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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Another beauty piece of art under way Spiel. Looking great.
  2. Yah..that puts that wive's tale to bed aye !
  3. Low temps, above freezing, are also great for turning your place into mold heaven ! Winterize the plumbing and pull the main breaker when you leave. To use it in the winter...throw the breaker in and go out to fish. When you get back it's up to heat...floors cold...but up to heat. Wanna use the toilet...get buckets of water from the lake and just dump them in when you can't take the smell anymore...and plunger and re-antifreeze when you leave.
  4. Noticed the same on my Lowrance LCX-112 today, out on the Bay...it thinks we have "fallen back" already...since some scientist (not douG) changed the date time changes this year.
  5. I hear yah Don! Gusting 73 KPH right now in Penetang...but it's supposed to drop down below 20 for tomorrow. Had better..Terry and I are hitting GBay. Shawn...don't write it off yet...get up early and check the weather. If not snuggle back in.....
  6. Haven't come up with one for mine yet Cliff. Was gonna put Nightmare Express on it for the first while... Had "Loon a sea" on my last boat.
  7. Like the grouse Deano! Lakair this year. Friday fish fry on Tombstone rock.
  8. Supposed to be down to 20KPH for morning Shawn. http://www.windguru.com/int/index.php?sc=148
  9. Looked like a great day out Bud and they are lucky lads to have you as a "teacher"... for sure.
  10. I'd better stop after this one .. before I go through all 10,000 or so pics I have on my computer.... lol
  11. July storm rolling in on Lake T
  12. It lost a lot of zaz when I had to get it below 250KB...looked really good a 2Meg
  13. Trapper cabin on Florence Lake..south end of Smoothwater/Lady E PPark.
  14. Because it's easy to hide defects in forged documents by laminating over top of them..based on technology we had a decade or so ago to do so. Now that you can scan, photoshop, etc you can make what ever you want for a document (like temporary paper boaters cards), so laminating may not be such a big deal,,,but someone here on OFC was charged for his copied/laminated vessel licence last year and had to go to court with the original to have the charge withdrawn. I have photocopies in nothing but a zip lock bag in our steel work boat. It's just thrown in the bottom of the rubbermaid container that we store our lifejackets, rain coats and safety supplies in. The inks a bit runny after a few years of getting moist from condensation etc...but OPP didn't have an issue with it as late as first week of September this year. I always have a spare photocopy in the cottage and home in file for when/if it can't be read anymore.
  15. Life used to be so simple when you just threw your own garbage over the back 40 fence...and the closest neighbour was 5 miles away... ..and what Whopper and Musky or Specks said !
  16. When there's a will..there's a way bud! Beauty Chris...now get to work on the rod will ya... before the seasons gone.
  17. When you are flipping to B/W..is this just selecting "grey scale" in Paint Shop Pro or ??
  18. The newer vessel licenses coming out of Services Canada are printed on a lazer printer with absolutely no signatures. Can't tell the difference between a photo copy and original. The older ones had signatures..but I've shown damp/runny copies of them to the OPP as well in both my Glastron and steel work boat without incident. I only carry photocopies of vehicle ownership in our trucks/cars and it's legal. There was someone here on OFC that claimed he was charged showing a copy and had to go to court to show the original to have the fine waved. I think he just found an officer that was PMS'ng or he'd ticked him off....or if I remember correctly he had the copy laminated...and that's a NO NO
  19. It's illegal to laminate any government documents any more PT and has been for over 24 years.. as all our kids have paper birth certificates that are a PITA compared to my laminated one I've had for 45. Best you can do is a zip lock bag.
  20. Well they're guesstimates and estimates...but it does confirm the 10 to 15 minutes they state on the bottle! LOL
  21. Yah..about that..at 1500 you're probably buring .8 GPH if it's a 4 stroke. 10 minutes would be about .13 gallons and I'd think that would cover the fuel feed line and carbs fairly well. 15 minutes would guarantee it. I've got three bottles of Stabil in the Lund...just gotta remember to dump it in while fishing BOQ next month.
  22. I figure about 3...maybe 4 beers Dan!
  23. What did you do...move that blue/platinum POS that was blocking the view Brian?
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