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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I wouldn't count on make that trip unfortunately. Not gonna happen...
  2. Bonus for me I guess, as I've always demanded ZERO free advertisment logos or plate wraps on every vehicle I buy. Last one was my '18 truck and the prep guy had stuck a Bourgeois sticker on the tailgate. I requested it's removal and with reluctance salesman tore it off.. and the clear coat. Tail gate then swapped from another truck for me and a sticker put back on the other....
  3. You'll have a hard time launching in Penetang or Midland. Shot I grabbed while we were out doing some essential travel to the banks outer wall deposit slot.
  4. Hey... you've been to mine and know it ain't no very expensive high mortgage cottage. It's a dump and paid for and when I decide it's time to be there I won't need no launch ramp... LOL
  5. If the address on your drivers licence isn't the address where you are... then it's not your permanent residence.
  6. Yep, posted today. Should help further divide an already divided community. Many there claim they are permanent residents as they go to NZ for the Winter and live at the lake for the Summer as their only Canadian residence, yet we're only considered "Seasonal" residents and we're there longer than many of them from Mother's Day Monday into mid October. No matter to me.. I don't need a launch to get to my camp and have three boats on shore! ....not that we plan to go up anyhow until this is done, other than me alone checking the place for security at some point..
  7. I did say possibly ! Someone brought it in and it wasn't the residents. So it was either a PSW, Nurse, Admin staff, visitor, or?
  8. Sorry Big Guy.. but you admittedly have a wife that tested postive early into this, possibly took this into a home unknowingly where many residents are now deceased and you're buying into this nonsense that it's a scam...
  9. 21" of ice on Lake Temagami and only the top 4 is white... !!
  10. Well we all know JT drove himself there and back.. no rotating staff coming or going with him, or his family, etc.
  11. Well within guidelines.. lol... I'm not supposed to walk next door and visit my own son.
  12. Think of it like Hydro One Terry.. Paying New York to take power at night and then charging us triple for it as Peak in the Day time!
  13. As Terry points out your hose watering a garden uses more water than a power washer !
  14. Looks more like a Rum still to me...
  15. 👍 Plenty of water comes out of the well/tap, milk isn't essential... well until the wife runs out of Baileys for her morning coffee ! Hell even I'm down to 1.25 litres of Pepsi a day and any that know me know that's a major stretch from the usual 5! But I've taken this thread South.. back to batteries. If your charger is working properly you shouldn't be boiling them down/dry to need a top up!
  16. Everything "public" is cancelled from now 'till NEXT Fall. No concerts, no fishing tourneys, no car shows.. even Moparfest has already cancelled this years event in Kitchener.
  17. I'm most amazed at how people know what's in stock and what's not on a weekly basis. I haven't been in a grocery store in 32 days.. and that was because I had to pick up a postal package, as the foodland is our depot! That said, I've put normal tap water in radiators and batteries for decades with zero negative effect.
  18. Exactly, I have gallons a day dripping on the ground outside my shop that I keep at 25% humidity.
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