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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Awesome post, thanks for sharing it with us. Gotta love those big Northerns.
  2. Diggy, great report. As for the negative comments, take em with a grain of salt. I fish smallies alot on the Ottawa and would love to get my hands on some Slammers to give em a try. What is the name of the company, and where can I purchase some of these? I look for them in every tackle shop I go to in my neck of the woods and have never seen them.
  3. I love your reports Splash. Look forward to reading more of them. Nice fish.
  4. Nice Northern Lefroy. My brother spends quite a bit of time on that lake. His wifes sister has a cottage on Talon. Did you manage to get any walleye? My bro says the walleye are really hard to catch. He can't seem to figure them out. Hes tried everything from live bait, worm harnesses, crankbaits, jigging with not very much luck. Hes even brought some of his buddies up there to help him try and figure them out but to no avail. He has wanted me to go up there and show him how it's done but I have never been able to get up there yet. He says the largie and northern fishing is really good, but its the walleye he's after. I told him to talk to the local bait shop guys and pick there brains but they tell him the same, hard to catch. I am going to try to get up there this month to check it out. Does anyone have any tips for walleye that I might try, to help these guys catch a snack. I will be going for lm and Northerns first but a snack of walleyes is always a good thing. He did buy a few crankbaits from the local bait shop that have increased their catch a bit but not great by no means. I forget the name of the crankbaits but they are made in Poland. I have never fished the lake before so not looking for anyones spots just what technique has worked for you on Talon. If I'm not mistaken there is a slot size for walleye on Talon anyone know what it is and how is the lake for shoals and obstructions.
  5. I have aways been fascinated by wood carving. I was in the art business for around 20 yrs and attended many art shows to sell my wares. The shows put on by local conservation groups brought out the wood carvers in droves. I would watch them for 3 days working on a piece from a block of wood and was blown away with the talent that these individuals have. My favorite was the waterfowl pieces. There are some carvers that make actual working decoys, they are getting rare as time goes on. Can't see myself using them for duck hunting though cause my buddy would end up shooting them full of bb's. I think they used the phrase "smoothies" if I'm not mistaken. They were more about shape than detail. Good luck with your new hobby.
  6. If your catching 6,7,8,9 lb bass There must be 3,4,5 lbers around. Are those upper end weights confirmed on a good set of scales or are you just guessing? All the small ones you have to fish through signify a healthy population. And the MONSTERS signify good sustainability. The midrange sizes gotta be there somewhere. In 30 yrs of bassin my biggest smallie is 6.5 lbs and he looked almost prehistoric he was so old and almost black in colour. I would give my left you know what for a 9 lb bass either lm or sm. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I don't believe you but bass in the upper size you mentioned are very rare anywhere in Ontario but I'm pretty sure there out there somewhere. I just haven't found them yet but I'm still looking. My hats off to ya bud.
  7. I don't use mono that much anymore, but when I do, it's definitely Stren Original. It's been around forever and proven itself over and over again. Give it a spin.
  8. Atta boy, you don't catch them everyday out of the Ottawa. Any wallleye I have ever caught in the Ottawa in that size range have all been in under eight feet and mostly in the spring time shortly after season opens.
  9. I would just get 18 to 20 inch black steel leaders 30 lb range and have at er. Pike arn't line shy. If they are going to eat your bait, they will eat it, leader or not. I have caught lots of nice Northerns and have never used flouro leaders when fishing them.
  10. Nice job lads. Those are nice Northerns, I'm guessing that 38 is around 17lbs hes got decent shoulders on him.
  11. I picked up my new phone yesterday. It's not a Iphone though, bought the Acer Liquid outright no contract. I think I will be happy with it. Now comes the task of learning how to use it. My first android.
