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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. Thanks vance, much appreciated!
  2. absolutely incredible! some real monsters.. and the numbers, just wow. My dream fishing trip.. haha
  3. Morning everyone, was just wondering if anyone knows of any up to date websites or any knowledge of any pike or bass tournaments this fall. Any information would be great. I have been hunting online and am only really coming across circuits and the larger tournaments.. the smaller ones seem to have dead links and phone numbers that don't work. Thanks in advance! Cheers, Jb
  4. beauty muskie, stony lake is a great lake.. real dangerous at night haha
  5. actually it was up the credit a bit, under the QEW
  6. The amount of shots fired does matter. The pause between the first 3 shots and the following 6 do make a difference.
  7. hunnnttsssvillleeee

  8. very nice!
  9. very nice, sounds like a great day!
  10. I sample the mouth for the creek for the city of TO and frequently run into the Toronto Regional Conservation Authority out there, you'd be surprised what they've caught! Of course they're using that electroshock system haha but its always interesting to see whats hanging out in the waters!
  11. nice fish! funny shirt too ahah
  12. nice fish, too bad you didnt win!
  13. what an amazing trip, i am unbelievably jealous!
  14. really?
  15. you might want to use the hooks with the bullet weight at the top and texas rig if you are fishing that deep, wacky rigging generally drops slowly (i use it in 10 fow usually)
  16. woah thats intense!
  17. bolland and clarkson are from mimico! a neighbourhood with its own identity with in toronto! lacrosse town too!
  18. Ouch, someone's a little defensive..
  19. leaf fan?
  20. i saw this happen between 2 massive male swans on lake ontario around col. sam park - had to interfere as there were about a dozen people screaming in horror from the beach, it was pure chaos
  21. if i move to edmonton i leave the ontario lakes behind.. sigh, decisions decisions!

    1. kickingfrog


      If the rain keeps up much longer Alberta is going to be one big lake again.

    2. HTHM


      Yes, but you will have the northern alberta lakes to fish...

    3. misfish


      And lots of big deer and lots of duck hunting,thats if you are into that.

  22. Yea, that kills me as well because it sounds like they are trying to justify what they are charging in their own mind.. so frustrating.
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