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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Great report. Can't wait to see the pic of the 31"er!!!
  2. Great family report!!! Looks like a great time with some bonus fish!
  3. Fantastic Ryan!! Nice to see you kicking back for a bit buddy! Think Juli, the boys and I might join in on the camping next year. It truly was a great weekend!
  4. Very nice hawg! Congrats on the PB!
  5. Couple other things I wanted to say. As participants in all but the first event, it is amazing how much this has turned into a family gathering. The second Fish-A-Thon (our first) had, literally, a handful of kids. The last two events have had many children participating, and, it gives me hope for the future of our sport, as well as the future in general!! Also, I find myself meeting more members of the OFC everytime. Was great to finally meet Spiel, aka the "rod-master" and his family! The perch rod he built and donated was a thing of beauty. The plastic it was wrapped in weighed more than the rod! Thanks, from both Juli and myself, for the comments all!! Hope all who participated have had a chance to check out the Photobucket link and copy any of the photos of themselves that didn't make it on this post.
  6. Sorry, all, the link I posted earlier was incorrect. Try this one...password Curecancer http://s982.photobucket.com/albums/ae306/FRANKIE65_2010/Fishing%20For%20A%20Cure%202012/
  7. Hope you both can make it next year!! As for big fish wager, we didn't do it this year. Seriously, Juli and I maybe fished for 2 1/2 hours. Most of our time was spent helping out, and, I wouldn't have it any other way, wasn't even going to bring our boat, and, the main reason I did was so we could get some shots of everyone else fishing. I think my massive bluegill edged out her rock bass, lol!
  8. Just realised I forgot the group shots, doh!! My lovely lady in action
  9. It's all over for another year!!! Hard to believe, but, a years worth of planning and work came to fruition Saturday, July 21st with the fourth annual Fish-A-Thon. As in each of the past years the event continued to grow. More participants, more sponsors, and...MOST IMPORTANTLY...more money raised for the fight against the deadly disease that has touched nearly all of us!! I will let Dan and Ryan chime in with the numbers when they get a chance. As a teaser though, last I heard we were over $14 000! We all couldn't have asked for a better day. The weather was perfect, and, definitely contributed to the joy that was shared by the participants. The size of the smiles made up for the lack of size in the fish, except for a carp that measured out at almost 30" to win big fish of the day! The toughest part of this whole post is narrowing it down to about 55 pics or so. We are going to include a link at the end of the photos that will give anyone the opportunity to see/copy any of the 300 photos. As volunteers for the event Juli, myself, Carl, Caelan and Ceagan would just like to say thanks to all who were there yesterday to make it such a great day. Once, again, I will let Dan (the sponsorman) chime in with the thanks to all the sponsors. I will say that a certain lady from Dixie Tackle once again went above and beyond!!!!!!!! Anyways, enough of my yapping. Here's the pics from registration through to wrap up. Oh yeah, anyone that was involved yesterday give yourself a round of applause, people and participation are what makes this event what it is! Enjoy! The best for last...with a whopping $1400 in pledges!! Amazing work, Tom!!!!
  10. Nice walleye, bud!! Always nice to try a change of scenery.
  11. Yikes, Simon!! Thrashing fish??
  12. All the best on your B-Day, Roy!!
  13. I usually am too, Brian, but, the skin on specks is amazing and, when cooked properly, you can just pull those bones right out in one piece! Looks fantastic Jacques!!!!!!
  14. Lots of great advice on this thread. I agree with many here, don't rush into something that will put you in debt for that long. I purchased my Legend Pro Sport three years ago used, lucked out and found a virtually brand new 2009 model for a great deal. If you can last the rest of this year without a boat, wait until fall, THAT is when the best deals are to be found!
  15. Nice Will!!! She modified that pledge to make it even better. Ten bucks flat rate + a dollar for every inch of our largest fish caught. See you on Saturday! Once we get everyone launched, Juli and I will head out in my Legend for a bit of fishing and ALOT of picture taking, lol!
  16. Just received a pretty cool idea for a pledge from one of my sponsors. She has pledged $1 for each inch of the biggest fish that either myself, Juli or one of the boys catch. Won't be the largest of pledges, but, creative for sure. We weren't planning on fishing too much this year, more of a working role, but with incentive like this might just have to shoot for a big carp, lol!!
  17. That rumble you heard/felt was my stomach!!! Nicely done Jacques, everytime I see your speck reports it brings back memories of slogging through the brush with my old man.
  18. Have the happiest of birthdays G!! Hope you catch a bunch of beauties up at Temagami in a couple weeks!! See you soon buddy!
  19. Great day on the water Bob!! To the naysayers on perch and walleye, beautiful....more for the rest of us!!!
  20. Congrats Chris!! You guys nailed some beauties
  21. If you do a quick Ebay search you will find this sale price compares to the regular price in the US...throw on $6.50 in tax to balance out shipping. Works out to an okay deal, plus if something does go wrong with it CT, for the most part, is quick and easy to deal with. Still one of the best bangs for under $100.
  22. Great report and pics!! Can't beat the beauty of the north and those fresh fish dinners. Not to wish away my whole summer, but, I can't wait until the last week of August when Juli, the boys and I are up there!
  23. Don't beat yourself up Mike. It will happen. What you and the mrs. Did with your auction was amazing! Really looking forward to seeing you both again. Juli will be hobbling around snapping mega pics, and my "orders"from Dan Are dock duty, so I'll be helping get everyone launched in a timely manner. Fingers crossed for good weather, guess Ryan has been in the same boat as me this week, so we should both be healthy for the event!
  24. Good luck!! Hope you remembered your Team 4 Sign, lol!! Sounds like a great experience.
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