he won the overall king of the lake salmon series.
  6. Suzuki makes there own stuff. All the johnson four strokes are suzuki. I have df140 with over 1000 hrs and still runs great. Not much you need to buy to service them. Oil filter and oils. I buy fram oil filters for mine. Just went to the fram website and looked up the right filter. I use merc oil and gear oil.
  7. Having lose or dirty connections can cause this.
  8. I have 2004 140hp four stroke suzuki with over 900 hours on a starcraft and still runs great. All I have done to it is change oil and gear oil every year. We do a lot of trolling with it also. Nice and quite and great on fuel.
  9. I hope some day I will be as strong willed as her. Has she thought about making a book about her ordeal. If she does, I think many people would take a lot from it. Hoping for a great new year for her. Justin
  10. Lake muskoka and rosseau does not really have any outfitters to rent from and not many good spots that are in walking distance. Temagami has some nice places for a decent price.
  11. Terrace Bay is a nice little town to stay at with a couple small motels.
  12. If it is a 4 stroke EFI do not fog. Fogging oil will plug the injectors. Run with stablizer and you will be fine. Put a thick bag or plastic over the prop to keep water from getting into the hub area and freezing. Leave engine all the way down if you can.
  13. Get a autopilot. Raymarine http://www.raymarine.com/ProductDetail.aspx?SITE=1&SECTION=2&PAGE=1839&PRODUCT=4189
  14. May have a bad seal where the water impeller is in the drive. May only be leaking when using the boat.
  15. My auto stops have worked on my cannons since we got them 5 years ago.
  16. A lot of the carb 2 strokes are hard to start if you have them trimmed up. When you stared it at home did you have it all the way down? Will start much better all the way down. I would change the bottom gear oil and look for milky gear oil. If its milky you have a bad seal. Suck out the old gas and oil from injector and start with fresh gas and oil.
  17. Any of the marinas will have a chart with depths on it with shoals. Look for marker bouys and rock points off islands and fish the drop offs around them. Have caught many walleye off of them. I don't fish bala bay area so I can't help you in that part of the lake.
  18. My parents will be retiring next summer and want to put a trailer up north at a campground or lodge for the summers. Up to 3-4 hours north of North Bay would be fine. There not expecting great fishing but would be nice to able to go out and catch a few walleye for supper when wanting to. Pike and walleye lakes are what they are looking for. Lake trout in the lake would be a bonus though. If anyone knows of any good places that you would recommend it would be great. If you want you can just PM me. Thanks Justin
  19. What lodge did you stay at?
  20. Seems to be only mercs that are hard to get right now, at least at the marina I work for.
  21. If your deep cycle battery is always being charged by the engine you will take the life out of deep cycle. It is not ment to be have a constant charge all the time. If you look at a 27 group cranking battery it will have as much reserve capacity as a 27 group deep cycle with more cranking amps. Unless you are hooking a deep cylce to a trolling motor you should use a cranking battery. Was told this by the interstate battery guy that drops the batteries off where I work.
  22. I have a buddy that has a 18-19ft sylvan boat with a 115 merc and 8hp four stroke kicker that will be for sale soon if deal goes through on the new boat he wants. Has riggers and fishfinder also. Will being selling in your price range. I think the boat is early to mid 2000's. PM me if you want more info and I could give you his phone number.
  23. Most places that sell big john should have them. I think I saw some at Trombly's Tackle Box.
  24. The 25 should troll fine if the idol is set up right on the carb, I fish in my cousins 14 foot princecraft with a 25 merc and it trolls slow enough for spring salmon in owen sound. A four stroke will troll faster then a 2 stroke in most cases.
  25. That hut was there for over 2 weeks before someone took it, wish i could say the wind blow it away but it was there last wed and gone thrusday moring.
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