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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Edit.. makes no sense now.. with threads getting combined... lol
  2. .. of course you don't Rickster.. and that's the entire point. You do it because you want to and I've never seen anyone sent a bill for burning down half of Ontario because of an unresponsible camp fire.... despite the $5000 PER HOUR cost of a water bomber!
  3. I've got enough to "ponder" right now Hun!! Shouldn't matter who.. what... why... save their ass and tell their mother on them later! As noted earlier.. it's all covered in our income taxes.. or property taxes. The municipalities budget covers it one way or another.. and BTW.. "volunteers" get paid!
  4. Yah.. I'll give her two Jon !! She just found out late today that they've bumped her surgery out until Next Thursday... the 7th of Feb.
  5. Now there's some regular Leaf's vocabulary !!
  6. Sure you can.. a 3' x 4 door that swings forward.. is a 3' x 4' door that swings forward. The window in the airplane is actually bigger than my trucks. Part of the issue... if you drop through quick is disorientation... and that's the best part of the dunker machine... it teaches you after a few trips down into the pool how to survive the ordeal.
  7. I am serious though... if you wanna give it a try just let me know.. and I'll let you know next time the dunker guy is in the area. You won't get out of that cabin with a float suit on! It's hard enough figuring out where you are and getting out alive in street clothes.
  8. Bill... did you buy a full truck load of corn flakes and a tanker of urine lately??
  9. Why not Mr. Musky.. it's a way of life for many! Next time I go to the lake.. we'll park in town and go out to camp on sleds. You can spend a day or two shuttling the weeks worth of gear to camp from the highway!
  10. For anyone that thinks they can get out of a submerged.. water FILLED vehicle with a life jacket on... I invite you to prove that you can, next time "Bry the dunker guy" comes back to town. Bryan has a rig that puts you in an airplane cabin that slides you down a slope and it flips upside down when it hits the water (pool) to simulate flipping a float plane. Don't worry... he uses two or three scuba divers to retrieve you before you drown.
  11. There's a reason I wear a MANUAL inflate life vest when flying floats in the summer... you can't get out of a submerged aircraft with an inflated life jacket. Truck window down.. ski jacket on.. running shoes generally.. no seat belt and a speed to suit ice thickness. There's no room for bulky suits if you need to shoot out that drivers window before the doors make it to / through the ice.
  12. Yes Frank... noise reduction.. mine has an upper .. generally set to medium or high.. and a lower, generally set to low or medium
  13. Frank.. I use my 102C and it was a nightmare to get set up correctly. Anything above about 90% sensitivity and my screen will actually go solid black. Turn the sensitivity down.. ping speed to 25% (you're not moving.. unless you're on Erie maybe...). And just keep playing with settings 'till it gets better. Considering ice this year (other than for NWT Dave)... I probably don't have to say make sure the transducer is below the ice..
  14. Yep Buck.. just wish they had of given us a date 5 weeks ago when they said they would. Would have made planning a LOT of stuff we need to schedule so much easier. At least this surgery isn't going to be a 14 to 16 hour finger biting affair. Supposed to be about 3 hours. Heart rate.. probably still the same for all involved!
  15. Great stuff Tony! 500 feet vertical or horizontal from vessel or sole.. unless landing or taking off, guess he must have been going around after seeing people....
  16. Glad to see that background disappeared....
  17. I'm wondering what he called his mother... but a common theme with the Barrie Police dept... Unfortunate there's no sound... would tell a better tale.
  18. On the fast track... had her MRI this morning. CT scan, plastic surgeon appointment and pre-op appointments all combined tomorrow between 10 and 2 ....thanks to a Neuro's secretary with a heart !!!! Surgery to remove the effected skull bone and any effected surroundings on Thursday. Cross what ever you have for her when you get up that morning! Gonna be another long day....
  19. God Speed to Bob, Mike and Perry. No closure for your families sure sucks! October is going to be a long wait...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ecmilley


      terrible for sure i was hoping thet found them alive


    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      How sad,heard also the rescue is off for a while.Must be terrible not being able to help.

    4. irishfield


      Off "for awhile".. they are leaving them there until at least October and doubtful that happens either. Perry was a Collingwood lad that got his AME licence working for good friends of mine in Orillia/ Brechin and beyond.


  20. I bet it's plugged in each night Bill. My 102C eats two batteries by 3pm in the afternoon... starting at about 8am. If I stay inside with it on the lowest intensity it gets me thru the day 'till dusk. Terry's HDS-5 is dead by days end on two as well. I've actually started plugging my "box" in during the move on the sled with a Y adapter into my heated helmet cable to give it some charge on the run between spots.
  21. I'd say about 3.25 " from the picture!!
  22. she still has it.... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/S3DhXcQepbY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/BITE3g7lSkw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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