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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Been there three times, last time was about six years ago, decent fishing. Caught a couple 5 lb Largies, many smaller bass and pike. Did catch one walleye, only one I saw though. Mostly fished Gurd lake, had a site right on the lake, pulled the canoe right up. Beautiful park, nice hiking trails.
  2. Congrats, a beautiful "walter"!!!
  3. Great report Dan! Park looks great, we leave in five days (can't wait). Sorry to hear about the rough luck on the way home, fortunately nothing serious happened. I'll send you a PM later for some other details.
  4. No offence, but,isn't part of the thrill the anticipation?
  5. You are going to hear this answer many times. Lloyd Daume...aka Fishhunter on the board. U and Me Guide services. Awesome service, class act, knows his stuff....nuff said!
  6. Beautiful, my mother is German, dad is Austrian...travelled there when I was 12. Would love to go back some day. Great report!!!!
  7. LOL!!!! No kidding, I must be a sucker for punishment, being a Leafs fan my whole life (last time they won the Stanley Cup I was in diapers, next time they win it I'll probably be in diapers again!!!!!) and a Browns fan!!
  8. Cleveland Browns...DAWG POUND!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Smart move, Vince. Better quality lures, especially at that price.
  10. Vote cast!! A nice little inspiring piece of work.
  11. Good to hear...man, I miss my old sportspal. Always nice to see customer service still matters.
  12. Great report Rick!! Ouch on the finger! Hopefully we can get out on the water again soon.
  13. Thanks for the report, Terry! Like a bunch of the other guys have stated, yeah you didn't get into trophies, but, you got away...caught some great eaters, and made the best of some tough fishing conditions.
  14. Awesome, Rick! Yes, I'm next up...taking them up to Restoule provincial park in two weeks.
  15. Love the floating feature, drop it in a hole ice fishing at least it doesn't "sink into the drink", Thanks, for the replies, all...I've been researching them the past 24 hours, the suggested retail in the US for this unit is $199.99. So, no surprise here, the regular price at CT is inflated.
  16. Thanks for the reply...guess I will look into it a bit further. The portability is a big factor for me, also, Bill mentioned those Simcoe whities and lakers...definitely an application I would like to use come ice season for those fish, as well as Quinte walleye.
  17. That would be the model you used up at Chapleau with Mike? PM'd him on that report, by the way, absolutely spectacular, you guys worked for it, but, the results were amazing.
  18. Any thoughts on this unit...currently $197 at CT? Looking for something decent that will mark waypoints as well as chart trolling speeds. Radioworld has similiar models, but, I don't see this one on their site. Thanks in advance!
  19. I'd say lifetime ban from tournament fishing...hit him where it hurts.
  20. I second Bill's statement. Hit the piers in the evening/dark for the best action. At least some of the fish are still worth catching. Once they are in the river, unless you are fishing big water, they really aren't worth pursuing.
  21. Awesome report, Rick!! Some beauties, just "gotta" love that lake O fishery!
  22. Some great shots, Joey, could have done without the one of Wayne's butt leaning over the bbq !!
  23. Some nice fish, guys! Great when it works that first time out.
  24. Way to go Pete!! Welcome to the world of Legend owners.
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