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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Went there for a week last year. Never fished the outpost side, but, found slow presentations worked the best in the areas we fished. Heading back the last week of August. Bob and his family have instilled some great catch and release rules on larger fish and are working with the ministry to turn Windermere into the trophy lake it has the potential to be.
  2. Gargantuan laker. Congrats on an amazing catch, and, good luck with the replica mount!!
  3. Cool report, I also was surprised to see musky there. Sounds like you had a good time.
  4. Welcome aboard, great report.
  5. Me too, very interesting read!
  6. I agree with Roy...33 fish is a good/great day, ten hours on the water or not! Whatever you were doing, repeat the technique next time you are out. Suicidal fish or not, your methods definitely produced.
  7. BE-YOU-TEEEE-FULLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, to win the lottery.....
  8. Absolute hawg, Jamie! Well done, have to love those submerged trees.
  9. Great little report, awesome fish. Really love the dog/moose shot!!
  10. Two weeks from today everyone! Juli, the boys and I are all set to pitch in where needed. Looking forward to seeing everyone again, as well as meeting some new participants.
  11. What an intense read! Anyone that does any Great Lakes trolling should take the time to check this out. Thanks for posting!
  12. Will and Phil...a couple of wild and crazy guys go bassin'
  13. Great stuff, love seeing the kids fishing. Some really nice smallies with a beauty bow thrown in.
  14. Great stuff Rich. I've seen many of these on FB, but, they are definitely worth another look!!! That one cat is amazing!!
  15. Do you?????????????????? Nobody is saying we are perfect, just pointing out blatant examples of carelessness.
  16. I hear you Lew. Started a thread last year, after watching a guy (older gentleman, not a kid) open his packaging in the Walmart parking lot...then just drop it on the ground. Moments later a young couple pulled up, he removes a Timmies cup from his vehicle, and drops it on the ground. By this point I had enough, walked over to his vehicle, picked up the cup and put it under his windshield wiper...hopefully it made him think (although I doubt it)! So, it isn't just anglers. We truly live in a "messed up" society. Makes you wonder who raised these people.
  17. Great report buddy, well worth the wait. Enjoyed hearing about your trip this past weekend, but pics are worth a thousand words...fish pics are worth two thousand. A well deserved getaway. Hope you have just as much fun at Temagami!!!!
  18. Wicked fish!!! Well done!
  19. To elaborate...four of us, two years ago...through the rotation five times, 20 fish landed. PLUS Lloyd is all about a safe, enjoyable time on the water.
  20. Great post Dan!! Looks like one heck of a great long weekend!
  21. Awesome thread Chad!!! Juli and I will see if we can dig some up
  22. They look good Vince. Hope you nail some beauties on them!
  23. Oh, baby!! You've got me fired up for sure now. Nice shooting, buddy! G definitely has the fish Gods on his side as far as right rod at the right time, lol! I'm with you, can't wait to see Juli tie into one, it's been a long time coming. Just need those winds to cooperate for one of the next three days.
  24. Great stuff buddy! Looking forward to the Gowganda report and pics.
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