  12. Honestly I wish I could help you but I'm not sure I understand exactly what your saying.
  13. Whatever, this is dumb. Just saying
  14. Musky and specs I'm pretty sure there aint no crappie in there there big rock bass. Not sure if your allowed dogs there, guess you will have give em a call. I have caught some nice northerns there in the 36 to 42 range but always while targeting smallies. I live an hour away and whenever I go there it's for a really good fix of smallie action. I can tell you one thing none of the smallies in that lake have a membership at their local gym. They are so gawd awful fat and outa shape it's sick. And when they realise there hooked the pull like a husky, haha. Not only that but its hard to find a prettier lake in this neck of the woods and theres thousands. Bring one rod for Northerns and all your bass gear, try and rent a boat and motor if you can, if not put your canoe in at the B'bay launch and fish the top end. Alot less paddling and you will be into more really serious bass fishing with a good chance of a big northern. The b bay end of the lake provides good protection from the wind if it comes. Looking out on the lake from the launch fish the left side to the end of the bay about a k or so then do a 90 degree across the bay and fish the right shoreline around the island. That will take you on the other side of the causway and you can't get better than that for fishing in a canoe.
  15. If you have never been there before, I guarentee you will want to go back. The smallies in there are huge and theres lots of them. This time off year try the islands in the middle of the lake but watch the shoal off the largest one because it goes out about a 1/4 mile from the largest island. I have stayed at Chippewa a few times, it's a great place but I do most of my fishing up towards Barry's Bay. The bay that the B Bay public launch is in is good for largies also behind the causway can be really hot for largies as well its on the other side of the road that the launch is on. All the shoreline looks awesome but the main points produce the best for me. The marsh down the river from Chippawa can be awesome for largies it's down below the Combermere bridge. Not sure what the water levels in the river are like this year though. Pm me if you have any more questions. Good luck
  16. Long, long casts and the lightest mono you can get by on. I fish a lake for smallies you can see 22 ft no probs and if you see them they have already seen you and you ain't catching them. Drove me out of my mind till I figured them out. Best conditions are a nice pickeral chop and they become really agressive.
  17. I agree with fishfinder. Lots of lakes around here that are very close to Algonquin Park boundries and produce way better than in the park. Got that tip from an old game warden in a coffee shop about 20 yrs ago. Everyone zips right by them to get into the park thinking thats where all the good fishing is.
  18. All we ever use up this way is fresh dead minnows. I get the dude at the bait shop to save them for me. Have tried lots of different things some really stinky but dead minnows on a jig seem to work the best. Been fishing them this way for a long time.
  19. I grew up on the rapids and have done a few crazy things with the boys but that is just insane. Good to hear they made it out okay.
  20. I'm thinking a juvenile rosebreasted grosbeak as well.
  21. Get a kids rubber boot and fill it with sacrete, while wet put in a muffler clamp and let it set up. The rubber prevents your canoe from getting all scuffed up.
  22. Cheaters I hate cheaters, and have no pity for them.
  23. I love fishing docks. I usually skip tubes most of the time. I have got snagged on ropes and docks but never boats. I feel its my duty to retreive my hook when snagged and have no problem getting out of my boat to do this, whatever it takes to get my tube back. If the dock is being used or people are swimming I just move on to the next one. I remember fishing a dock one time and the couple were in their cottage watching me out the window. I got a tap and set the hook and the fight was on. Well they came running down to the dock and all I could think was oh oh here we go. Well They watched me land the fish and were all excited and wanted to know what I was using and how did I know there was a big fish under the dock. The miss's went and got her camera and took a pic of me holding a nice 5 lb smallie. We had a nice chat and I gave the guy a few tubes to try out. As we parted the dude says to me thanks for the clinic and the tubes son. So it was a good encounter. I guess maybe us folks up her in the valley think a little different, maybe were not as stressed out as the city folks. I was raised to treat people like you want to be treated and rarely have any issues arise while out fishing or in daily life.
  24. I would be upset too if someone hooked my upholstery on my boat. Your right craig there is idiots everywhere including some cottage owners who think they own the lake there on.
  25. Whats an Android phone? I am in the market for a new phone for work and don't know what to buy. Mostly used for calls, text and e-mails, photos as well. Any suggestions, I know nothing about this.
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